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Biting my tongue...

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God, I just have to say it---- I absolutely am *hating* my job right now. I am so sick and tired of the redneck racist a-holes in our company. And of course, it's all disguised with the PC-accepted bigotry statements of "I'm not a racist but I'm so tired of (insert race) claiming racism when they get fired" or they start talking about how they don't think there's any reason to have EOE/AA... Ummm, hello dum-F**K, you probably wouldn't understand in your little white wealthy republican world what unfair treatment is like. And it's the nasty crap they say too, that *isn't* disguised.... It just makes me want to scream!!!!





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I guess it would be hard to say something... but I can't stand those types of remarks. It's funny because people are supposed to be "professional" those comments are not professional....


Hopefully it gets better for ya!

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Ewwww.... I hope you can get out of that place at some point. From my experience the people who preface their BS with "I'm not racist" are the most racist. I have problems keeping my big mouth closed and have lost jobs over it so if you need that job I would wait until you find another one to tell them what you told us.


Wanna have some fun? Take those order now pay later forms out of every ethnic magazine you can find and fill out their home addresses. At the very least it will cause them stress. I once had a homophobic boss and I subscribed him to the gayblade and he griped about it all week (didn't know it was me, apparantly his wife didn't believe it was a mix-up). It doesn't solve anything but that was my best week ever at that job. Hang in there . . .

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
I once had a homophobic boss and I subscribed him to the gayblade and he griped about it all week (didn't know it was me, apparantly his wife didn't believe it was a mix-up).
That is too funny. Gives me an idea for some people I work with here.

Whenever anyone starts off a statement with some sort of qualification like "I am not trying to be rude" or "Im not racist, but" it always means the exact opposite. Its just a feeble attempt to soften the blow of what they are about to say. If someone is not racist, they would have no need to identify someone by their race. It just should not even matter.
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Mikki, that sounds like a terrible environment, imagine what they say behind closed doors if that is what they say in front of people. I actually have pity for people who are so ignorant that they feel the need to share their stupidity. I hope you are able to get out of this situation soon.

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unfortunately, racism is still in america...i was acutally told i was not allowed to golf at a course in bakersfield (the armpit of california) because it was a "private club"...but my bf at the time golfed there everyday with no problem until he brought me.


umm,...ok, like i really want to golf at your shitty course i was just looking to kill time while i had to stay in your shitty town because of a business trip.

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Originally Posted by host View Post
unfortunately, racism is still in america...i was acutally told i was not allowed to golf at a course in bakersfield (the armpit of california) because it was a "private club"...but my bf at the time golfed there everyday with no problem until he brought me.

umm,...ok, like i really want to golf at your shitty course i was just looking to kill time while i had to stay in your shitty town because of a business trip.
First, I'm sorry you ever had to go to Bakersfield in the first place.

Second, sadly what you say is true. My BF/MOH is Pakistani and she's been yelled at by cabbies in Chicago - all sorts of rasist sh*t about how she and her "people" ruined the US. She's like "dillhole, I was born and raised in Ohio."
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