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Hey FranticBride.. how are ya??


I have to say that my planning is actually almost done. I have a few things to take care of here, like get our rings, the wedding topper, order the shot glasses, buy a couple outfits, work a litte on the music but other than that things are smooth. (knock on wood)

I have had my fair share of stressful events working with the hotel, but I think things are really coming together nicely. I just hope that everything keeps running this smoothly once were there..eeekkk


For our reception decor I am using Julieta. I am getting her to decorate the gala room and I am using the hotel for my wedding day bouqets. She is coming and placing 3 different size vases on each table, with a red rose submerged in the vases, topped with candles and then rose petals around the table. My wedding flowers are roses so I want to keep it simple but with a little pop of color. I am going to order personalized napkins and shot glasses so I can add those to the table to give it a bit more color. I was thinking of renting red sashes, but as I was looking at red wedding receptions decor with red chair sashes it was a little much. I was also worried that the gala room was going to be plain as they only inlcude white chair covers and white decor, but i think it will all work out. A little is better than too much, you know what I mean.


I went to my gfs wedding in the Dominican 2 years ago, and she ended up having her reception indoors due to weather, and she didnt even have centerpieces or decor and it looked fine. The hotel ended up putting out a vase with some rocks on the table because they screwed up her flowers a bit, but it was even that big of a deal. The room was just filled with so much fun and laughter she didnt even notice they had centerpieces.. lol.


Are you bringing anything down with you? (shot glasses, napkins, etc)

What are you doing for favors?


You did programs and name cards?? Thats great! im jealous. I was thinking of doing that too, but I only have about 43 guests so I really didnt want to have to go into the gala room and figure out where to place all the cards. Who is going to place at the tables for you? Do you have a seating chart?

I am just going to make 2 signs that say reserved, put those on the tables and those will be for family and the rest of my guests all know eachother so they can sit wherever.  

Where did u get your programs and place cards done?

Where the expensive?


And thanks for reminding me about the spa.. shoot! I totally forgot that I need to book tmy wedding day services. Ill email them this week.

They havent responded to you? When did you email them?

I emailed them a few weeks ago for some pricing and they were quick to respond. Maybe there having a busy week.


So how are things on your end? How is your planing? Any stress from the hotel, or are things good? Are we all going to try to meet up down there???



Originally Posted by FranticBride2be View Post

Vancity Bride, 


Hows everything going?  You seem to have all your planning done!!  Hey I"m not to sure where I saw this, but somewhere you said you were having Flowers by Juliet decorate for you.  What kind of decorations is she setting up for you?  I"m worried that the Crystal Room might be a bit plain.  I've decided to go with the hotel flowers (they've made some changes to the bouquet I wanted), but we're getting flowers by Marvin to do our centrepieces (I think...)  Other then that, I don't really have any decorations, except the programs and name card's that I"m making.  


Do you have anything else on your to do list? 


I was also trying to get ahold of the spa to book hair and make up but they're not responding to my emails.  I"ve met Emma know.  I always wear my hair the same way (ponytail or straight), so it wouldn't work for me if the spa didn't make my appt!:)


Hope everythings going well!





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Hi Tia,


Im so sorry that you are going through this terrble experience. It really shouldnt be that tough. I mean I have had my fair share of problems with the hotel too, but i just had to get firm and a little nasty.

I was working with WC Elizabeth for months, and we had everything coming together and I was getting super exicted. Then I didnt heard from her for quiet some time and was starting to worry. So I msg the hotel, and then Emma can back to me and told me she was my new WC. RIght there I knew I was going to have my work cut out for me.

I gave her a chance, and sent over all of my wedding day details that Elizabeth and I had worked and agreed on. Well, little to my surrprise Emma wrote back with a basic no to everything that i had worked so hard to plan. I knew it wasnt her fault, she was new and following procedures, but I was not happy.

So I had to write a lil nasty email about how upset and dissapoointed I was that they were being so unprofessional. She then came back to me and asked to work with me so we can fix the problems and try to make my wedding day perfect.

So i understand your frusteration, but be patient. Just one thing at a time.

I dont understand why they are telling you that you have to pay for guests to sit in the gazebo, that sounds a little silly. i have never heard of that. What package are you using?

I too have to pay the extra for the use of the resturant, but I am also booking a gala room for my reception.So i dont know. Also, as I have been reading on here it seems that each WC gives different brides different options and choices. I know it doesnt seem fair, but thats what seems to happen. Cause I read reviews all the time that have all these extras and this and that. I have also read someone saying the DJ was included..I wanted to ask about that but im not even going to bother because my planning seems to be going ok, so i dont want to push my luck.


As for the beach party, I have read wonderful things about it. So maybe just scratch the welcome dinner, and do like a welcome cocktail night in on of the lobbys, and then have your reception on the beach. This way your not stressing too much about that and your still getting everything you want.

Also, try to find your emails, because I have every email printed and highlighted, and you bet your ass im bring them with me. You ever know what they will try to change once I am there.


Hope things get better for you,

Take care :)


Originally Posted by tiaprice View Post

I am new to this site... getting married at Grand Sunset Princess on April 6th 2012.  Im having a boat load of issues with the wedding co-ordinator and feel like pulling my hair out right now can you ladies PLEASE help me.


We have 43 people in our group so we originally booked the Royalty package for our wedding ceremony based on numbers alone.  And just the other day decided to change it to the Infinity package because the numbers just didnt add up, we understood that this package only included dinner for 20 people so if we were to have dinner in a resturant then we would have to pay $12/person extra.  Thats fine, still crazy in my mind because it is an all-inclusive and that cost is alreasy covered by our individual price int he first place but whatever so be it.  AS SOON AS I CHANGED to the Infinity.. they started to raise the price of everything else.  We had requested a private beach party INSTEAD of the dinner in a resturant, which we were given a price of $25/person, and I know stupid me but I can not for the life of me find the f-ing email that this was quoted on, I trusted they were not giving me the run around.  Which I am sure you all know includes nothing but food.  On top of that the coordinator is now telling me that I have to pay $12/person extra (for 20 people) to just sit in the Gazebo?  PLUS the dinner that is included with the Infinity package for 20 people (which we wanted to use as a rehersal dinner) just disappears when you book a beach party.. you cant use it for anything else no matter what.


If I could I would change resorts TODAY.  I am so angry I can barely think.  I cant believe the price of extras at this resort.  My mother is a travel agent, she books wedding every single day, she herself was married down south last May, and even she is shocked with this resort.


I dont even want to plan anymore. 


So now that I have finished ranting, I have a few questions for anyone who can answer them.


Is there anyone else out there that is getting married the same week or day as me?  April 6th at 4pm.  We arrive on the 2nd and leave on the 9th

I think I read a post on here about the resort photographer not being very good, is this true?

Has anyone else ever heard of the beach party costing $25/person?


Thanks for reading my rant



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Thanks Vancity Bride :)


I hadnt read all of the posts on this feed before I wrote my rant.  Now that I know there are other private options we may just go with that.  Our heart was originally set on the Thai club but its booked for our day so as far as we knew the only other private option was the beach.  Alsomy WC is Jacqueline, have you ever dealt with her?  We havent spoken to anyone else and seeing that everyone has somewhat been dealing with the same WC that got me a bit worried. 


Would you mind telling me a bit more about the options for private parties that you had been given?  The first time I have even heard of these other rooms was only a few hours ago.  The prices, menus, and extras such as DJ seem so much better than the $85 + per person on the beach.  OH and I am so with you on the 'sand in my food' fear :)  that and the sand fleas BIG concern of mine. 


What we would love to do is have our wedding at the round gazebo (no slue which one this is) then move to the Platinum lounge while we wait for dinner, I had read on another site that a bride had done this with no problems.  Most of our guests will be staying in this section so it shouldnt be a big problem however when I mentioned it to Jacqueline she said ABSOLUTELY NO!!


We would have loved to go to the restaurant in this pic...re4.jpg


but I have no clue which one it is.

The plan was to go to dinner at one of the a la cartes.. probably the Mamma Mia because our options our limited due to the size of our group (43pp) or thats what we have been told.  And then move to the beach for a party.  Somehow explaining this to our WC is like pulling teeth.


Do you have any idea which restaurant this is in the picture?

If you were starting from scratch what would do now?

Any advice would be so appreciated.  I feel like Im 5 years old and its christmas eve... my nerves are shot.



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Hi Tia,


The photo is from La Fleur (the French Restaurant)... I didn't get a chance to try it when I was there last April.  We had our dinner at Mamma Mia and it was amazing!!  If I can help with anything else please let me know!  Seems like a lot has changed since last year so I'm not sure how much I can answer in the way of pricing etc.


Here's a pic from our photographer, Juan Navarro (who is amazing by the way if you're still looking for a photographer!)




Hope everything works out for you!


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Hey Vancity Bride, 


I'm good!  Everything is getting organized.  I was going through my email, and I'm totally losing track of everything.  Haha, Emma must be getting annoyed because I keep resending her emails that I didn't realize she had responded to. Its hard though when the email string is like 30 emails long!  There are all these random attachments and stuff. hahah


C. hasn't even looked for his clothes, or the groomsmen's. Its really important to me that they all match, but I'm not going to nag him about it.  He knows I will uninvite him to his own wedding if he tried to come unprepared:)  We also have to get rings (something C. doesn't get since he seems to think the engagement ring is it... crazy!), my sister probably hasn't touched the music, and I'm still working on flowers.  I actually emailed Emma a picture I got from another florist (who quoted me $80) to put tulips in a vase, submerged in water.  I asked if they could provide something similar, but maybe with tiger lilies and orchids, she is waiting to hear back from the florist to see if they can, and what the cost would be, or else I'll go with Marvin for the centrepieces.  I'm using the hotel for my flowers (Rb-009, but I've changed the roses to tiger lilies, and will ask to add one stem of orchids maybe!).  They're also doing a bunch of tiger lilies for each of the bridesmaids for $25 each.  I've also made changes to the boutineres (bird of baradise and orchid).  I think I might have to pay a bit to change the boutineres, but I'm still waiting to get confirmation of all of this.


I agree that little is better then too much.  I'm glad it sounds like you're doing similar decorations as me.  Did you say you were also using the Crystal room?  We're not providing any give aways to our guests, because we're taking everybody on a 4 hour catamaran/snorkeling/ parasailing adventure as a thank you the day before.  We also thought this would be a good way for all of our family to get to know one another.  


I'm making name cards with a girlfriend (she's helping me a lot because I"m not crafty!).  We got all of our supplies from Michaels.  I"m trying to make them look professional, but they're not quite there yet.  I was also going to go to Michaels this weekend (wine/craft night) and get some fans.  I"m going to try to print the program information on the fans, or else make them myself.  I was also going to go to the dollar store and buy tiny starfish's to put on the name cards and the programs to decorate them.  I"m going to buy some larger ones to put in the bridesmaids bouquets (attached to a wire). 


I have this really amazing spreadsheet C. found for me.  It really lays everything out nice and clearly.  The crystal room, from what I saw in the pictures, provides tables for 8 people.  And my spreadsheet has an area to help make a seating chart, so I probably will make one.  I'll probably have the table number for the guests on the fans (ie it will have each persons name, so they can chose their own with personalized information).  I spoke with Emma, and since we're getting to choose a couple menu options, we need some way of showing the servers where each menu type is going (ie Fish goes to the people with the teal name cards, lamb to the people with the orange name cards... ).


Emma said she can get somebody to help with setting up/taking down.  I'll also give the bridal party some things to do (boys can put the fans out, girls can do name cards at the tables).  I don't think that will take very long, and they're not getting their hair/make up done, so they have extra time.  


I'm in the process of booking my hair/make up.  They suggested 2pm to start, but I've asked to push it back to 2:30.  They haven't gotten back to me.  230 will give me 45 minutes for pictures and final getting ready.  C. thinks I'll be late but I'll show him!  Emma's emailing me almost everyday, and has been really awesome.  I think I'm being really nit picky, but she's been really responsive.


I"m totally still up for getting together!  I"m getting excited, I have bathing suit shopping coming up, my stagette coming up.... Its all coming along!:)


PS. I went through all my papers and realized that I"m an idiot.  There is no DJ included in the Gala room.  She stated in an email that it was, but later clarified that the DJ is only included in the private beach and Chill out Club receptions...  I hope that didn't cause anybody any grief!


Originally Posted by VancityBride View Post

Hey FranticBride.. how are ya??


I have to say that my planning is actually almost done. I have a few things to take care of here, like get our rings, the wedding topper, order the shot glasses, buy a couple outfits, work a litte on the music but other than that things are smooth. (knock on wood)

I have had my fair share of stressful events working with the hotel, but I think things are really coming together nicely. I just hope that everything keeps running this smoothly once were there..eeekkk


For our reception decor I am using Julieta. I am getting her to decorate the gala room and I am using the hotel for my wedding day bouqets. She is coming and placing 3 different size vases on each table, with a red rose submerged in the vases, topped with candles and then rose petals around the table. My wedding flowers are roses so I want to keep it simple but with a little pop of color. I am going to order personalized napkins and shot glasses so I can add those to the table to give it a bit more color. I was thinking of renting red sashes, but as I was looking at red wedding receptions decor with red chair sashes it was a little much. I was also worried that the gala room was going to be plain as they only inlcude white chair covers and white decor, but i think it will all work out. A little is better than too much, you know what I mean.


I went to my gfs wedding in the Dominican 2 years ago, and she ended up having her reception indoors due to weather, and she didnt even have centerpieces or decor and it looked fine. The hotel ended up putting out a vase with some rocks on the table because they screwed up her flowers a bit, but it was even that big of a deal. The room was just filled with so much fun and laughter she didnt even notice they had centerpieces.. lol.


Are you bringing anything down with you? (shot glasses, napkins, etc)

What are you doing for favors?


You did programs and name cards?? Thats great! im jealous. I was thinking of doing that too, but I only have about 43 guests so I really didnt want to have to go into the gala room and figure out where to place all the cards. Who is going to place at the tables for you? Do you have a seating chart?

I am just going to make 2 signs that say reserved, put those on the tables and those will be for family and the rest of my guests all know eachother so they can sit wherever.  

Where did u get your programs and place cards done?

Where the expensive?


And thanks for reminding me about the spa.. shoot! I totally forgot that I need to book tmy wedding day services. Ill email them this week.

They havent responded to you? When did you email them?

I emailed them a few weeks ago for some pricing and they were quick to respond. Maybe there having a busy week.


So how are things on your end? How is your planing? Any stress from the hotel, or are things good? Are we all going to try to meet up down there???





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Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time.  I had another wedding coordinator at the beginning of our planning, but was quickly passed over to Emma.  Its been fairly simple since then (other then the regular couple glitches). 


I have the Crystal Room rented ($200 for 4 hours).  We're also going with the Gala Menu (Ranges from $45-$110 per person).  The Gala menu also includes domestic beer/wine, and soda.  I might buy like 4 bottles of tequila at the grocery store in Playa Del Carmen and put them on the tables for the party peoples:).  We do have to pay extra for the DJ though with this option.  This is the only option that allows you to have a sit down meal (as far as I've been told).  I was worried about sand fleas and sand in my food and wind, so the beach party wasn't an option.  At the chill out club, she said half my party would have to eat downstairs maybe because we have 60 people.  I didn't want to separate the group, so that wasn't going to work for me either.  


We're getting married at the Riviera Gazebo (the big round one), because of our group size.  We've also chosen to go with the Infinity Package, and have enough rooms to qualify for the complimentary package.  I asked a while ago about the $12/ person over the 20, and was told we did not have to pay extra since we weren't using an a la carte dinner (we weren't able to because of the large group size).  I was also told that because they're overbooked for April, they're not letting people use the 'special reservation' any other night.  We'll talk to Emma the night we get there I think and try to make that reservation anyways, although its not something I'm going to count on.  Its really too bad because its something I"m paying for, but I'm not going to make a fuss about it.  


I actually asked Emma to call me because I was getting really frustrated.  She finally did (a month later) and everything got sorted out really fast.  It did take an angry email and the request to be contacted on the phone though.  Yikes!



Originally Posted by tiaprice View Post

Thanks Vancity Bride :)


I hadnt read all of the posts on this feed before I wrote my rant.  Now that I know there are other private options we may just go with that.  Our heart was originally set on the Thai club but its booked for our day so as far as we knew the only other private option was the beach.  Alsomy WC is Jacqueline, have you ever dealt with her?  We havent spoken to anyone else and seeing that everyone has somewhat been dealing with the same WC that got me a bit worried. 


Would you mind telling me a bit more about the options for private parties that you had been given?  The first time I have even heard of these other rooms was only a few hours ago.  The prices, menus, and extras such as DJ seem so much better than the $85 + per person on the beach.  OH and I am so with you on the 'sand in my food' fear :)  that and the sand fleas BIG concern of mine. 


What we would love to do is have our wedding at the round gazebo (no slue which one this is) then move to the Platinum lounge while we wait for dinner, I had read on another site that a bride had done this with no problems.  Most of our guests will be staying in this section so it shouldnt be a big problem however when I mentioned it to Jacqueline she said ABSOLUTELY NO!!


We would have loved to go to the restaurant in this pic...re4.jpg


but I have no clue which one it is.

The plan was to go to dinner at one of the a la cartes.. probably the Mamma Mia because our options our limited due to the size of our group (43pp) or thats what we have been told.  And then move to the beach for a party.  Somehow explaining this to our WC is like pulling teeth.


Do you have any idea which restaurant this is in the picture?

If you were starting from scratch what would do now?

Any advice would be so appreciated.  I feel like Im 5 years old and its christmas eve... my nerves are shot.




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Sorry I know I have a ton of posts today.  I just wanted to let people know, in case you're interested.  I"m using the most amazing spreadsheet to help me out.  I found it on Google Documents -> Create-> From Template.  I then searched Wedding, and found "Wedding: All-in-One Wedding Planner".  

I hope that helps somebody!



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Olaaaa E,


Im so glad to hear that everything is coming together for you also. I know its coming up fast!! Eeeekkkk.


I totally know where you are coming from with loosing track of emails. When i go back to look for something it takes forever to find it. I wish that i had properly named each email differnt, instead of just reply and not changing what each one was about. Now im just starting to pring everything and keep in a folder. I will go over what i need to bring with me as it gets closer. What is your wedding day again?? Is it April 23?? Im sorry I forgot.


As for my fiance and his groomsman they have also yet to go figure out there apparel. I told them they have till the end of this month to figure it out..lol. I told them to just rent there pants and for S. to rent his suit, and I got a discount for a tux shop when I was at the Wedding fair this past weekend. And our rings too, we need to get going on that also. Time is a ticking, and its going to go by fast. I would like to have everything done by the end of Feb so that I can be stress free and enjoy whats to come.


Yes, your decorations do seem simialar to mine. Beautiful and simple. I am using the Jalisco room. I am not a fan of the carpet but it was the lighting that i love. It just goes so well with the romantic theme im going for. That catamaran sounds amazing. How muchie was it? And what company did you go with? I would love to do something like that for after the wedding. Cause we are doing a welcome night ( dinner and cocktails in one of the lobbys) and thats where I am hopinf it give everyone a chance to get to know each other.


I love what you are doing with the place cards and fans. That is going to be great!! I dont know if I want to start something like that, I feel like i already have too much on my plate, i just dont think that I will have the time. I did not know that Micheals sells the fans, I was going to go to chinatown cause I heard they were cheap down there. Do you know hoe much they are at Micheals. I would rather just go there and save myself a trip downtown.


I tried to find the spreadsheet you mentioned but couldnt find it. Do you think you could email it to me. ([email protected])  That would be wonderful.


I am getting so nervous and anxious. It is coming up fast. My MOH is in the process of getting my stagette and 2nd shower together (we had a family one this summer, now i want the dirty one..hehehe) What are doing for your stagette?

I am started to get a little overwhelmed with the things I still have to do. But i know that I still have time. I just feel like there really isnt alot of time. But I need to start doing something every weekend. We still have to finsh the music, which my sister is working on, get our rings, the grooms and gromsman stuuf, my jewlery, my after party shoes, BM and GM gifts, some items that we are going to use to make the garter toss funny, cake topper, order shot glasees and on and on. Just all the small stuff, but alot of small stuff..lol.   What are you getting your BM's?


Emma is def on her game. I love it! I think everything is going to go great. I am sure there will be a coupld snags but thats ok. As long as the majority of the day is good than thats all we can ask for.


And no worries about the mentioning that the DJ was included, it did cause a little confusion, but i just figured that it was something the gave to ya. I have noticed that each WC gives differnt things to each bride. Its weird and kinda not fair but there really isnt much we can do. I dont want to start asking questions and rocking the boat, because things seem to be going smooth for me right now, and I dont want to mess things up..lol.. you know what I mean.



Originally Posted by FranticBride2be View Post

Hey Vancity Bride, 


I'm good!  Everything is getting organized.  I was going through my email, and I'm totally losing track of everything.  Haha, Emma must be getting annoyed because I keep resending her emails that I didn't realize she had responded to. Its hard though when the email string is like 30 emails long!  There are all these random attachments and stuff. hahah


C. hasn't even looked for his clothes, or the groomsmen's. Its really important to me that they all match, but I'm not going to nag him about it.  He knows I will uninvite him to his own wedding if he tried to come unprepared:)  We also have to get rings (something C. doesn't get since he seems to think the engagement ring is it... crazy!), my sister probably hasn't touched the music, and I'm still working on flowers.  I actually emailed Emma a picture I got from another florist (who quoted me $80) to put tulips in a vase, submerged in water.  I asked if they could provide something similar, but maybe with tiger lilies and orchids, she is waiting to hear back from the florist to see if they can, and what the cost would be, or else I'll go with Marvin for the centrepieces.  I'm using the hotel for my flowers (Rb-009, but I've changed the roses to tiger lilies, and will ask to add one stem of orchids maybe!).  They're also doing a bunch of tiger lilies for each of the bridesmaids for $25 each.  I've also made changes to the boutineres (bird of baradise and orchid).  I think I might have to pay a bit to change the boutineres, but I'm still waiting to get confirmation of all of this.


I agree that little is better then too much.  I'm glad it sounds like you're doing similar decorations as me.  Did you say you were also using the Crystal room?  We're not providing any give aways to our guests, because we're taking everybody on a 4 hour catamaran/snorkeling/ parasailing adventure as a thank you the day before.  We also thought this would be a good way for all of our family to get to know one another.  


I'm making name cards with a girlfriend (she's helping me a lot because I"m not crafty!).  We got all of our supplies from Michaels.  I"m trying to make them look professional, but they're not quite there yet.  I was also going to go to Michaels this weekend (wine/craft night) and get some fans.  I"m going to try to print the program information on the fans, or else make them myself.  I was also going to go to the dollar store and buy tiny starfish's to put on the name cards and the programs to decorate them.  I"m going to buy some larger ones to put in the bridesmaids bouquets (attached to a wire). 


I have this really amazing spreadsheet C. found for me.  It really lays everything out nice and clearly.  The crystal room, from what I saw in the pictures, provides tables for 8 people.  And my spreadsheet has an area to help make a seating chart, so I probably will make one.  I'll probably have the table number for the guests on the fans (ie it will have each persons name, so they can chose their own with personalized information).  I spoke with Emma, and since we're getting to choose a couple menu options, we need some way of showing the servers where each menu type is going (ie Fish goes to the people with the teal name cards, lamb to the people with the orange name cards... ).


Emma said she can get somebody to help with setting up/taking down.  I'll also give the bridal party some things to do (boys can put the fans out, girls can do name cards at the tables).  I don't think that will take very long, and they're not getting their hair/make up done, so they have extra time.  


I'm in the process of booking my hair/make up.  They suggested 2pm to start, but I've asked to push it back to 2:30.  They haven't gotten back to me.  230 will give me 45 minutes for pictures and final getting ready.  C. thinks I'll be late but I'll show him!  Emma's emailing me almost everyday, and has been really awesome.  I think I'm being really nit picky, but she's been really responsive.


I"m totally still up for getting together!  I"m getting excited, I have bathing suit shopping coming up, my stagette coming up.... Its all coming along!:)


PS. I went through all my papers and realized that I"m an idiot.  There is no DJ included in the Gala room.  She stated in an email that it was, but later clarified that the DJ is only included in the private beach and Chill out Club receptions...  I hope that didn't cause anybody any grief!




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I was told the similar thing about florist and DJ - not allowed, and then i got an email saying that if i pay $600 suppliment - i can have my florist or DJ....

they r trying to keep the business for the hotel with option from the hotel.

makes me so angry that everybody is getting different answers :(

Originally Posted by RoxanneL View Post

Hi girls!!


I am very confused! I dont think they have any idea on what they are saying!! Emma told me I wasn't allowed any outside florist or photographer. What to do??


Roxanne L


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