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Light the Night


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Hi girls and gents...


I am doing the Light the Night Walk on September 20th. I am walking in memory of a little girl named Laiken. She died a few months ago at age 13 after a three year battle with lukemia. She was on my step-daughter's cheer squad, so this hit home hard. The whole squad is participating in the walk this year, which I am sure will be a very emotional experience.


I know times are tough right now, but if you have any money to spare that would be great. Please don't feel obligated, I totally understand if you are unable to contribute.


Here is my link...thanks so much!


Fight for the End of Cancer

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I have participated in this walk in Toronto, the past 4 years with a friend of mine who is a survivor of multiple myeloma, also a 'blood' cancer. It is a very moving experience. I will once again sponsor my friend, Rhonda. I encourage everyone to help in whatever way they can.

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A friend of mine died from leukemia right before my senior year of college. He was on the list for a bone marrow transplant but a match was never found, most likely because he was an African-American and there are less donors of all minorities. His family has done a ton of events to get the word out. I am now on the donor list and received a screening call a few days ago. I may be a match for someone but there are tests to be done and I have a complication due to being treated for cervical cancer two years ago. I only received surgery twice but the National Marrow Center wants to be sure the patient only receives healthy marrow. So long story, Yari, I'm in-heading to your site now.

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Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
A friend of mine died from leukemia right before my senior year of college. He was on the list for a bone marrow transplant but a match was never found, most likely because he was an African-American and there are less donors of all minorities. His family has done a ton of events to get the word out. I am now on the donor list and received a screening call a few days ago. I may be a match for someone but there are tests to be done and I have a complication due to being treated for cervical cancer two years ago. I only received surgery twice but the National Marrow Center wants to be sure the patient only receives healthy marrow. So long story, Yari, I'm in-heading to your site now.
Wow, thank you.

I am on the donor list too. They had a donor drive last year for Laiken. She actually was matched earlier this year went through the surgery and died within weeks. I didn't realized how dangerous the surgery is. I do hope that I get called one day and told I am a match.
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I just saw this thread, so sorry so late sad.gif better late than never I suppose.

Anyway, I am also doing the Light the Night walk this Friday the 12th. I've never done this one but have done the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. We have a group at work I'm walking with & we've been raising $$ past few months to donate to the walk. In total, we have raised $2325.00 thru various fundraisers: BBQ, basket raffle, baseball ticket raffles, etc. It's really been a lot of fun & it's a great organization. Looking forward to this event, although I don't have a particular person I am walking for, I do know of a few ppl that are leukemia survivors, so they will definitely be in my thoughts.

Thanks for all you're doing Yari, you make a difference!!

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Congratulations on doing such a wonderful thing! I am sorry to hear about your daughters friend. I just finished walking the Breast Cancer 3Day last weekend and the friend I was walking for who had BC, developed Leukimia and died 2 weeks ago. This is a wonderful cause! Keep up the fight and the raise the awareness!

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