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Originally Posted by samcalv1 View Post

Hi Everyone


Just wondering if it is raining on the day of the wedding what is the alternative??? Has anyone here been told???



I was married there in April 2010, believe it or not it rained like crazy....the option they gave the brides for the ceremony was the one you see above "backup laguna riveria"

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Originally Posted by ChristaMichelle View Post


Does anyone have any photos of their beach ceremony set ups??


 If you scroll back a few pages you'll see.


Actually several questions are answered in this thread, good to browse back some tens of pages....I did that when i first joined and got a bunch of info that I wouldn't have thought of asking.


Someone else asked for the price of the private beach reception - its $85/head.  I believe the min. is 40 people, so if you're under 40 they might still charge a flat fee of $3,400.

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Hey Ladies,


For those canadian brides who are getting 'legally' married in Mexico, this question is for you. I live in Edmonton, AB and we are getting legally married in Mexico in April 2011. We are currently looking at the paperwork requirements in order to have a legal wedding.


1) Long birth certificate (includes parents)

2) Send them to Foreign Affairs to get authenticated

3) Get it notarized somewhere in Alberta

4) Send it to the Mexican Consulate in Toronto.


We aren't actually sure if you need to do all these steps or what you actually need to do in order to prepare to be legally married in Mexico. So if any of you alberta brides can help a fellow bride out it would be greatly appreciated. We have heard different stories that you don't need to get the long birth certificate and all you need is to photocopy your passport and birth certificate and this was in the Dominican. I was just wondering if Mexico had the same rules?


Thank you!

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Originally Posted by April2011Bride View Post

Hey Ladies,


For those canadian brides who are getting 'legally' married in Mexico, this question is for you. I live in Edmonton, AB and we are getting legally married in Mexico in April 2011. We are currently looking at the paperwork requirements in order to have a legal wedding.


1) Long birth certificate (includes parents)

2) Send them to Foreign Affairs to get authenticated

3) Get it notarized somewhere in Alberta

4) Send it to the Mexican Consulate in Toronto.


We aren't actually sure if you need to do all these steps or what you actually need to do in order to prepare to be legally married in Mexico. So if any of you alberta brides can help a fellow bride out it would be greatly appreciated. We have heard different stories that you don't need to get the long birth certificate and all you need is to photocopy your passport and birth certificate and this was in the Dominican. I was just wondering if Mexico had the same rules?


Thank you!

Hi April2011Bride,


Im from Alberta too...(Grande Prairie)


We were contacted by Sabrina Lopez from beautyweddingscancun, our wedding coordinator from the resort contacted her....Sabrina sets up our wedding date with the Judge & schedules our blood tests:


This is a copy of my email I received….


Requirements: please read carefully. You only have to follow these easy steps!

1- Couple and the 4 witnesses, need to be at the hotel with 4 working days in advance, weekends are not taken as labor days for City Hall. In case you don't have the 4 witnesses, the hotel can provide them for an extra cost of US 10/each. This cost must to be paid in cash the day of our meeting at the hotel.

2- Couple and the 4 witnesses, need to bring copy & original passports, at our meeting.

3- Couple and the 4 witnesses, need to present the tourist cards you will receive at the airport, at our meeting. You must fill out this form with exactly the same name as in your passport.

4- The service include: legal assistance via email, legal documentation at the hotel, blood test, Apostillate Certificate (legalization of marriage certificate), and sending the Apostillate certificate to your home by private courier.
The legalization of the marriage certificate "Apostillate" allows you to have a legal marriage in your country and this proceed will take about 3 months.

The Apostillate Certificate proceed will take about 3 months. The Apostillate Certificate IT IS NOT A TRANSLATION of your marriage certificate. It is a legalization that the Central City Hall adds on your marriage certificate that allows you to having a legal marriage in your country.

COST__US 320 DOLLARS This amount has to be paid in cash at the moment of our meeting at the hotel.


5- Before the wedding, you will need to cover the expenses of the expenses of the judge and the cost of US 50 DOLLARS IN CASH.  


 Hope this helps......


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Originally Posted by sasse75 View Post





Originally Posted by samcalv1 View Post


Hi Everyone


Just wondering if it is raining on the day of the wedding what is the alternative??? Has anyone here been told???




I was married there in April 2010, believe it or not it rained like crazy....the option they gave the brides for the ceremony was the one you see above "backup laguna riveria"




Thanks for the info. How did you find the backup laguna riveria? Were you happy with it? Thanks again

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For anyone that has been  trying to contact the wedding coordinator and having a difficult time, I have good news!! Out of the blue I got a call from her just to touch base. (My wedding date is April 12, 2011)  And gujarwala, you were right she is using the same email as the previous coordinator. Apparently, they have been having some difficulties with their emails, but everything is sorted out now. If you were trying to get a hold of her, I am sure she will get back to you soon!

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Hi Misshh,

Thanks for the posting.. Man, I love this site!


I would love to see pics.. here is my email ([email protected]) It would be nice to see the Mamma Mia restuarant and see how they set it up. Also is you have pics of the first dance, sounds awesome to have someone sing your first dance song. Now that is special.


I think Im gonna stick with the Mamma Mia restaurant for our reception... I am of Italian background, so it works! I was considering the Mexican restaurant too, but not sure if everyone will enjoy that one. I heard the Japanese one is awesome too, but again, not sure if its intimate and personal as the others...


Oh perfect, Im so glad to hear that you can bring an ipod (do you need an ipod doc for sound?) with you in order to get your 'first dance'... and perhaps a bridal party dance too! Im guessing that will be done after the ceremony (which is at 3pm) on the beach... then take pics, mingle with guests... then head off to take photographs... then head to the reception for dinner (at 6pm).  Once that is complete, head off to the disco and get the party started!! What is your take on that plan? do-able?


Thanks again for sharing your wedding pics... Im eager to see them :)



Originally Posted by misshh View Post

Hey Agirolamo,


I would reccomend the Mamma Mia.  The food was good and since you have to pick only one menu for your whole group it was easier with pasta, as everyone seems to like pasta. It was also nice being a little bit more private off to the side with a head table and they decorated with my flowers.  The cost for ala cartes for people over 20 is 12$ a person. I also saw  the Tai beach resturant and that seemed very nice( but it is more expensive). The Fondue resturant was very nice also and had really good food but I dont know how private it would be and I'm not sure where they would set it up as it is a little more open.


We got married at the yuppa and it was  very nice. We did not get a choice as the Gazebo was not available, but I think if the Gazebo was available I would have gone with that. We had to ask Mara for our first dance to be at the Beach  and we got to pick a song. (actually my husbands friend is a singer so he brought his guitar and sang us a song it was so nice!!) If you have a ipod you can bring it and give them songs to play there.(4 for the Ceremony and 1 for the Dance)


Yes definatly a good idea to go in depth with Mara, even after we asked about there being no decoration in our room they just put towel art on our bed. Im not sure if thats all there is supposed to be because the package stated that there was supposed to be Honeymoon Amminities and room decoration which I thought would be more then that for your wedding night!!( I was very disappointed)


If you have any more questions dont hesitate I would be more then happy to answer any questions you have!!!!!!

I can also send you a pic of the mamma mia resturant if you want to give me your email








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Hi gujarwala,


You have saved me so much stress in worrying about what is going to take place while in Mexico.. Thanks so much for all your help, support, and comments in your posts. :)


I think Im sonna stick with the Mamma Mia restaurant for the reception as it seems to be the most 'private and intimate'.. and actually cop your style in having a 'welcome dinner' at the Japanese restaurant! What a great idea.. break the ice with all your guests. Good idea.


I will be sure (from your experience) to sit down with the WC and fully go through everything before hand. Make sure there is a rehersal the day before the actual wedding...


So I think everything is set for me, ceremony is at 3pm, I'll bring an ipod (and doc?) for the first dance (hopefully on the beach) and maybe a bridal party dance, mix n mingle with the guests, then head out for photographs.... come back for a 6pm dinner for the reception, then head off to the disco to get the party started.... what are your thoughts on this plan? do-able?


I have 20 more sleeps until Im there... cant wait. I'll be sure to post pics of mine also for future brides..





Originally Posted by gujarwala View Post


Originally Posted by agirolamo View Post

Gujarwala -


Im so pleased to hear all your comments about the resort and your awesome looking wedding! Thanks for posting all your thoughts about it.. as well as the pics :) 


The WC has informed me about the Gazebo, and that it may not be up and running by the time we get married in Feb... and provided pictures of the alternative location (the yuppa) which is where they situated your ceremony. It looked beautiful.  We have 3 bridesmaids and groomsmen on each side, which should give us enough space if need be, but I like your idea of having them stand outide the 'box' lol.


As for the 'rehearsal'... did they not provide you with one? Or did you not ask? My Mother-in-Law has been wondering that and I have no answers for her. How long was the ceremony anyways? Our time slot for the wedding is 3pm Ceremony, and 6pm dinner.  We opted out for the private reception as it was too much money for us, so we are having a dinner at the a'la carte resturant instead. Which I would like to ask...... did you eat at any one of them? and if so, can you reccommend one that is 'reception-quality'?? I was thinking the Momma Mia one (or something?) What do you think??


Must tell your bride that she looked incredible and chose beautiful bridesmaid dresses..! Yellow was my second pick. I went with orange instead. Nice contrast against the ocean and sand.


thanks again for posting pics, and comments. Im glad that you had a wonderful time, may this be the beginning of a wonderful life for you and your wife!




Thanks Agirolamo for all of your compliments!  And I did pass on your kind words to my wife too. 


I think we could have gotten a rehearsal if we really pushed for it.  I did ask her if we can do a rehearsal and she said "yeah sure, we will be there a bit earlier around 1:40 and we can go over everything then (the ceremony time was 2 pm) and they didn't give good instructions as to how to find the "yuppa" - so by the time we finally found it it was closer to 2 pm even though we tried to be there for 1:30 to 1:40.  Perhaps if we knew we weren't looking for an actual gazebo it would have been easier to find.  The WC didn't arrive until close to 2 pm so there wasn't a proper rehearsal.  I think the only way we could have gotten one is if I specifically requested that we all meet and rehearse a day before the ceremony, as opposed to just asking for a rehearsal and accepting the response that we can meet 20 mins before the ceremony to rehearse.  The WC's office is a good 15 min walk from the yuppa, so that's probably why she did not want to accomodate a separate rehearsal.


The ceremomy was 20 mins long.


As for a la carte's, I ate at Mama Mia, La Hacienda, Miso and the Seafood restaurant (I forget what it's called now).  They are all decorated nice and formal inside, although most of the group did not like the food at Mama Mia (was very salty, maybe its the cheese they use in Mexico, not sure)...the seafood restaurant had some nice dishes but some seemed under-cooked...Miso (Japanese) was the favourite for most of us, and I really liked La Hacienda too (Mexican restaurant).  Miso has the option of seating you in front of a tepan grill where they cook it in front of you, not sure if they offer that with wedding receptions but I dont see why not.


Good luck with everything, let me know if you have any other questions.

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Mookie - we have the same wedding date :) April 12th, 2011!

What time is your ceremony? Mine is at 4pm. My fingers are crossed for the gazebo to be available, but I'm not getting my hopes up at all!


Everyone - I have a question about the reception dinner. I'm having the semi-private reception in one of the a la carte restaurants, but received an email from Alejandra the WC with an attachment called SET MENUS. This is very different from the original menus I was sent to choose from and was wondering what's up with this? In the first menus I have it looks like I can choose an item from each course to make up the meal at the restaurant I choose. For example, I could choose an appetizer, main course and then a dessert from a list of a few options in each category. In the SET MENUS document I was sent a few days ago it seems like each restuarant has a Meal 1 and Meal 2 option and that's it - which makes it hard because in a lot of them we like the main course in one option, but the appetizer in the other. I understand what having a set menu means, but was wondering if you have the opportunity to "mix and match" the options?


Also - for anyone who has been married in the Yuppa - is the isle a wooden platform? I'm wondering if we'll be able to wear shoes during the ceremony.

Thanks :)

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