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April 2009 Brides Check In!

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Originally Posted by Kla.Kari View Post
I keep having those crazy dreams... you know where you are in the airport and someone asks "where's your wedding dress" and your response is "Oh CRAP!"......
These dreams are so stressful!! I had a few of them a couple of months ago and woke up crying my eyes out, then I realized it was time to start getting the rest of my list crossed off :)
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FI and I finally made up a to do list but I'm scared I'm missing stuff (our AHR is the weekend after we get back from Jamaica!!


contact caterer for AHR

give AHR DJ our playlist

Make up timeline for day and evening of AHR

Do ceremony script

ask someone to MC our AHR

but two more things for Welcome bags

write welcome letter

decide which clothes I will pack

print off important emails from WC and vendors in Jamaica (already made the folder so just have to print them)

make a packing list so I don't forget anything major (makeup, hair stuff, etc)

decide what I need in carry on bag

contact GM to make sure they got their beige pants

clean guest room so that guests can stay during AHR!!

Get photo guest book items ready for AHR

get bikini wax



who knows what else??!! could I be forgetting something?

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Originally Posted by Kla.Kari View Post
I keep having those crazy dreams... you know where you are in the airport and someone asks "where's your wedding dress" and your response is "Oh CRAP!"......
I had a dream similar to that! I dreamed we got all the way to Cuba, it was the day of the wedding and my mom said "oops, forgot your dress at home!" -I may stay over at her place the night before we leave to make sure it makes the trip....paranoid!
My coworker told me this morning that she had a dream I came into work wearing my wedding dress to show everyone what it looked like. She said it was very short and 80's-looking and I was wearing white tights as well and looking for compliments....LOL I guess everyone's excited for April!
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I'm doing my first fitting for my dress on Wednesday and I'm terrified that it's not going to fit!!!


Everything is really starting to sink in, all in one day I had a call the my dress had arrived, my veil was shipped, some customized gifts were being shipped, and we're getting packages everyday with gifts or something I've ordered.


I had my first shower last weekend and it was so fun smile29.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

it's almost APRIL!!!!! woot2.gif


I am not until the end of April so right now I feel like I have so much time left!


How is everyone else doing though? especially you all who are in the first week of April!?


Suprisingly I feel like my to-do list is shrinking and I am not really stressed about anything...just EXCITED!!!!!


Here are the big things I left to do, most will be accomplished this weekend and shouldn't be too time consuming!

-Order photobook with Bpics (it is all created, just need to order it!)

-Finish luggage tags and send out pre-travel packets (these will go out next week!)

-welcome book for OOT bags

-finish getting all of the things for OOT bags

-pick up my dress!

-Get FI's suit altered (that should arrive next week)

-Get parent's gifts...not quite sure what I am going to do for this yet!



Really that is all I have left to do! I feel like we could leave tomorrow and I would be ok if that stuff wasn't completed! (well i would need my dress and FI's suit!)

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Holy crap my ticker is down to days!!!

I have finally got the ball rolling on a lot of the things that needed to be done. I am actually kind of "stunned" by everything, now it is all starting to feel so real! I am super excited though and can't wait to see it all unfold!

To do/in process

-dress is in for alterations

-oot bags 99% done

-waiting on veil to arrive

-ordered FH gift today (hope it arrives in time)

....I am sure there is plenty more on the list but I don't have it with me right now.

I am actually thinking about starting packingon the weekend! YAY :)

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Its our legal day!!! And exactly 2 weeks to our wedding. We depart for Mexico in 11 days and almost everything is complete :) (AHR is another story, but a couple of months away)


Left to do:


Gift for my sisters

Welcome letter for OOT bags

Construct FI's starfish bout

Teeth Whitening

Paste ceremony reading into a decorative journal

Have FI's pants taken up a little

and the only stresser..... Pick up my wedding rings. Last we knew, the parts to make them were in, but they hadn't been put together yet.... eek!

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Ok, my ticker is down to days today!


-DWandMJ, good call on the teeth whitening; I have to do that too

-pick up FI's ring (this weekend)

-pick up FI's pants at the alterationist (this weekend)

-final dress fitting next weekend

-finish playlists for reception

-print off welcome notes for OOT bags

-finalize vows

-print off itineraries for wedding day

-bikini wax (so scared, I've never done it before!!)

-hair trial in 2 weeks

-bridal shower this Saturday!


I had my makeup trial at Sephora last night and it was fantastic! I've never gone there before for a makeup application and I loved the fact that it's FREE and there is no pressure to buy anything. Of course, I bought $250 of makeup though! embarrest.gif

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OK. I think I've been avoiding this thread because I have not done much. I have had two fittings for my dress and have not ordered my veil. I dont know what the hell I'm waiting for...LOL


Just have to figure out ceremony music; anyone has any suggestions of a good compilation CD?


Happy Planning to us all!! Dont forget to enjoy every minute!

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