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Hi girls, 

thanks for your nice words. Please uploaded your images and pics if you want in any of the categories, ask questions, etc


Lauren, I am more worried about the weather for the big day now! There is one thing I do not understand (also because when I was in Mexico I did not see a drop of rain). I always have thought that when they talk about rain, this rains last 10-15 minutes and then the sun shines again (or just stops raining). So, why your jobmate did have to go to an indoor site? Did they have a hurracaine or sth similar?


For another hand I was thinking in one of the last emails of Vanessa. She told me she usually sees the prediction at 1pm (for weddings at 4pm), if the prediction says is going to rain, then everything has to be moved to the indoor site.

BUt she also added that even the weather prediction is the not always right. She explains me that on Monday and Tuesday the prediction was heavy rains and storm but they only have storm during the night... 


I am starting to think that in the bad case Vanessa told me at 1pm there is a prediction of rain, I am going to go ahead with the beach gazebo! 


For another hand, I know that offer eggs to Saint Clara or bury knives at the ground are crazy things! hahahhaa But as we say here "I am going to make it just in case..." lol



About the videographer, I think he is super! And you can also can speak with him thourgh Skype which I think it's great! You can tell him how exactly you want your video. The most of them he has at the website are combining images with words and music. I want one exactly as the Chrestena and he told me no problem at all. So he is flexible with the requests.


Claire, I love your OOT bags!! They are soooooo cute!! I am sure your girls are going to love it!!!! Good job!! You are very crafty!! I have bought simple bags and yesterday I finished with the Spanish and Italian texts I want to stick on them. People is not going to know what are these bags I am giving them so I have decided to write an explanation.  I have finally decided to give them at their arrival after their check in. 

The welcome cards I am going to give them at the recepcionists so they give one for person. Hope the Palladium recepcionists are not going to deny me this!



As you I am arriving one week before so I hope to be tanned as well there. So you are soooo lucky you do not have to make the blood tests!!! Why cannot happen the same to me? hahahaha I have panic for that! hahaha



Well girls, I am going to work a little bit, hehehe. 




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Don't worry Carlota, I didn't work very hard yesterday either haha. It's so easy to upload pictures into Facebook so tonight I will put an album! Did Vanessa say that even if it rains we can still be the ones to make the decision to stay on the beach, or if there is a prediction of rain are we forced to move inside at 1pm? Claire your OOT bags are beautiful! I cannot believe you did all that painting! You are incredibly talented!! I can't wait to see your tree! I'm happy your etsy things had started arriving. I mentioned yesterday that inwasnstill waiting on my bridesmaid dresses and today two arrived! Talk to you soon!

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MJones, Iâ€m from Calgary and our guests who booked with WestJet vacations received a rate of $1374 I believe. I recently heard from my travel agent that the price went down $50 per person so everyone will be getting that back. We had about 20 people book from Calgary (they needed 10 rooms in order to get the group rate) and some people flying out of Toronto to add to that. Most of my family and friends are leaving from Detroit because they live in Windsor so itâ€s way cheaper just to cross the border and fly from there then it would be to drive up to Toronto and park to join the group rate. They paid anywhere from $1200 (Expedia which I honestly donâ€t recommend) to $1450 with our TA through Delta, United and Spirit. There were no group rates for that. My fiancé and I both work for WestJet so we encouraged anyone who could to fly with us because itâ€s just such great service. ïŠ Iâ€m terrified of GDS bookings on the internet because if something goes wrong a lot of the times youâ€re at their mercy, although it can be much cheaper at times. We booked our flights separately from the rest because we wanted to get the Mayan Suite which was not available as part of a package. My advice is to pick someone youâ€re comfortable with and then hide from checking prices lol. Itâ€s so frustrating to see them going up and down and back and forth but it always happens. March is probably going to be pricier since itâ€s spring break around the country. August is cheap because letâ€s face it, itâ€s going to be boiling, haha! We also just found a deal offered through our company for employees which is ridiculously cheap to stay at the Riviera so Iâ€ve just had 6 more people ‘potentially†added on. Itâ€s on a space available list so they are all waiting for the hotel to get back to them. Two just heard and are now coming! Claire I am so excited for you as your wedding day is just about here! How are you feeling last minute? Are you nervous/excited?? How about the guests? I bet everyone is getting excited! Is there anything we can help you with from afar to prepare for last minute? What do you find yourself needing to do right now? I will be crossing my fingers and knowing youâ€ll have such an amazing day! I just canâ€t wait to see the pictures and how beautiful youâ€ll be! Carlotta I can understand why you are nervous about your dress being steamed since itâ€s so delicate. I am worried too! I wouldnâ€t imagine that they would touch the dress at all. I think that they will be very careful. I am hoping! I am getting more and more nervous as time gets closer thinking of all of the things that we still need to get done. I still need to get my bridesmaids dresses in. They have not yet arrived and Iâ€m starting to worry. I did send an email to the company inquiring. I did send a follow-up email to the bridal store in Windsor where I ordered my wedding dress to ask about what the heck happened with the shipping of my dress. I havenâ€t heard back yet though. I am also starting to feel nervous about the weather the day of the wedding. I have paid so much extra to have chairs and the crystal backdrop brought in to the resort for beach decoration. I will be so upset if it rains!! I will cross my fingers for you and for all of us brides that we have beautiful days for our wedding! Itâ€s good to know that they have things so organized in case anything happens, but of course we plan and pray that our days will be perfect. The girl I know from my office who got married at Grand Palladium 2 years ago now had rain on her wedding day and she did have to move to the indoor location. ïŒ She wasnâ€t too upset about it at all and said that the day was still perfect. I donâ€t think that I would be that calm! I guess itâ€s just one of those things we cannot control and weâ€ll have to roll with the punches if it happens. But I hope it doesnâ€t, haha! It is FINALLY supposed to be an absolutely beautiful week here in Calgary. The day is gorgeous today. But the city is still in shambles because of all of the flooding and rain over the last few weeks. Weâ€re still in a state of emergency with people evacuated from their homes, but luckily we are safe and our home is safe. Speaking of getting a tan, I am going to Las Vegas one week from today with 5 of my girlfriends and we are having a ‘tanning party†at my house the night before we leave. We are all so white, haha, so someone who I work with has an Organic spray tan business and she comes to your home, sets up a tent and does spray tans for all of the girls. The host of the party gets to tan for free and for the rest it is only $45 if you have 5 or more people! So Iâ€m looking forward to that. Once we are in Vegas I think my tan will take off and hopefully stay until Mexico, otherwise Iâ€ll get another tan again from her. I donâ€t usually hold a tan very well. Vanessa did get back to me as well about the bathrooms. She laughed and wrote ‘hahaha I was speaking with Carlotta about that and she said she talked to you!†I thought that was so funny! Also she did not understand one thing that I asked her. Maybe Carlotta you can help me to figure out what words in English to use? I wanted to know if I can borrow the board that they use that the resort puts the daily activities on. I want to borrow it for the reception so that I can hang my seating chart on it. Vanessa thought that I wanted to include the daily activities for the guests but I do not need that. I just want to use the board during the reception so that I can stick up our seating plan. Does that make sense? I also think I really want to get a videographer for the wedding. I just want a short one like Chrestena had and Iâ€m certain she told us who she used and how much she paid but I need to go back and figure it out. I thought that she had said it was the resort videographer, but I contacted Damarys through Vanessa and they sent me a price of $500 which is too much for me I think just for 2 hours. I might do it though! I just want to look into who Chrestena had.
Thank you so much for the info. So far we are looking at prices around $1950 p/p but online it shows around $100 cheaper. I'm just waiting to see what the group rate will be. Like every 15th person is free or something. It's a lot to ask our guests to pay, but at the end of the day we need to book a resort that makes us happy, and everyone that comes is a bonus. I hope we can get this all organized so I can finalize the wedding date!!
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Originally Posted by MyTye2B go_quote.gif



Did Vanessa say that even if it rains we can still be the ones to make the decision to stay on the beach, or if there is a prediction of rain are we forced to move inside at 1pm?



¡Hola Lauren! 


Vanessa did not specified me so much about this thing. I imagine that depends on what the prediction says... But what I would not like is that for example we are moving to an indoor location because the prediction says is going to rain, and then it finally rains during 15 minutes one hour before or after the ceremony. 


I am starting to pray for having at least a day without any rain! I will beREALLY BUT REALLY SAD if we have to change the beautiful beach for an indoor site... I am getting married there because we want to do it at the beach and with the sea.... Lauren, do you mind to ask her about this? If we would be forced to change location? Let's see what she told you about this and maybe we could arrive to any conclusion...


For another hand, maybe your workmate changed location because there was a bad weather prediction like storm or hurricane? Do you know if finally did it rain during all this ceremony and reception? 




One more thing girls, I would like to know from all of you what are going to do with the wine and champagne for the reception? Are you going to have the "house wine" (the one is included at the reception/appetizers) or are you going to pay extra money for better red and white wine and/or champagne?


 For example there are Spanish wines that here costs 10 usd and at the Palladium have a cost of 50 usd. It happens the same with the champagne (the French not the Spanish sparkling "cava". The resort called the Spanish one as champagne, but champagne is from the region called like this in France... ). For example a bottle of Moet & Chandon in Spain costs 40 usd and at the resort has a cost of 125 usd!! 


I am in contact with several vendors about this thing, but I am really insecure about what to do.... Please, I will thank all the opinions about this!!


Thanks brides and have a good weekend!!

¡Gracias novias y que tengáis un buen fin de semana!

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Originally Posted by Carlota1981 go_quote.gif


¡Hola Lauren! 


Vanessa did not specified me so much about this thing. I imagine that depends on what the prediction says... But what I would not like is that for example we are moving to an indoor location because the prediction says is going to rain, and then it finally rains during 15 minutes one hour before or after the ceremony. 


I am starting to pray for having at least a day without any rain! I will beREALLY BUT REALLY SAD if we have to change the beautiful beach for an indoor site... I am getting married there because we want to do it at the beach and with the sea.... Lauren, do you mind to ask her about this? If we would be forced to change location? Let's see what she told you about this and maybe we could arrive to any conclusion...


For another hand, maybe your workmate changed location because there was a bad weather prediction like storm or hurricane? Do you know if finally did it rain during all this ceremony and reception? 




One more thing girls, I would like to know from all of you what are going to do with the wine and champagne for the reception? Are you going to have the "house wine" (the one is included at the reception/appetizers) or are you going to pay extra money for better red and white wine and/or champagne?


 For example there are Spanish wines that here costs 10 usd and at the Palladium have a cost of 50 usd. It happens the same with the champagne (the French not the Spanish sparkling "cava". The resort called the Spanish one as champagne, but champagne is from the region called like this in France... ). For example a bottle of Moet & Chandon in Spain costs 40 usd and at the resort has a cost of 125 usd!! 


I am in contact with several vendors about this thing, but I am really insecure about what to do.... Please, I will thank all the opinions about this!!


Thanks brides and have a good weekend!!

¡Gracias novias y que tengáis un buen fin de semana!

Hi Carlota!

My fiance and I have thoughts about the whole wine situation. The reality is that very few people are wine experts to really appreciate good wine. On another hand, there will be lots of other beverages for our weddings and those are more popular for some people. I have been to several weddings where almost half the wine set out to drink on tables isn't consumed. So I don't plan to spend the extra money for more expensive wine, afterall the other costs we are all paying to make our day very personal and special and reflective of our identities, I'm going to spend the money on those elements rather than ordering anything beyond the house wine. Course if someone here who has been to the resort and tried their house wine and discovered it to be awful.... that MIGHT just make me change my mind. Until than, this is my idea.

So excited for you Carlota and the other brides! I hope that fortune smiles down on you all, and you have the gorgeous day that you all deserve. msnwink.gif



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Originally Posted by junomei View Post


Hi Carlota!

My fiance and I have thoughts about the whole wine situation. The reality is that very few people are wine experts to really appreciate good wine. On another hand, there will be lots of other beverages for our weddings and those are more popular for some people. I have been to several weddings where almost half the wine set out to drink on tables isn't consumed. So I don't plan to spend the extra money for more expensive wine, afterall the other costs we are all paying to make our day very personal and special and reflective of our identities, I'm going to spend the money on those elements rather than ordering anything beyond the house wine. Course if someone here who has been to the resort and tried their house wine and discovered it to be awful.... that MIGHT just make me change my mind. Until than, this is my idea.

So excited for you Carlota and the other brides! I hope that fortune smiles down on you all, and you have the gorgeous day that you all deserve. msnwink.gif




Hi Liana,

Sorry I think I have not understand you correctly. What are you going to serve for your guests during the private reception dinner? 

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Sorry Liana, yes I do understand you know. Yes! I have tried the house wine and it is AWFUL and DISGUSTING!! When I was there in 2009 but I asked Vanessa for the house wine that there is now. She went to speak with the chef that is Spanish and we were talking about the "Denominación de origen". This means the exaclty place the wine comes from and it is from "Castilla La Mancha" a region in Spain that had terrible wines... I do not consider myself picky with the whole wine thing, really you can believe me with this. It is not that I drink wines of 100 usd but there are wines in Spain very good with other costs around 6-10 usd that in the wine list of the Palladium this costs 4-5 times more...


The thing is that coming from Spain and Italy we have certainly as well as my guests a culture around the wine... So for this reason I am driving crazy myself with all this thing...

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Hi girls :) I had to stop on and check on all of you!!  I know it's getting very close for some of you!  Lauren, I was cracking  up at your huge no paragraph post and then it happened again :) I have missed you girls!!


Carlotta- I would love to join your FB group as a former Palladium Bride...gosh, that sounds so strange to now call myself a "former" Palladium Bride...it all went soooo fast!! Completely, perfect, but too fast. I know it's difficult, but try not to think about the weather too much...the more you think about it, the more you may bring it to you, so pray to Saint Clara (I think that is who you said??) and I will bury some knives for you, and send wonderful, happy thoughts your way. Just keep envisioning yourself getting married on a beautiful sunny day and it will be :) 


Claire- I love your OOT bags! Adorable - and I loved seeing the new wedding photos of the most recent bride :) What gorgeous photos, and thank you for sharing :) I still can't believe we have been married since May!


We are now busy planning our at home wedding here in New York, and we are planning a trip for our first anniversary, where we have decided to speak our vows to each other again. (just us- no guests, lol). I remember the day before we left the Palladium, I walked to my ceremony beach site, taking a video the whole time, and retraced my steps. I collected sand from  our site, and we have that here at home in our bedroom. I miss Mexico already and it's only been 7 weeks! 


I know you were asking about the videographer- and yes, we used Josef Rios, and he was the resort videographer- for any newbies who would like to see the quality of what we had (or if you would like to see the beach pergola location we used for our ceremony) or hear the vows that the resort minister used, the video is on Youtube under "Christina and Michaels wedding, Riviera Maya, Mexico, May 8 2013"...you should see it, although it can only be viewed on a computer, not an iphone as we used songs in our video that have copyrights.

He was $500 usd for 2 hours, one cameraman. He recorded us girls getting ready and put that to a song we chose, then the entire ceremony is recorded, then again a song plays with fun shots of us after the wedding. We did not have the reception videographed as we had two photographers from New York there and we have over 1000 photos of our wedding week. Josef did a wonderful job- and I love our video!  One thing to note: Josef was supposed to get some shots of my groom and his guys getting ready before he came to our room, but the guys had gotten ready quickly and went down to the lobby bar to have some drinks and some pictures taken by one of our photographers. This was not Josefs fault- he came to my room very worried I would be mad that he couldnt find the groom and groomsmen, but he had to stop looking for them or else he would not have time to capture video of us girls. I was not mad at all!! I felt so bad he searched for them for as long as he did :) He was very, very nice, and I love the video he took. I thought the price was very fair for the video as well. Our photographers were rather expensive, and we paid for their trip as well, so this was a nice break for us!! There are so many beautiful places to take photos- you girls will all have amazing photographs- I love ours on the beach, and in the trees. I will add one of the walk to the wedding- through the trees, probably the most beautiful wedding aisle I have ever seen. I even love this funny one that was no where near the beach- we were walking to find a ladies room for me to use (Ha ha!) and there was a vegetable delivery truck on the cobble road- our photographer had us hop inside with all the veggies! lol :) You will all have great pictures :)







Lauren, your ring box is so cute! It was hard for us to figure out what to do with the rings too. I didn't want to use a pillow, but unfortunately,I am not crafty like alot of you girls- I wish I was!  I ended up buying white starfish, and some very thin ivory tulle ribbon and we just wrapped our rings together around the starfish. I will post a pic. It cost about $9 total, and it looked very pretty. The one thing funny was that I tied the knots too tight and we all had a giggle as we tried to undo the knots during our ceremony :) We also passed around the starfish and rings for our guests to say a blessing over. 




Our reception was at La Laguna, and the bathrooms were not being used by anyone else- I think they could have been, but there were no other people around there. I dont think it would be a problem to place some items in a basket for your guests:) No one will take anything. 


Well, I am excited to join your FB group Carlotta!! Maybe one day we will all get a chance to meet in person!! You have all been so wonderful and helpful in my planning and I hope I have helped someone as much as you have all helped me :)  This site would like to use our wedding in one of their features, so I am really excited about that!! I get to maybe relive it a little! 



Oh wait! I forgot one more thing about the airplane and transporting your dress- I had a somewhat rude woman who told me my carry on was no more important than anyone else's carry on and that there was not a closet on board that I could use for my gown. When I told her that I had called the airline and spoke with a representative regarding my dress, I was told that there would either be closet or space behind the last row where it could hang. The woman at the airport replied with "they tell you anything you want to hear". And as far as the behind the last row- there was a bit of space, however, there is absolutely nothing to hang it on- no hook, no ledge- nothing for a hangar to hang on at all.

I didn't get angry, but I calmly asked her what I could do, besides crunching it up in the storage bin. She was really not helpful at all, and didn't care that it was my gown, and said there is nothing that she can do. She said I could not use a full overhead storage bin for myself as that is not fair.  Another employee walked over and suggested I board last with my dress and when all the luggage was stowed. He explained that if I went on first, others would push their bags into the bin with my dress or worse yet, on top of my dress! He said to wait, board last, and he would help me find room and lay my dress over the bags that were in the overhead. He found bags that were small, and flat and put my dress straight across over those. (we had to fold the garment bag gently in half). I am sorry to pass this on- it was the one negative in our entire wonderful wedding 2 weeks, however, it all turned out allright, and my dress and veil were unharmed.  Carlotta- my dress, as yours is, was of a very delicate material- embroidered silk tulle- and very fragile. It was not harmed, nor was my veil- they were steamed beautifully and delivered to our room :) Then after the wedding I went into the sea with it- haha!  After all that!  Hope that helps!! 


I will check back very soon to see all of your beautiful wedding photos, and to hear all of the lovely details of your happy, happy celebrations :) Congratulations all of you!!!  


XOXO- Chrestena





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Hello Chrestena!! So happy to hear from you again!!

Thanks once again for more details about your wedding and more pics. They are so beautiful!! It is incredible that it is almost two months from your wedding! Time really flies! I cannot believe that I am leaving in 4 weeks and getting married in 5!! This last months have gone so fast!


Thanks for cheering me up about the weather!! You are right, I have to stop worrying about this!! lol 

I live in my city that normally has a horrible weather and rains a lot! So if I travel more than 7000 km for finding rain, I will be fustrated!! lol. Crossing fingers, eggs to Santa Clara (I have recently discovered that the legend says that the bride could not offer it to this Saint but the friends) and I will bury knives at the resort! hahahaha 


About the gown... I have checked this with my TA and she phone the aircompany. I am able to bring my dress in a bag inside the plane. The gown will wrinkle but thank godness the people at the resort will iron it.  So rude the hostess with you! I cannot understand she told you that when you were telling her that was your wedding dress! Some people is embittered....


Now I am sitted at the sofa with Thomas next to me. I am a "nurse" today and this evening. He is with flu and he also has tonsillitis... So we are watching a silly movie and I am taking advantage to upload more things at the FB group.


I was trying to change my profile as you did. I mean after each time your write appears this "We're married :)  And very happy!!"


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