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JUNE 2009 BRIDES post

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Hi Gail,

We are date twins! Can you believe we will be getting married in less than 6 months.


I am currently working on a photographer and picking a monogram. I haven't decide what I am going to do with the monogram yet BUT I know I want one.


This site is a lot of help. A lot of brides to a lot of DIY projects but not all.







Originally Posted by Gail View Post
Hi everyone,


I am a June 11th bride.

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elefant.gifHey Ladies! Where are we all athuh.gif Our weddings are fast approaching!!! So far, we have about 55 people booked and counting, I got my dress, still looking for MOH dress and BM outfit, and we found a suit for FI... We are also doing a site visit in the beginning of March to check out the resort and meet with the coordinator,,,, had to give this thread a bump!!
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Originally Posted by IndianBride View Post
Any June 6th brides here? I need a motivation partner - I can't seem to get myself out of the slump of not wanting to do anything!
I'm a June 6 bride and I'm totally with you! I hardly have anything done compared to these other gals. Here's what's done:

- site confirmed
- travel booked
- my dress
- STDs
- Invitations (ordered, arriving next week)
- OOT Bags ordered (also have playing cards, beach mats, dice, spanish books, sudukos and cross words)

Yikes! I think that's all that's done! Let's work together and see if we can help each other!
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Hi gals ~ well after going through a holiday slump I am slowly getting back on track...we are all less than 6 months out and that is starting to freak me out!!!!! BangHead.gif


I just had a bridal trial the other day with a hair/makeup stylist that I am hoping to bring with me to Mexico...but we'll have to see if we can work out the details/contract! Keeping my fingers crossed rolleyes.gif


Other than that, if you can believe this, I DON'T HAVE A DRESS YET!!! Yes I'm nuts, and I think I'm going to try stuff on this weekend. Yikes girl_werewolf.gif


PS -- I am sending out my invites mid to late March ~ I already sent out pretty detailed STD's in Sept. and most of my guest have already RSVP'ed and visited our wedsite wink.gif

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MarieSam, NO DRESS?!?! Definitely go shopping this weekend. I'm kinda freaking out myself because I still have so much to do. I just started getting back into doing things a couple days ago.


We aren't sending out invitations for the wedding because we know everyone who's coming as they have already booked. I willl, however, be sending out a reminder for people to RSVP on our website since we aren't sending out invitations.


The things I'm working on right now are all the small details:

-trying to find table runners

-guestbook & pen


-mongram parasol

-broom for jumping the broom

-hair ideas...way behind with this!

-OOT bags. I know the things I want but I don't know how far in advance I should get them since I don't know the accurate final number of my guests.

-picking a wedding cake

-I have to put together our menu


I am determined to pick a bridesmaid dress this weekend for my girls and get them ordered no later than the first week of feburary.


I'm not terribly behind schedule but it has the potential to get that way if I don't get back on the ball now.

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Hey ladies!! Things are getting hectic over here!! censored.gif


Still working on my invitations...But now they are all printed, its just a matter of cutting, scoring, gluing, putting them all together. My BM dresses are ordered and on their way in. smile03.gifMy next project will be the Mongrammed Drinking cups that I will be ordering off Ebay, as well as getting the GM outfits in order. AND I am no longer in love with my dress... So I might be getting a new one...shitfan.gif


OH and my FH is concentrating on his upcoming bodybuilding show which is amonth before the wedidng, so he is not alot of help....

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I am a June 6th bride also so let's help each other!!! MarieSam I thought I was the only one who was nuts! I just bought my dress tonight- I feel much better about it now b/c I was stressing out- Hopefully you can look this weekend! I am thinking about sending our invitations out at the end of February also because our guest are slow to get there reservations. When would be a good time for them to respond back on the invites? I was thinking end of April?

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