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Local Sayings? What are yours?


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Originally Posted by JoLo908 View Post
Okay, I am from Jersey, and when I went to school in WV, I found out there are a lot of things that are purely Jersey... especially Italian foods and things of that nature... we say cawfee and dawg, and a drawer is a draw... Now, for foods... I worked in an Italian restaurant and even if you are not Italian you have to say them right... mozzerella is "Mut-sa-rell", Manicotti is "man-a-gut", Calamari is "colamad" (sounds like that), ricotta is "ra-gut".... omg, these look so funny spelled out, but I kid you not, some things if you say them how they are spelled, people think it's weird...This is too funny! Now I keep thinking of things!!

Best one "Jeet yet? No jew?" lol
haha i was going to post the jeet too. i say it alllll the time.
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Originally Posted by JoLo908 View Post
... I worked in an Italian restaurant and even if you are not Italian you have to say them right... mozzerella is "Mut-sa-rell", Manicotti is "man-a-gut", Calamari is "colamad" (sounds like that), ricotta is "ra-gut".... omg, these look so funny spelled out, but I kid you not, some things if you say them how they are spelled, people think it's weird...This is too funny! Now I keep thinking of things!!
I say all of them too. haha. Gosh i didn't even realize it till i saw your post.
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Isn't it funny? I realized this morning some other things I realized from college... we NEVER call sneakers "tennis shoes" like other people, or a winter hat is a hat not a "toboggan", and a shopping cart is a cart and not a "buggy"...it's so weird how things vary from place to place!

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I am from NC and grew up in a bit of a "po-dunk" town I guess. When I moved to Charlotte, I realized that I had an entire language that people had no clue about, just 30 minutes away!!


All I can remember right now...is:


We say that you "gig" someone, when you are referring to showing them your middle finger.


Now, I grew up with a Grandmother (we call her Oma) who has an extremely strong German accent...so many of the words I say are incorrect because I learned them from her...but that isn't local...that is just me.


Like I say stereo like Cheerio haha.

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A lot of people say pop for soda, but for some reason that bugs me as I have always called it soda. A living room is a front room, but pronounced fronch room. Da Bears, da bulls, etc instead of the. We refer to where people are from based on what side of the city they live on, or their area code. Sneakers or tennis shoes are called gym shoes. You all is you guys (even if your referring to girls). I know there's more, but that's all I can think of.

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Where I'm from (in Northern California/S.F. Bay Area) we say 'hella'.

~I'm hella tired, this thread is hella cool, my boss is hella mean, you're hella funny, etc.


I think it's trickled down-state because people in SoCal say it too now.


Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
I'm pretty much a southerner being born and bred in KY.


I can usually control my accent unless I am 1) drunk, 2) tired, 3) incredibly pissed 4) around the accent. Most people donâ€t hear it now and are always surprised. When I was little it was BAD!!!


I still say ya'll for you all.


Ima means I'm going to. "Ima stop and get a bottle of wine on the way home."


We "fix" to do things. I'm fixin' to go to the store, We're fixin' to leave in about 10 minutes.


Mainly words get really drawn out, everything must have 2 syllables (bo-oat, fi-ive, ni-ine, dawg), the last consonant gets dropped, especially g, half of our sentences end in a question -you make your voice go up in at the end, inflection.


I still say Miss when referring to young girls and old ladies at church. Now the little girls are starting to call me Miss too!


Every soda is a Coke. What kind of coke do you want?


And southern women always refer to their parents as Mama and Daddy. I don't care how old you are! We also have those stupid Mamaw and Papaw names for grandparents that I hate. I will not be teaching my children that!


There are things that I don't say like warsh (wash) or cincinnata/missoura (Cincinnati/Missouri).


Good thread, I'll have to think of some others.

OMG my husband and I are cracking up right now! His parents are from the South and he was raised to say everyhing you do. I haven't called my dad daddy since I was like 8...he's 30 and he still does :P


Also, my 8th grade teacher fom GA would say that if we got good grades on a test she would bring us a coke float, and it was always a root beer float LOL Thanks, that made me smile :)

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ha! my MOH says she has to waRsh her hair too!


I'm not really sure what Arizonians say, but ever since I moved here everything is "Oh HELL", "holy hell", lots of hells coming out of my mouth recently. I also say "it's f'ing hot" but that could just be because of the climate here! rolleyes.gif


Oh and my coworker asked if she could have some of my "bubbles" the other day during lunch. Turns out bubbles also means soda!

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