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What was your wedding dream as a little girl?


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Originally Posted by gossip girl View Post
I have always wanted a beach wedding. Even when I was little I used to tell my mom I was going to get married in Fiji!

I think it may stem from an episode of Melrose Place when Peter and Amanda got married on a beach in cute casual outfits.
OMG - I totally forgot about Melrose Place!

Originally Posted by DallasAshli View Post
I remember watching Princess Di's wedding on tv and loving her looooooong train and veil. But I also thought I would have a degree, career, get married and have a kid by the time I was 25. Obviously, I had no idea how time worked :)
Oh I can feel you there! We did it all backwards with having kids first, then the house, and now the wedding.

Originally Posted by tvt View Post
i guess i always did tell my mom i wanted to get married on the beach. ever since i first saw the ocean i was in love. but my mom always said "everyone says they want to get married on the beach but no one actually does" to which i would say "i'm going to be the one that actually does" guess that turned out true!
Awww...how sweet! I never wanted a beach wedding. I don't even like water, heck - I can't even swim!! FI wanted it and I love him so much that I agreed. Now I couldn't imagine it any other way. blush2.gif

Originally Posted by Yari View Post
So cute!!!

I realized in my mid 20's that I wanted to get married on the beach. Noone believed me...LOL look at me now.
Yeah Yari...check you out! I am LOVING your new pic! TOTALLY YARI-LICIOUS! foshizzle.bmp
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I dressed up like a bride 3 years in a row from ago 6-9! My mom made me a white dress with little pink flowers sewn on, and a veil!!

When I was 9-10 I drew a picture of my wedding.

I wanted to get married on Christmas eve after midnight mass... everyone leaves except our families and the choir of course! After the ceremony we went to bed, won't want to miss Santa Clause of course, then wake up, do presents and have a huge breakfast feast! I still LOVE breakfast! And Christmas!

Wasn't a bad dream to have! Too bad our families are so spread out! And I have no choir connections, ha!

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Nope...never did that.embarrest.gif I remember telling everyone that I wouldn't get married and that I'd be a corporate executive, who lived in a high rise penthouse suite with posh cats and a maid service. I also remember watching a movie as a kid about a marriage of convenience ...it was between two company execs and it was for the survival of their companies and I thought..."Sweet...I'm gonna do that...and create a conglomerate!" (Plus they fell in love! )....so I guess I was a weird romantic? LOL blush2.gif


LOL...sigh...oh to be 8 years old again! cheesy.gif

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It's good to read how some of us our in some way going to realize our dreams. My dream wedding to shape when I first heard the song Setembro on the Quincy Jones Back on the Block tape (yes..that long ago!) when I was 14. Not too long after hearing that inspiring song I admired Demi Moore's jeweled feet at the 1993 People's Choice awards and thought..bam..I am going to get married on a beach to the song of Setembro. I thought my dreams were dashed when my first wedding was shotgun style JOP with me 4 days away from giving birth and having contractions during the 5 minute ceremony. In May I will marry my soulmate the only man I have ever been in love with on a beach like setting while listening to Setembro...but I will be wearing 4" fuschia heels instead of jeweled feet. Apparently when I was younger I did not realize my ass would stay so short (I'm 5 and almost 1"...hehe).


Oh, I also dreamed I would marry George Michaelsmile35.gif

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Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
HAAHAA! OMG Erin - that is hillarious! I want a family estate too!
Well, I had the guy with all of the credentials and the family estate in Virginia (think My Best Friend's Wedding). It didn't work out between us, so I'm going with the beach was the best thing for me.

I used to tell a friend of mine that if we weren't married by 30, the two of us would go to Antigua and tie the knot! LOL
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When I was little, I would dream of a wedding dress not the actual wedding, so my dress more of a cinderella/ball gown, without a veil. my dress is more of a destination gown, not quite a ball gown type. even as a teen I didnt dream of a big church wedding, I was always on beach just daydreaming.

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