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hello francticbride2be!!

about this dj thing, do you mind transfering me this email of yours saying that the dj is included?? because i'm having the chillout reception and so far, she's telling me i have to pay extra 832$ to have it, additional to my 85$ per person,( 40 minimum)

i would really appreciate it!!! here's my email:

[email protected]

thank you so much!

keep up the good work! i know how crazy this whole thing is!!! and i only got 2 months to get everything set !!!

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I second that....

i'm having a private beach party $85/person and was quoted to pay extra $832 to have a DJ....

[email protected]

Originally Posted by coconut View Post

hello francticbride2be!!

about this dj thing, do you mind transfering me this email of yours saying that the dj is included?? because i'm having the chillout reception and so far, she's telling me i have to pay extra 832$ to have it, additional to my 85$ per person,( 40 minimum)

i would really appreciate it!!! here's my email:

[email protected]

thank you so much!

keep up the good work! i know how crazy this whole thing is!!! and i only got 2 months to get everything set !!!


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The wedding date is April 23rd!  Good memory

Hair at 230, Make up at 330, Ceremony at 5pm, Reception at 6pm


Emma just sent a package of different centrepieces, totally different then the ugly ones she first sent me.  They're still not perfect, but its a good cost savings, and I think she'll let me make a couple adjustments.  I've sent the package off to my BMs, and asked them to vote on them:)  We're getting our menu finalized by the 18th (we just updated our website and asked guests to choose ahead of time), so everything is coming along:)


O my goodness, how do these boys not have their cloths together yet!  This is madness!  I"m going to let C. wait until April 1st (ish), since more summer cloths will be coming out then.  I"m hoping they can find a nice fitted shirt and a pair of dressy linen pants.  Hopefully something they can wear again.  All guys can do with a white shirt, and the linen pants won't add up to do much, so I'm thinking they'll probably purchase.  


We decided to go with Paradise Catamarans.  Its costing about 3k, so its taking a big chunk out of our budget.  We're saving in other places though (my dress, not getting an outside vendor for flowers, not doing other give aways for guests).  


I really like the idea of going to China town to pick them up.  I might try to go down and do that.  My only hope with the Michaels ones was that I might be able to somehow print on them.  I don't want to handwrite (and my writting's not very neat) 60 fans.  It would be better if there were one's I could print out with an online template (like avery).  Im not to sure that's going to work, but I might go peruse Michaels this weekend and see what the possibilities are.  I"ll let you know if there are any good options when I find out, and I'll find out pricing.  What did you say your colours were?


I haven't gotten my jewellery, and I'm really nervouse about it.  My dress is really simple, so it needs some mega jewellery!  I"ll make my sister help out with that too.  There's this amazing jewellery store in Victoria, so maybe I"ll go stay with my friend there and do some shopping.  I don't have shoes either.  Period.  I don't have shoes for the ceremony or reception.  I was thinking of getting wedge heals, something easy to wear, has height, breathable and still fancy enough for the wedding.  The place I bought my dress at had these shoes I tried the dress on with and they were great, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to find anything like that.  That's two good things you have just added to my list though, thanks!


I'm actually not sure of what we're doing for cake.  I"m not sure if we're doing one... Maybe just small cake for 20 people or something?  Just something to cut through?  I just brought it up with C. and he doesn't seem opposed, so I'll ask Emma about this.  Three things you've added to my list, eck!


A friend is going to Brazil right before the wedding, so I'm going to ask her to pick up some personalized Haviana Sandles for us (with little jewelled starfish or something, in orange for the girls, teal for the boys).  I was thinking of maybe getting them a little necklace from http://www.etsy.com too, they sell some really cute stuff. My sister only wears gold though, so not sure if this will work. 


Agreed, Emma has been really awesome to deal with.  I just had to remember to sit back and wait for it all to hit me (which it did about 2 months ago) and now communication is a lot better!


Things on my to do list: get a pre spray tan at Kix Tanning (just legs to see if I turn orange), get my nails done (bridal shower), get my nails again with biosculpt (also getting legs waxed a couple days before), book full body kix tanning (if i didn't turn orange the time before), get my jewellery, get rings, choose centrepieces, buy shoes, get some spanx, dress fitting, cake?  Ok, that doesn't seem so bad... :)


PS. Stagette: two days in Whistler, we booked a condo.  Half will just come up for one night to party, the rest will go skiing on the Saturday then party at night.  C.s is this weekend, which I think is too early (he's going to Victoria), mine is end of March. 



Originally Posted by VancityBride View Post

Olaaaa E,


Im so glad to hear that everything is coming together for you also. I know its coming up fast!! Eeeekkkk.


I totally know where you are coming from with loosing track of emails. When i go back to look for something it takes forever to find it. I wish that i had properly named each email differnt, instead of just reply and not changing what each one was about. Now im just starting to pring everything and keep in a folder. I will go over what i need to bring with me as it gets closer. What is your wedding day again?? Is it April 23?? Im sorry I forgot.


As for my fiance and his groomsman they have also yet to go figure out there apparel. I told them they have till the end of this month to figure it out..lol. I told them to just rent there pants and for S. to rent his suit, and I got a discount for a tux shop when I was at the Wedding fair this past weekend. And our rings too, we need to get going on that also. Time is a ticking, and its going to go by fast. I would like to have everything done by the end of Feb so that I can be stress free and enjoy whats to come.


Yes, your decorations do seem simialar to mine. Beautiful and simple. I am using the Jalisco room. I am not a fan of the carpet but it was the lighting that i love. It just goes so well with the romantic theme im going for. That catamaran sounds amazing. How muchie was it? And what company did you go with? I would love to do something like that for after the wedding. Cause we are doing a welcome night ( dinner and cocktails in one of the lobbys) and thats where I am hopinf it give everyone a chance to get to know each other.


I love what you are doing with the place cards and fans. That is going to be great!! I dont know if I want to start something like that, I feel like i already have too much on my plate, i just dont think that I will have the time. I did not know that Micheals sells the fans, I was going to go to chinatown cause I heard they were cheap down there. Do you know hoe much they are at Micheals. I would rather just go there and save myself a trip downtown.


I tried to find the spreadsheet you mentioned but couldnt find it. Do you think you could email it to me. ([email protected])  That would be wonderful.


I am getting so nervous and anxious. It is coming up fast. My MOH is in the process of getting my stagette and 2nd shower together (we had a family one this summer, now i want the dirty one..hehehe) What are doing for your stagette?

I am started to get a little overwhelmed with the things I still have to do. But i know that I still have time. I just feel like there really isnt alot of time. But I need to start doing something every weekend. We still have to finsh the music, which my sister is working on, get our rings, the grooms and gromsman stuuf, my jewlery, my after party shoes, BM and GM gifts, some items that we are going to use to make the garter toss funny, cake topper, order shot glasees and on and on. Just all the small stuff, but alot of small stuff..lol.   What are you getting your BM's?


Emma is def on her game. I love it! I think everything is going to go great. I am sure there will be a coupld snags but thats ok. As long as the majority of the day is good than thats all we can ask for.


And no worries about the mentioning that the DJ was included, it did cause a little confusion, but i just figured that it was something the gave to ya. I have noticed that each WC gives differnt things to each bride. Its weird and kinda not fair but there really isnt much we can do. I dont want to start asking questions and rocking the boat, because things seem to be going smooth for me right now, and I dont want to mess things up..lol.. you know what I mean.





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Hey E,


Thanks for the email with the spreadsheet! I opened it and it didnt really have anything on it. So i dont know if it came through ok. But no worries, its all good. Ill see if i can find it on google.


Well it seems to be your just about there, we are kinda at the same point. Everything in Mexico seems to be good to go its all the little details here that need to be taken care of. (rings, jewlery, boys outfits, fans, etc) It will all get done. I am going to start little by little every weekend going and getting some things I need. I was originally wanting to have S there, but you know how boys are, they like to do eveything last min, but I cant do that. So now I am going to go purchase what needs to be done and he is just going to have to deal with what I come home with..hehe I really dont think he will mind..haha


I know what you mean about these boys and there outfits for the wedding. I dont think they get it..lol. The reason why I need S to go soon is because when I talked to someone at Black and Lee last year they said to come in sometime in Jan because there are so many wedding in April and the rentals get picked up fast. So i want them to be on it so were not panicking last min to find something. So these boys have another thing coming if they think that I am letting them take there time.. haha. End of Jan we are going to get there outfits.. period.


I love that you are doing the catamaran.. i think that is going to be just great! I am jealous..hahaha. I would love to do something like that but its too late now, and I am sure that there will be some activiy that we can all do together.


I have yet to get my jewlery either! I find it so hard. I have seen a few things that i have liked but i dont know how it will look with the dress. My dress is a little simple too, but I have a blingy belt so I want some bling jewlery too! lol. I wish I had my mom and sister here to help me :( They live in the okanagan so its been really hard not having them here with me for all this. My colors that I am doing is red. The BM dresses are red, (which i just picked up on Saturday and love them)and then I got my shoes which are also red with some bling on them. I bought them at Steve Madden in metro for $55! What a steal! The boys will be in a light kahki color pant and white short sleeve shirt and then S will be in the kakhi/white colored full suit. Then red roses for there boutenieers, and the BM will have white roses as there boquets and mine will be red roses. I really hope that the red looks good with a beach background. I have looked on google and havent really seen any red destination weddings. I just didnt want to do pink cause most of my gfs have all done pick, so I need to choose something else. What are your colors??


You mentioned that you are not sure about a cake.. Do you not have one included in your package?


As for my BM gifts, I saw these really cute braclets at this engraving place, and there were actually a good price, but they are stirling silver. There is a heart on the braclet where I was going to engrave there nick name on one side and then what they were (bridesmaid, MOH) on the other, and then there is also a star with sparkles on it. But i am afraid that they will look cheap. What do you think?? What are you getting your BM's? You said something about sandals, is there anything else you are getting them? What about the groomsman.. S is having a hard time figuring that out. Any suggestions other than a flask...


And now that you mention it i better get on tanning too. I usually tan all year but havent really been keeping on it. I went last week but that isnt going to suffice..lol. I also need to get my nails done, but i dont know where to go. I use to get them done all the time, but not in a long time. Do you have any suggestions? Nothing too crazy expensive.


I find it so finny that you are doing your stagette in Whistler because so am I!!! And we are doing it the last weekend of March!! So funnyyyy. My MOH was going through some toug times this past month so we havent really done much for planning it. But it wont be too hard, just book some rooms, call some girls and lets go party!

How many girls do you have coming? Are you doing a theme? Did you get a good deal on a condo or have one that you can suggest?

We are having trouble trying to figure out what we want to do. Do we get a couple condo rooms and just go with that, or do we try to rent a house or townhouse. I feel that with a rental of a house there is more to worry about. What if we break something, or the owners dont like partiers, etc etc.


Well I am def excited to meet you and your entourage..i think that it will be a great time :)

Originally Posted by FranticBride2be View Post



The wedding date is April 23rd!  Good memory

Hair at 230, Make up at 330, Ceremony at 5pm, Reception at 6pm


Emma just sent a package of different centrepieces, totally different then the ugly ones she first sent me.  They're still not perfect, but its a good cost savings, and I think she'll let me make a couple adjustments.  I've sent the package off to my BMs, and asked them to vote on them:)  We're getting our menu finalized by the 18th (we just updated our website and asked guests to choose ahead of time), so everything is coming along:)


O my goodness, how do these boys not have their cloths together yet!  This is madness!  I"m going to let C. wait until April 1st (ish), since more summer cloths will be coming out then.  I"m hoping they can find a nice fitted shirt and a pair of dressy linen pants.  Hopefully something they can wear again.  All guys can do with a white shirt, and the linen pants won't add up to do much, so I'm thinking they'll probably purchase.  


We decided to go with Paradise Catamarans.  Its costing about 3k, so its taking a big chunk out of our budget.  We're saving in other places though (my dress, not getting an outside vendor for flowers, not doing other give aways for guests).  


I really like the idea of going to China town to pick them up.  I might try to go down and do that.  My only hope with the Michaels ones was that I might be able to somehow print on them.  I don't want to handwrite (and my writting's not very neat) 60 fans.  It would be better if there were one's I could print out with an online template (like avery).  Im not to sure that's going to work, but I might go peruse Michaels this weekend and see what the possibilities are.  I"ll let you know if there are any good options when I find out, and I'll find out pricing.  What did you say your colours were?


I haven't gotten my jewellery, and I'm really nervouse about it.  My dress is really simple, so it needs some mega jewellery!  I"ll make my sister help out with that too.  There's this amazing jewellery store in Victoria, so maybe I"ll go stay with my friend there and do some shopping.  I don't have shoes either.  Period.  I don't have shoes for the ceremony or reception.  I was thinking of getting wedge heals, something easy to wear, has height, breathable and still fancy enough for the wedding.  The place I bought my dress at had these shoes I tried the dress on with and they were great, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to find anything like that.  That's two good things you have just added to my list though, thanks!


I'm actually not sure of what we're doing for cake.  I"m not sure if we're doing one... Maybe just small cake for 20 people or something?  Just something to cut through?  I just brought it up with C. and he doesn't seem opposed, so I'll ask Emma about this.  Three things you've added to my list, eck!


A friend is going to Brazil right before the wedding, so I'm going to ask her to pick up some personalized Haviana Sandles for us (with little jewelled starfish or something, in orange for the girls, teal for the boys).  I was thinking of maybe getting them a little necklace from http://www.etsy.com too, they sell some really cute stuff. My sister only wears gold though, so not sure if this will work. 


Agreed, Emma has been really awesome to deal with.  I just had to remember to sit back and wait for it all to hit me (which it did about 2 months ago) and now communication is a lot better!


Things on my to do list: get a pre spray tan at Kix Tanning (just legs to see if I turn orange), get my nails done (bridal shower), get my nails again with biosculpt (also getting legs waxed a couple days before), book full body kix tanning (if i didn't turn orange the time before), get my jewellery, get rings, choose centrepieces, buy shoes, get some spanx, dress fitting, cake?  Ok, that doesn't seem so bad... :)


PS. Stagette: two days in Whistler, we booked a condo.  Half will just come up for one night to party, the rest will go skiing on the Saturday then party at night.  C.s is this weekend, which I think is too early (he's going to Victoria), mine is end of March. 





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Hope all is well with you and your wedding planning. When is your wedding date?


I just wanted to let you know that Franticbride made a mistake when she said that the DJ was included. She msg me the other day to let me know so there wasnt any confusion. I was quoted $832 for 4 hours and I think that is what most of us are getting quoted. So you can take that off your list :)


Originally Posted by coconut View Post

hello francticbride2be!!

about this dj thing, do you mind transfering me this email of yours saying that the dj is included?? because i'm having the chillout reception and so far, she's telling me i have to pay extra 832$ to have it, additional to my 85$ per person,( 40 minimum)

i would really appreciate it!!! here's my email:

[email protected]

thank you so much!

keep up the good work! i know how crazy this whole thing is!!! and i only got 2 months to get everything set !!!


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Yes true, thanks for clarifying that Vancity Bride.  A couple of days ago, I realized Emma made a mistake in telling me it included the DJ.  She sent the three options (Chill out, Beach dinner, and Gala) and said they all come with a DJ.  I clarified and the Gala menu and private room DOES NOT come with a DJ!


I was pretty disappointed too when I heard this:(  Sorry for the confusion!



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Hey again D. 


That's really too bad about the spreadsheet.  Its in google documents, I'm not to sure if you know how to use that feature, but its really handy!


Did you check out the website?  What do you think:)


Haha, I like your comment that you're just going to come home with whatever.  I was looking at an email, and C. was looking over my shoulder and got curious.  I was making final decisions on centrepieces, and all of a sudden he wanted to have an input! Hahaha, I told him to butt out, that he said he didn't want to have any say, so he's out for good (I'll still take it into consideration a bit... )  Only a bit though:)


I was thinking of getting the sandals, but I"m really not to sure about other gifts for them.  They wouldn't agree on jewellery or anything else, so its pretty tough!  I want it to be something they'll actually use again!  I was suggesting to C. that he get the guys something like (http://www.shoes.com/en-US/Product/EC1103033-5069748/Reef/Bronze_Brown/Men's+Leather+Smoothy.aspx). Not exactly that, but a nice dressy leather sandal.  What about cufflinks, are any of them professional guys?  Its really tough.  C. has already gotten 2 flasks from other weddings, yikes!  Maybe I'll take the girls for facials...? The bracelets sound really nice!  Especially in silver, that's really nice. 


Steve Madden is a great place to look!  I'll have to check that out.  I might make C. take me shopping in the states too, there could be some good stuff there.  I need a new bathing suit anyways.  Victoria Secret always has good bathing suits, so another good reason to go down.  


I think red will look really nice!  Especially with sunset.  I think pink/purple gets overdone.  They're gorgeouse, and for anybody who reads this, don't be offended.  Purple Orchids and Tiger lilies are really beautiful.  But I wanted to do something really different (orange/teal).  I think red adds a really good pop.  What does your dress look like?  Mine is not what I expected to get when I started shopping.  I ended up with a silk halter dress, really tight but goes wide just past my butt.   It has a sash that ties on the waist, and a really really deep neck, like 3 or 4 inches above my bellybutton.  It has a pretty low back too.  I heard spanx are good because it makes sure you don't get sweat stains.  Plus I've gained (not lost like I hoped) about 5 pounds since I tried the dress on.  It was a bit tight on my butt to start out with so the spanx are necessary!  


We're getting the infinity package.  I don't think it comes with a cake, but I don't want to make (another) mistake, so I won't say for sure!:)  I think they quoted like $5 or $7 per person for cake?  I don't think everybody will eat it, so I"m hoping it we get one for 20 people, that will be enough.


For nails I'm going to Absolute Esthetic Spa by the Foggy Dew, its past there a bit but in that general area.  They do the biosculpt nails, and have a pretty good price on them.  I got a groupon for full leg wax, mani and pedi for $25 bucks!  It will be extra to add the biosculpt, but not much.  


I totally thought I was going the last weekend of March too, I"m actually going on the 22-24th.  That would have been too funny!  We always get good prices on condo's through allura.com.  We usually go to Glacier Creek Condos, and we've always gotten really nice places for good prices:)


Happy Planning!

Originally Posted by VancityBride View Post

Hey E,


Thanks for the email with the spreadsheet! I opened it and it didnt really have anything on it. So i dont know if it came through ok. But no worries, its all good. Ill see if i can find it on google.


Well it seems to be your just about there, we are kinda at the same point. Everything in Mexico seems to be good to go its all the little details here that need to be taken care of. (rings, jewlery, boys outfits, fans, etc) It will all get done. I am going to start little by little every weekend going and getting some things I need. I was originally wanting to have S there, but you know how boys are, they like to do eveything last min, but I cant do that. So now I am going to go purchase what needs to be done and he is just going to have to deal with what I come home with..hehe I really dont think he will mind..haha


I know what you mean about these boys and there outfits for the wedding. I dont think they get it..lol. The reason why I need S to go soon is because when I talked to someone at Black and Lee last year they said to come in sometime in Jan because there are so many wedding in April and the rentals get picked up fast. So i want them to be on it so were not panicking last min to find something. So these boys have another thing coming if they think that I am letting them take there time.. haha. End of Jan we are going to get there outfits.. period.


I love that you are doing the catamaran.. i think that is going to be just great! I am jealous..hahaha. I would love to do something like that but its too late now, and I am sure that there will be some activiy that we can all do together.


I have yet to get my jewlery either! I find it so hard. I have seen a few things that i have liked but i dont know how it will look with the dress. My dress is a little simple too, but I have a blingy belt so I want some bling jewlery too! lol. I wish I had my mom and sister here to help me :( They live in the okanagan so its been really hard not having them here with me for all this. My colors that I am doing is red. The BM dresses are red, (which i just picked up on Saturday and love them)and then I got my shoes which are also red with some bling on them. I bought them at Steve Madden in metro for $55! What a steal! The boys will be in a light kahki color pant and white short sleeve shirt and then S will be in the kakhi/white colored full suit. Then red roses for there boutenieers, and the BM will have white roses as there boquets and mine will be red roses. I really hope that the red looks good with a beach background. I have looked on google and havent really seen any red destination weddings. I just didnt want to do pink cause most of my gfs have all done pick, so I need to choose something else. What are your colors??


You mentioned that you are not sure about a cake.. Do you not have one included in your package?


As for my BM gifts, I saw these really cute braclets at this engraving place, and there were actually a good price, but they are stirling silver. There is a heart on the braclet where I was going to engrave there nick name on one side and then what they were (bridesmaid, MOH) on the other, and then there is also a star with sparkles on it. But i am afraid that they will look cheap. What do you think?? What are you getting your BM's? You said something about sandals, is there anything else you are getting them? What about the groomsman.. S is having a hard time figuring that out. Any suggestions other than a flask...


And now that you mention it i better get on tanning too. I usually tan all year but havent really been keeping on it. I went last week but that isnt going to suffice..lol. I also need to get my nails done, but i dont know where to go. I use to get them done all the time, but not in a long time. Do you have any suggestions? Nothing too crazy expensive.


I find it so finny that you are doing your stagette in Whistler because so am I!!! And we are doing it the last weekend of March!! So funnyyyy. My MOH was going through some toug times this past month so we havent really done much for planning it. But it wont be too hard, just book some rooms, call some girls and lets go party!

How many girls do you have coming? Are you doing a theme? Did you get a good deal on a condo or have one that you can suggest?

We are having trouble trying to figure out what we want to do. Do we get a couple condo rooms and just go with that, or do we try to rent a house or townhouse. I feel that with a rental of a house there is more to worry about. What if we break something, or the owners dont like partiers, etc etc.


Well I am def excited to meet you and your entourage..i think that it will be a great time :)



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Morning E, Happy Friday!


I figured out he spread sheet..its pretty cool! Thanks again for that.


Oh and Im soooo sorry, I forgot to mention that I did check out your website.. WOWSERS!! Its looks so awesome! Its really nicely done.


you like my comment about coming home with whatever.. haha.. Yup its starting this weekend.lol. Im going to Micheals and looking for cake toppers and other goodies. I mean I have tried to keep him involved, but showing him options and stuff like that, but most guys just really are not into the whole wedding thing like we are. I think as long as he and his groomsman are not covered in pink, I think whatever I choose he will love.


For the groomsman I dont know. I really really dont. Its so hard. Because there all guy guys. So cuff links wouldnt work, but good idea. The groomsman are his department..lol. I think I am actually going to get S. engraved cuff links and get someone to deliever them to him the morning of our wedding. Not sure what I am going to put on them. I was think one to have our initials and the other to have our wedding date..Soo cute right??


Im glad you think that the red is going to look nice. I was a little worried. I still havent seen the BM dresses next to me in mine, so I am going to do that at the end of this month when I go for my first fitting! Eeekkk. But your dress sounds very sassy..I hope I get a chance to see it.

Where is your ceremony? I get to the resort on April 21, so I would love to try to come by and take a look. (If thats ok with you)

My dress is not what I though i was going to get either. It is very simple. Sweetheart neck line, (well i am changing it to that), kinda of a trumpet style i guess you could say, long train and then I have a belt with major bling around my waist. The belt totally makes the dress. Oh and the color is oyster. Kinda of dfferent, but i love it. I tried on the same dress in ivory and white, and it just didnt look good on me at all. Now with these fitting starting I have been busting my ass trying to lose weight. I need to drop at least 10. I have lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks by really butting down my carbs and booze, so its a start. I also just started this TRX training bootcamp at my gym, its so crazy.


As for my nails, I know that a few of my girlsfriends go to this nail place by lougheed mall area, right next to Red Robins. So i think I might try there in march and see how I like them. And there prices arent too bad either.


Okk.. I have to say this is crazy about our stagettes.. We are also staying at Glacier reach!! OMG too freaking funnyyy. That would have been awesome to have been up there the same weekend and starying at the same condos..haha. Yah I fell like Glacier reach is a good price and its so close to the village. I stayed up there years ago for my grad weekend and another time with S. and it seems like kind of a party place.

How many rooms are you booking? Have you guys booked yet? I am hoping that my MOH gets on it soon because I think that we should have the rooms book soon.


Have you seen or been to any stores other than Michaels that had wedding accessories (Funny cake toppers, napkins, bride hoodie, sand and vase for ceremony) I have looked at Michaels but im not loving anything there. I looked online but I dont want to order online, i want to just go and get it, you know what I mean?


Are you a little nervous about the resort DJ? I am. I hope that he is good. Were being our own songs on the ipod so how does that work so that it sounds good. I am also send my song list to Emma so she can give to him, but i really dont think that he is going to go download a bunch of songs that I am wanting. You know what I mean?  Also, S and I want to do a surpirse funny dance half way through our first dance, and I want the DJ to be able to change the songs for us.. How do I get him to do that? I just hope he is good. The reviews make me worried.


Hope you have a great weekend, Talk to ya next week!

Originally Posted by FranticBride2be View Post

Hey again D. 


That's really too bad about the spreadsheet.  Its in google documents, I'm not to sure if you know how to use that feature, but its really handy!


Did you check out the website?  What do you think:)


Haha, I like your comment that you're just going to come home with whatever.  I was looking at an email, and C. was looking over my shoulder and got curious.  I was making final decisions on centrepieces, and all of a sudden he wanted to have an input! Hahaha, I told him to butt out, that he said he didn't want to have any say, so he's out for good (I'll still take it into consideration a bit... )  Only a bit though:)


I was thinking of getting the sandals, but I"m really not to sure about other gifts for them.  They wouldn't agree on jewellery or anything else, so its pretty tough!  I want it to be something they'll actually use again!  I was suggesting to C. that he get the guys something like (http://www.shoes.com/en-US/Product/EC1103033-5069748/Reef/Bronze_Brown/Men's+Leather+Smoothy.aspx). Not exactly that, but a nice dressy leather sandal.  What about cufflinks, are any of them professional guys?  Its really tough.  C. has already gotten 2 flasks from other weddings, yikes!  Maybe I'll take the girls for facials...? The bracelets sound really nice!  Especially in silver, that's really nice. 


Steve Madden is a great place to look!  I'll have to check that out.  I might make C. take me shopping in the states too, there could be some good stuff there.  I need a new bathing suit anyways.  Victoria Secret always has good bathing suits, so another good reason to go down.  


I think red will look really nice!  Especially with sunset.  I think pink/purple gets overdone.  They're gorgeouse, and for anybody who reads this, don't be offended.  Purple Orchids and Tiger lilies are really beautiful.  But I wanted to do something really different (orange/teal).  I think red adds a really good pop.  What does your dress look like?  Mine is not what I expected to get when I started shopping.  I ended up with a silk halter dress, really tight but goes wide just past my butt.   It has a sash that ties on the waist, and a really really deep neck, like 3 or 4 inches above my bellybutton.  It has a pretty low back too.  I heard spanx are good because it makes sure you don't get sweat stains.  Plus I've gained (not lost like I hoped) about 5 pounds since I tried the dress on.  It was a bit tight on my butt to start out with so the spanx are necessary!  


We're getting the infinity package.  I don't think it comes with a cake, but I don't want to make (another) mistake, so I won't say for sure!:)  I think they quoted like $5 or $7 per person for cake?  I don't think everybody will eat it, so I"m hoping it we get one for 20 people, that will be enough.


For nails I'm going to Absolute Esthetic Spa by the Foggy Dew, its past there a bit but in that general area.  They do the biosculpt nails, and have a pretty good price on them.  I got a groupon for full leg wax, mani and pedi for $25 bucks!  It will be extra to add the biosculpt, but not much.  


I totally thought I was going the last weekend of March too, I"m actually going on the 22-24th.  That would have been too funny!  We always get good prices on condo's through allura.com.  We usually go to Glacier Creek Condos, and we've always gotten really nice places for good prices:)


Happy Planning!



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Can someone help, i'm confused ???


1) I have booked the Thai beach club for my reception and have asked if it is ok to take speakers for my ipod instead of paying for a dj. I was told that this was ok but that there is a charge of $280 per hour for an audio system. Does this mean that i have to pay $280 for every hour that i want to play my ipod on my speakers that i have plugged in?


2) I have then been told that it is $25 per person for 1-2 hours for a domestic party. Does this mean they are going to charge me this on top of the $4000 i am paying to be in the thai beach club for 4 hours for drinks and to again play my ipod on my speakers?


3) I asked about have a cocktail hour on the beach by the thai beach club, before going in for dinner and they have again told me of the bar and domestic prices which add up to $50 an hour for beer, fruit cocktail, soda and juice.


Can anyone tell me if i have understood what they have said correctly or if anyone has any knowledge of these prices and policies?


Thanks in advance.

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