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April 2009 Brides Check In!

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Hey girls! Now that the holidays are done I finally have some time to start working on some wedding stuff. It's weird, today for the first time I got really nervous about the wedding. I think maybe because FI and I just worked on our to-do list and I'm feeling overwhelmed?! I can't believe that my wedding will be here in less than 3 months! Crazy.


Things we have done since my last post:

-Sent out our invitations (yah!...glad to have that done)

-Picked out our wedding bands

-Bought a bunch of stuff for our OOT bags and made a personalized letter to attach to each bag

-Worked on our brochure to put into the welcome bags

-Picked up my dress


Things to do....

-Buy maid of honor dress

-Find jewellery, sandals, veil

-Create a brochure to send to guests prior to leaving

-Figure out wedding favors

-Decide what we're doing for our guestbook

-Make final purchases for OOT bags

-Make dinner placecards

-Contact resort wedding coordinator with a long list of things

I know that there is more but that's what I could think of off the top of my head.


Get ready girls...these next 3 months are going to fly by!

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Originally Posted by S2BLennon View Post
Aaaggghhh!!!!! Send me to the loony bin!
Send me too! I just had a mini freak out when I saw your ticker and it is now saying 2 months...!

It is coming fast girls!

I am trying to really enjoy everything that is going on now...i think I am going to be so sad when it is all over sad.gif
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Originally Posted by jhawkev View Post
Tell me about it, I'm starting to freak out now too!! I can't believe it's 2009.

This week so far I've ordered palm fans, feathers, and am trying to get my invites out. My hands hurt.
I'm so glad someone else is still working on their invites too! Because of our house fire I didn't get to them until this week but they're finally all done and now I just need to get the envelopes addressed...FUN! haha

FI's attire for the wedding came back from the dry cleaners and all the sut (sp?) from the fire is out and they look just like new again...thank goodness! So that's one stresser that I can leave behind now.

Like most of you the nervousness of getting everything done is definately kicking in but I'm so happy to say that I'm more calm then I thought I'd be. I think I will be able to relax and enjoy the whole process. Initially I really thought when we got this close that I wouldn't be able to just enjoy it but so far so good!! I'm more excited than anything else especially since I just got a new binkini from Victoria's Secret yesterday and it fits great! Can't believe I'll be wearing it in less than three months!!! YAY for all us April brides! We're almost there!
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I only just found this thread! I am an April soon to be bride too! I am feeling nervous, overwhelmed and all that stuff with the amount I have left to do. I feel like my mind is always on the things that have to get done but I am just going around in circles and not actually completing anything! I think I might actually work better under pressure, so I know some how I'll get it done.

So exciting though!! Soon ladies, real soon!! YAY!

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WOW! the weeks are precious for finishing all the DIY stuff at this point...

Working out and doing wedding planning. That is all I have time for

This weekend i had my first fitting for my dress- went well. I bought a new pair of shoes to wear with my dress- but I had to have them!

Anyway, I am in the middle of completeing my programs, my bubbles and my tissue holders..

I was introduced to the WC and went over the menu selections with her..

And I think that is it.

To do:

music list!

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Originally Posted by S2BLennon View Post
WOW! the weeks are precious for finishing all the DIY stuff at this point...
Working out and doing wedding planning. That is all I have time for
This weekend i had my first fitting for my dress- went well. I bought a new pair of shoes to wear with my dress- but I had to have them!
Anyway, I am in the middle of completeing my programs, my bubbles and my tissue holders..
I was introduced to the WC and went over the menu selections with her..
And I think that is it.
To do:
music list!
oooh my music list has been an ongoing process, I still need to get it all organized...once it is complete I will share my songs with you all in case you need any extras wink.gif

I agree with the weekends becoming consumed with wedding stuff now...it is exciting though!

If I am not a home working on DIY stuff then FI and I are out looking for other things.

Last weekend we FINALLY got registered at Macy's and this weekend we are going to hit up BedBath and Beyond, also need to get our bands ordered still

it is coming fast girls!
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I find I think I'm close to being finished, but there always seems to be more! Once my ticker went below 3 months I had a little freakout!

I still have to:

-purchase FI's wedding band (still looking for one!)

-buy MOH's dress, shoes, jewellry (going to see her in Feb)

-fix music...I keep changing my choices for processional/recessional and everything in between and am trying to make it "flow" nicely by changing start/stop times and fade in/fade out on my iTunes/my iPod...I am so not a DJ LOL

-get FI and his best man pants and sandals (they got their shirts before Christmas)

-write vows(?) again, going back and forth on that one too!

Also, I feel like I'm finished my OOT bags but keep buying more things to fill them...


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