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Thought it would be fun to resurrect (sp?) this thread!


One thing about me you don't know about me is:


I played the violin from 3rd-10th grade when I quit because it wasn't cool anymore. Wish I hadn't quit because I've totally and completely forgotten how to play. It's NOT like riding a bike!

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Ok what you don't know about me


1. I entered a contest in high school for the whole state. I won first place (I was in 9th grade contestants were 9-12) My story was published.


2. I'm one of seven kids


3. I want kids more than anything but have some fertility problems so it's gonna take a while. I actually cry about this frequently especially when I watch a baby story and stuff on TLC. Or when I see how easy it is for other people to get pregnant. Sometimes at work (I"m a nanny) and she's sleeping, I cry b/c I wish I was at home with mine.


4. I was a nanny for an NBA basketball player with the Dallas Mavericks.


5. We already have plans to adopt children from Africa. I told my DH before we were married I would do it with or without him. thankfully he loved the idea.

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I have a lot of the same fears as some of you.


I'm terrified that once I get pregnant afterwards I will not be able to lose weight (I have such a hard time losing it).


I'm also scared of not been a good mother, of losing my freedom once I have a baby and of getting postpardum.


Oh! and I'm absolutely terrified of birds!!! any kind!!

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Okay let's see what I can say:

1.I am addicted to movies and they have to be in alphabetical order by genre on my movie shelf.

2.My parents have gotten back together after 15yrs of divorce.

3.I love the thrill of my job but I am scared shitless when I finish school that I won't be able to do it.

4.I own ten million bathing suits I buy them all the time and when I go on trips I usually end of filling my suitcase with just bathing suits cause I can't decide which ones to take.

5. I have never been to the US and can't wait to go travel there.

6. I am so jealous of my best friend and her brand new house they just built.


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Oooh.. fun thread! Hmm.. my life isn't very exciting though..


1. I used to have a motorcycle (Kawasaki Ninja) and LOVED riding around on it until I crashed and it was a write-off


2. Jayson and I met off a motorcycle site when we were both still riding our bikes.. I was with another guy at the time.


3. I take pole-dancing classes 3 times a week and LOVE it. I'm currently in level 6 which means I know alot more than most strippers out there! Plus I'm getting so much stronger and it's good for toning the whole body.


4. I'm not sure I want to have kids. Jayson isn't sure either so at least we are on the same page about this.


5. I love my cats to death. If anyone tried to hurt them I would probably kill them.


6. Jayson and I have our gun licenses and love going to the range to shoot them. My favourite is my hand gun but I'm pretty good with a rifle.


7. Jayson and I both also love photography and have spent ALOT of money on cameras and lenses and equipment. We are in debt because of all our hobbies but we have so much fun with them.


I guess that's about it for now..

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I have never dated anything other than Hispanic men and was almost on Jerry Springer one time because of it. Back in the late 90s (97 or so) they were going to do a segement on women who only date outside their race. A friend of mine called in for me and the producers called me back but I chicken out. Hello, Jerry Springer. No, thanks.


Not very exciting, but that's all I got at the moment! :)

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I have a few but I'm not sure they're very interesting:


1. I hate shopping crowds, to the point that I get claustrophobic. Concert crowds I'm fine with, but people in shopping malls and grocery stores just freak me out...I think it's all the unconscientious(sp?) behaviour when people leave their carts in the middle of the aisle, don't watch where they're going...drives me nuts


2. I have fallen copletely in love with the city of New York, in spite of the crowds...actually, the crowds there don't bother me at all. The people actually seem to pay attention to where they're going!


3. I'm slightly psychic. Silly little things really, nothing very big, ie: I'll randomly think of a song that I haven't heard in forever, and guaranteed it will come on the radio within the hour; or I'll think of a person I haven't seen in years, and I'll see this person within a day or two (on the bus, at the grocery store, on vacation)


4. I worked at a Tim Horton's coffee shop for eight years and to this day I can't step foot in one without wanting to gag. And I can tell when someone has a cup of Tim's coffee, the smell just seems to be drawn to me

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