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So I went to the Doctor Today...

Kelly C

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You need a spa day! A day of complete relaxation... even if you do it at home, just unwind for a bit, take a bath... and don't worry... everything will work out. Stress can make crazy things happen to your body... take everything one day at a time! I will keep you in my prayers, and your daughter!

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I had a feeling it was coming. Things at work have been really quite and a couple of weeks ago that let a couple people go. Then they took away our cell phones and wanted me to sign a no compete contract. Which I did not do. Good thing now. I kept telling my family I wouldn't be suprised if I showed up and the doors were closed. They kept telling me to hang in there. And here I am. Had a quite evening with the family didn't feel up to going out. My Girlfriends tried to get me to go to happy hour and FI wanted to go to the movies. I just couldn't. I said I would get out tomorrow. It's another day.


Thanks for all the support!

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hi kelly,


i know how you feel...when i was getting ready for my wedding, i was working out and dieting...i was hungry ALL THE TIME...and so sluggish. it really was stress.


i know this doesnt help the dieting much but i bought these little dark chocolate wafers from whole foods and i allowed myseld 1 or 2 little wafers a day in the afternoon when i started feeling sluggish...those little treats helped me from binging on a snickers or cupcake....and cheered me up a bit...


ETA: i just read the latest news...this sucks! hope you are feeling better.

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Thanks Tammy, I'm feeling alittle better each day. Not that the crap keeps piling on, but when I emailed myself from my work computer all my wedding stuff my welcome book and letter got curputed. I finally was able to send it to my moms computer today and she got it to open. I about crapped! I have a job offer that would start in about 45-60 days. So that would put me right when we get back from the wedding. So Fi and I are going to see if we can swing it. Just means we may have to use the dreaded credit cards, but we will make it work.


Thanks everyone for the support it really does help!!!!

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I will say a prayer for you! I am glad your doctor is checking you out... just to be sure! Hang in there! I told myself in the dark times as we were planning and getting ready... that it must rain to get a rainbow! Get you rain boots & umbrella girl and hang in there!


When you to Cabo in October you will really enjoy your special day! You can do it!

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Wow Kelly! How did I miss this thread earlier?!?


I'm sorry things have been so tough lately! But, you've got a job offer, so that's a start, even if you have to use the CCs between now and then. Just don't go overboard. Can you maybe do some temp work in the interim for spending money?


Keeping you in my thoughts!

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
Wow Kelly! How did I miss this thread earlier?!?

I'm sorry things have been so tough lately! But, you've got a job offer, so that's a start, even if you have to use the CCs between now and then. Just don't go overboard. Can you maybe do some temp work in the interim for spending money?

Keeping you in my thoughts!
Thats what the plan is. When one of the other girls need off or help I will fill in. It's not much but it will be spending money.
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Wow Kelly,


I'd like to echo the other ladies, on the "when it rains it pours" but on the plus side everthing happens in three's so you should be good to go for a while now....


1. your Dr.'s appt

2. daughter's appt

3. job




So, onward and upward.


My motto is that Visa has lots of money, and we'll figure it out later.... I know it is cliché, but everything happens for a reason...


Hang in there girl...


We are here to listen to the vent!

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