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Consumption Bar Budget advice?

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Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
i am really not comfortable with this Kristy - i think a lot of my guests would be like wtf.gif where are the drinks!?!smile41.giflol
I don't like it either, I was just throwing out another idea.

This is a tough one. I've been to weddings with just wine and beer and that was fine, but I feel like warm locations make people want tropical drinks and beer. Is there a cheaper drink they could make by the gallon, like a Malibu bay breeze or something? I know that a mai tai screams Hawaii, but maybe that could be an option.
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Originally Posted by *Heather* View Post
Alyssa, are you allowed to bring in your own alcohol and just pay a corkage fee? I know a lot of people save money that way, and I'm looking into it at my venue too (not sure how high the corking fees are)
Just a thought...
Kona Village Resort is the only licensed authority to sell and serve alcoholic beverages within the property. Therefore, alcoholic beverages for public consumption may not be brought onto the hotel premises .

Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
i am really not comfortable with this Kristy - i think a lot of my guests would be like wtf.gif where are the drinks!?!smile41.giflol

I don't like it either, I was just throwing out another idea.

This is a tough one. I've been to weddings with just wine and beer and that was fine, but I feel like warm locations make people want tropical drinks and beer. Is there a cheaper drink they could make by the gallon, like a Malibu bay breeze or something? I know that a mai taiscreams Hawaii, but maybe thaat could be an option.
That is a good idea - maybe a vodka, pineapple and cran = pineapple is hawaiian right - i could make a name for it! lol
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Ok how about beer and your specality drink all the time, and then do a wine service just for dinner?


skip the champagne, IMO. waste of money


can you limit the specality drinks? once you consume, say 5 gallons, that's it?


i've been to PLENTY of weddings where the hard liquor stops at a certain point and only the beer continues.

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Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
Kona Village Resort is the only licensed authority to sell and serve alcoholic beverages within the property. Therefore, alcoholic beverages for public consumption may not be brought onto the hotel premises .
I guess it's too late to argue this point, but they wouldn't be selling it and they wouldn't be serving it if your guests had their own. If I were a resort guest, went shopping in town, and came back with a bottle of liquor I couldn't drink it? Shoot it's still America and if I were the legal age then what?

I still say sneak them liquour somehow! Maybe deliver it to their room in advance or something otherwise you'll have to pay what they require...little airplane bottles are easy to disguise wink.gif

I don't like Vodka but most of the free world does so I would get a quote on that drink you made up just in case.

And BTW I love to drink but if I showed up at a wedding where they had very minimal choices I would still drink...so do what's affordable and your guests will have fun regardless.
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If your crowd would be cool without hard liquor then the hell with it, have wine & beer and a cash bar for the hard stuff. My crowd was more interested in the hard stuff but it's about you and your guests.
That's pretty much what I was going to say. You know your guests, and if they're the types that are happy to drink beer and wine then I say leave it at that. We had to do beer/wine only at my wedding 'cause the venue we used had VERY strict rules re: liquor. And honestly I think everyone was totally fine w/ it. Everyone was drinking, mingling and having a good time. My take on the mai tai or rum punch option is this: If you're having to purchase a set amount in advance, that's tricky 'cause you run a pretty good chance of either running out 'cause you didn't estimate high enough, or paying for leftover gallons that you didn't use. Also, I'm always leery of punches and stuff like that that are mixed in advance...I swear half the time they don't put any alcohol in them and it's just juice! And that would be seriously aggravating at $85-95 per gallon!

So yeah, to wrap up, I think the beer/wine bar would be great and keep everyone happy. And if you do just beers and wines would that allow you a little flexibility to choose additional wines or something? (just an idea...)

If you really want a fun cocktail, how about doing the signature drink (mai tai etc) for the cocktail hour and the remainder of the night could be the beer/wine bar? I mean, if guest are only going to have access to one liquor drink anyway I don't think it's a big deal to limit it to one portion of the evening...since you'd still be supplying them w/ drinks the rest of the night.

No matter what you decide - you guys are going to have a blast!!! friday.gif
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Originally Posted by Rachelle E. View Post

If you really want a fun cocktail, how about doing the signature drink (mai tai etc) for the cocktail hour and the remainder of the night could be the beer/wine bar? I mean, if guest are only going to have access to one liquor drink anyway I don't think it's a big deal to limit it to one portion of the evening...since you'd still be supplying them w/ drinks the rest of the night.

No matter what you decide - you guys are going to have a blast!!! friday.gif
I agree. The mai tai is great, but I bet people won't be guzzling them down the entire night. I'd be so sick to my stomach!
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great ideas!!!! i am going to talk to FI tonight about it and then i have a call with our WC tomorrow afternoon so i will let you know how it goes.


they ahve been great to work with so far - i just feel stupid b/c we really didn't budget enough - when our wedding was planned for Molokai we were able to buy the liquor and just pay for mixers and service ... stupid that i never upped the freakin budget to resort numbers and now a week before our wedding i am flipping out lol i need one of those $14 cocktails they servie ROFL

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