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Dieter's Tea


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I drink this tea from a local tea cafe called Slim/Balancer. It is a green tea with red dates and orange rind in it. It is supposed to curb your appetite. I don't really think it works any better than any other tea - it just tastes SO good I drink it every day!

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I do not think I have used that specific tea. I have used a few diet teas though, from China town and a health food store. They do not taste good, and I found that I was running for the toilet for a few hours after and still going really well for the rest of the day (I drank the tea at night before bed). I found it really upset my stomach and the only weight I lost was because I went to the washroom so much. My sister tried it and same for her. We both threw them out. I say try it though, if you really want to, you will know for yourself if you like it or not.

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I drink Good Earth Green Tea (found at your local supermarket) all day long, literally like a gallon sometimes!


Green tea is suppose to spead up your metabolism (I bring it on vacation when I go out of the country to help me adjust to the food... sorry TMI), and supposidly if you drink it often it will help shed 10 lbs in a year according to one study I say on the Today Show.

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