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My "White Linen" Wedding Shower - Sunday Aug 31, 2008

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Hey Girls, I thought I'd share my impending excitement - my two fantastic bridesmaids are hosting a ''white linen'' wedding shower in my honour.


I really don't know much about it other than the date and the time that I'm expected to arrive (2:30pm) It is being held in my mother's yard - she lives out in the country. I know that she has been working tirelessly on her gardens and patio.


I am really excited, and have decided to do something a little different - I am the first girl to be married in my family, and this shower is a really big deal to a lot of people, including my mother, and my second mother....


I have decided to present all three of my moms with gifts as a part of my speech/toasts - ever since my wine club shower, I am really into toasting... or maybe i just like the sound of tinking wine glasses, or maybe i just like the wine... I think it's the latter..


Here are my toasts....


I have come to love giving toasts; I hope everyoneâ€s glass is full…


Wow… today is incredible - thank you to everyone for coming today – I had no clue Iâ€d see so many of my nearest and dearest friends, my family, and my soon to be family.


Each of you has given me so much through our years together.

I could stand here for hours and thank each of you personally, but Iâ€ll keep this brief. Thank you to those of you who have traveled to share this day, I am thrilled that you have travelled to be here. To my dearest friends, without your love and support, I couldnâ€t have become the person I am today.


A toast, to everyone here today – thank you for all of your advice, support, friendship and love – There are two things that get better with age, friendship – and wine! – Salute!


We would not be congregated here today if it werenâ€t for the person encouraged a relationship between Chad and I. I remember being at the M Family's house and remember hearing “he is definitely a nice northern boyâ€. L (who is one of my best friends) your friendship, support, and encouragement lead me through many situations and to many places… but most importantly you lead me to FI.


A toast, to L – thank you for introducing me two of the most important men in my life, my gorgeous godson S, and of course my darling FI -- Salute!


I would like to introduce my bridal party, my bridesmaid - W and maid of honour S.


W and I met in grade nine, and have shared our lives together ever since.


Our friendship through the years has never wavered – weâ€ve been through the gamut and back again - through high school and couple wine spritzers – through university and a couple of bottles of whiskey – across the universe and back with a blender full of daiquiris - through a wedding and more than a few bottles of wine - and through the birth of your little angel, while you watched me I drink your share of the wine.


As time goes on we will continue to celebrate our lives, and believe me Iâ€ll be teaching C (W's daughter) a thing of two!


A toast, to W – Thank you for standing by my side as I take the biggest plunge of my life --Salute!



My sister S aka ‘the moose†she is my maid of honour; we met when she was born, and was too small to play Barbieâ€s with me.


The moose and I have become inseparable over the years, she has stepped up to the wedding plate in full force as the maid of honour; she likes to consider herself my wedding design expert.


Mooseâ€s love and support is unlimited, we are sisters through and through. We have heard several times that we look identical; I donâ€t know about that; but, we have also heard that ‘the moose†looks older than me; Iâ€ll definitely drink to that.


A toast, to The Moose / S – thank you for looking older than me, it makes me feel good! -- Salute!



I know that bridal showers are supposed to be all about the bride – ME! – But in my opinion today is equally important for my moms. They are the epitome of lifelong marriages; I am blessed to have three mothers who offer over ninety years of marriage advice. My parents D&A have been married for 35 years, FI's parents G&L have been married for 34 years, and my extra parents T&A have been married for 31 years.


This may be unconventional, and I may be breaking new bridal shower ground, but as much as Iâ€ve been honoured here today, I feel I need to honour the three most important women in my life.


A as my second mother for only fourteen years, I know that between R (my un-brother) and I have probably given you many reasons to drink wine.


Through many of lifeâ€s victories and defeats you have been there, as my biggest fan. I remember struggling to have enough university graduation tickets to ensure that you and dad could be there too, and my mother admitting that while I crossed the stage to accept my degree, she teared up, but you bawled.


Thank you for being so proud of me, for supporting me and being my second sounding board for many years. This statue represents the times weâ€ve had, as well as the times weâ€ve yet to have. (Give statue)


A toast, To my Mom#2, A – thank you for committing to being on the beaches of Varadero in January -- Salute!


Click the image to open in full size.


Families are defined as people who share a common start, and grow to share a common heart. I have always said that my family is small, so small that I can count all my first cousins (both sides) on one hand; and because of this, my mother has always taught me the motto ‘the more the merrierâ€.


Then there is the S (FI's dad's side) and M (FI's mom's side) Clans, some would think that this family is nearing on capacity, but Iâ€ve learned that big families have the same motto, ‘the more the merrierâ€.


L from the first time we met, I felt like a part of your family. Weâ€ve laughed, shared many fun times, like dancing the night away in Montreal after our engagement. You have not only welcomed me into your family, you have extended the invitation to my family. Family holidays and get-togethers have definitely changed. Thank you for welcoming not only me into your family, but for including my family as well.


(give painting)


A toast, to L – thank you for welcoming me to your family -- SALUTE!



I know that Iâ€ve thanked everyone here for all of their support through the years, but the fact of the matter is - I wouldnâ€t be here if it wasnâ€t for my mother. She has been my strongest supporter and my rock for 27 years. Every challenge Iâ€ve had she has taken as her own. Sheri and I are so lucky to have been raised under your roof; I really donâ€t know how Dad has survived all these years.


Most everyone knows that my mother is a collector, although some of the collections are rather bizarre, I know that one of your favourites is your collection of precious momentâ€s figurines.


I am pretty sure you began receiving them while you were pregnant for me – and the collection hasnâ€t stopped. On your first motherâ€s day you were given a precious moment, according to dad it was chosen because I was six months old and really liked eggs. This trend continued every year; each yearâ€s figure holds a different meaning. For your fifth motherâ€s day, dad and I picked out one that represented that a sister was coming, around the time of your 25th Motherâ€s Day, when you asked S (sister) and I to end the madness, and stop the precious momentâ€s tradition; this year you received your 28th motherâ€s day precious moment.


Today, I give you your last precious moment, I promise that from here forward I will never another you another… but I canâ€t speak for S.

(give figurine)


Click the image to open in full size.


A toast, to A – my mother – thank you for giving me the best start to my life, all the opportunity in the world and all the support to become the person I am today. I love you from the bottom of my heart – SALUTE!


Thanks again to everyone for coming; After all that toasting, I think I could use another glass of wine!



I don't have a pic of the painting that I found for my FMIL, it is a gorgeous oil painting, with birch trees and the quotation "Family, people who share a common start and grow to share a common heart" It is kinda folk/country artsy, not my style, but definately hers.


Wish me luck girls, and I'll have a full update next week!



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Hey Ladies,


Well my ''white linen'' wedding shower was on Sunday, and let me tell you it was amazing.


The event took place in my mother's backyard in the country. My sister (MOH) and best friend W (BM) went all out!


The food was absolutely amazing, in true Italian style - they put on a spread that could feed an army.


The day was smoking hot, about 33 in the sunshine, many of the guests huddled in the shade, but that was actually really awesome and allowed for a lot of intimate conversations.


The idea of ''White Linen'' came about when my bridal party decided that my linen closet was in dire need of an overhaul (they were right), I received a ton of bedding, towels, table linens, and house hold decor items. I was so spoiled!


The best present of all was from my Nona (my grandmother who passed in 2001), my aunt pulled it from the cedar chest, and as if she knew I'd receive it at a "white linen'' shower; pillow cases and linens that she'd hand embroidered.


I only have a few non-pro pics, from a friend, but I am too excited to share them with you right away!


my entrance to the party

Click the image to open in full size.


trying to be a lady in the hot hot sun

Click the image to open in full size.


my bridal party (MOH on the left and BM on the right)

Click the image to open in full size.


my wicked halter dress apron (I'm wearing it), and my BM with that damn ribbon hat!

Click the image to open in full size.


my Sister/MOH and my mom

Click the image to open in full size.


the mother of one of my closest friends

Click the image to open in full size.


There will be more to come when I get my pro pics!


I am anxiously awaiting the pics of my shower invite! Those are amazing!


I'll post them shortly.



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