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I love Silver's hair. I knew Jessica Lowndes (Adrianna) from some Lifetime Movies that she did and she always had longer hair. So now I recognize her more than when she was on last season with her shorter hair. She does look a lot different with the two hairstyles though, which is kind of why I think they did that whole "We have a script for Adrianna" thing.


Teddy is such a douche. I had a feeling it might be him that knew about the Annie situation when they did the beach party scene and that woman came in ranting about her "cabanya." I just had a feeling that it was probably him.


What's up with Naomi and that old dude?! I wonder where that story line is going? Hopefully it's dead and over with because I really liked her with Liam.


You know, Annie is really starting to annoy the hell out of me. Remember how everyone hated Brenda on the original 90210. Well, that's how much I hate Annie. I have the urge to kick the tv screen everytime she comes on.

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I made Ryan watch it with me last night. He was yelling at Annie the whole time lol. I don't think he is a big fan. Why doesn't she just say something to someone? I hate it when they make a character like that. Just let everyone think they did something they didn't or whatever. She should have stuck up for herself with Dixon. Whatever, I wasn't sure what to think during the first like ten minutes. It seemed really different.

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