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Veil Help Please!!!

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Hello ladies!!! I am looking for advice on a veil. First, I was totally against having one. I did not want it blowing in my face and I knew I would take it off right after the ceremony and just thought there was no reason to have one. Now my mom is insisting that I have one. THe one I tried on yesterday with my dress was pretty, but I could not see spending $150 on it. Can anyone give me some advice on where to buy a veil that is simple and looks nice but does not cost so much. I really cannot see spending that much money on something that I did not want in the first place! My mom offered to pay for it but I could not see her spending that much either! Any help you guys can give me is greatly appreciated!!!!



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Why don't you check and see the local craigslist.com in your area or your local freecycle chapter. You might be able to find one that way or check ebay. My MIL paid for mine even after I said I loved it and wouldn't pay the price of it.. she went back and got it the next day. But check around I am sure you will be able to find something reasonable!! Good Luck!!

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