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I was wondering if anyone has done these types of invitations before? I did a search here on BDW and saw a few that came close, but I'm talking about the fabric lined and covered boxes. Ideally I'd like to just have a company do it all for us, but price wise that might not be reasonable.


I tried to find out the pricing on them, but of course most places are only able to give pricing once consultation is done.


I did find one place online, and I swear for 150 invitations it would cost almost $18,000.00! thatswck.gif Which is simply CRAZY!


So I guess I'm trying to find out if there is anywhere that will sell me the fabric lined and covered boxes independently, and if there is another place separately where I could go to order my invites and assemble them myself. We have some pretty crazy ideas...


Any thoughts?


P.S. Sweet mercy why is it always that our best ideas are the most expensive?

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Here are Galit's DIY boxed invites



Prim and Pixie They make some, I am not sure if anyone has ordered boxed invites, however there are a few brides who have purchased their intives to PP. (try searching to see more)


Leia http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12594-4


Alyssa http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ht=prim+prixie



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Thanks ladies!


IslamoradaBride -Perfect! These are more along the lines of what I'm looking for. I looked through the site to get a better sense of what she offers, and saw a note that she's ill (melanoma). Let's all keep her in our thoughts and hope for successful treatment and that she beats it.


Amyh- Thanks! This could definitely be an alternative option.


Thanks again ladies. Any more ideas would be welcomed!

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Ooh, that Prim & Pixie site has me drooling! We're doing pocketfolds and they have tons of great inspiration in there.


I had no idea about the White Aisle designer having melanoma-- whoa! I hope she gets the treatment she needs to beat it. I did see on her blog that she'll open the print shop back up at the end of the week.

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