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Hi Ladies,

I seem to be so manic at the moment im not getting time to get on here very often so when i do i have so much to catch up on! Sounds like everyones planning is going well. I still have 8 months but time seems to be flying by. We now have 20 of us going and hopefully another 9 to book on. We have booked portafino for dinner and 6.30pm is a bit early but we look forward the party at las rocas after- some of you say you have this booked for 3 hours- how much is this as we have only been offered 2 hours a $5 a head?


I really need to get on with some planning, i feel like i done so much in the beggining and have now fallen into a state of doing nothing. My task over the next few weeks is to nail down a phoptographer, I did mention last time i was on about the resort one but no one seems to come back with great reviews so need to look outside. Does anyone have the price list for blue caribe packages?


Heather lynn- have you looked into having boutineers made up at home and taking them with you? we are doing this so that they can be reused for our party when we arrive back home.


We are taking all our items, dresses and accessories etc on as hand luggage in boxes from this company http://www.lifememoriesbox.co.uk/travel-wedding-dress-boxes-8-c.asp (the fact they say my wedding dress etc, can always help with upgrades too! )



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Hello brides!!


Lauren your bouquets are beautiful!! I love them!! So nice with the shells on it. 

You are also advancing a lot with other things! It is great you have made the bags for the oot bags, i am not so good making that (iron process, etc). I have just boughted in fucsia for the girls in a store. Now I would like to write something to explain people not only what is an OOT Bag but also what contains). Have anyone of you some idea/text for this? I am searching on this website but i cannot find anything.



Well brides, today I have gone to the store for the second try on of my wedding dress. I have bought the dress at Rosa Clara, a famous Spanish woman designer here in Spain (http://www.rosaclara.es/en/index.htmlI have brung my sandals because the saleswoman needed to take the lenght (in the pics below you could see is long) and I decided the first time to put something else at my gown. 

So this is the photo of me...

 700   700


I have decided to add around the breast some glass beads. So last time I asked for making just one to see the final "effect" of it.

Today I have seen the result and I liked a lot so I have decided to put one more where is one alredy and other two at the down part of the breasts.... Uff so difficult to explain this in English! hahaha


This is a detailed pic of today. It is not well sew so they have to correct it and add the other 3 "lines".



I will show you all the final result when I will return in 4 weeks to the final try on. 


And this are my silver sandals. 






Good weekend to everybody!!

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Carlota you look BEAUTIFUL!   Thank you so much for sharing what your dress looks like - I am glad you put your face in the picture you look so happy!  Isn't it so exciting to try on your dress!?  The glass beads just add something very special and I think they will sparkle in the sun so nicely.  About the OOT bag wording, I think I have seen some wordings on here but I will have to look around a bit.  I did add a card to mine that is like a thank you letter and also says "We hope that you can use these items during your stay to make it a bit more enjoyable".  The things included were a word search book, playing cards, itinerary of events etc.  I also included a small bag that has chapstick with SPF, after sun aloe, bug repellant wipes and tylenol and this one will be labled "In sickness and in health" which is an idea that I got from other ladies here.  I think it just needs to be a simple message stating that it is a welcome bag that they can use during their stay.  :)


My dress arrived yesterday too.  I purchased it in Ontario so that my mom could be with me when I tried it on, however I live in Alberta so I had them ship it out to me.  I was VERY upset when I saw that it had arrived Friday and was sitting on my front door step in a box and I didn't have to sign for it.  I'm sure some of you have heard about the flooding in Calgary right now, well that is where I live, so I was quite upset when I saw my $2000 dress sitting in a box in the pouring rain.  LUCKILY nothing happened to it as it was in a box and a bag and no one had stolen it off my front porch, but I was very upset with Canada Post and the bridal store who shipped it with no signature required.   Anyway, once I tried it on it was SOOOO big (like literally I could wear the bust around my hips.  I'd need to go up 6 cup sizes for the top to fit properly, even the bottom is too big, but my friend calmed me down.  She is good with the sewing machine and she said that it should not be too difficult to take it in - even that much.


So I called the seamstress and she does not even want me to bring in the dress until July 13 because she says that it will take no longer than 2 weeks to correct and since so many women lose weight before the wedding she doesn't want to do it now.  That makes sense so I am content that everything will work out. 


Yesterday was a wonderful day.  My friend came over and I pulled out all of the things that I have for the wedding so far and started to think about what needs to be finished up.  We made table runners for all of the tables and I started working on making a ring bearer box - I was inspired by something I saw on Etsy which was selling for $30 but then I found the box at Michael's for $3.99 and spray painted it, used some burlap I had and some lace ribbon I had, and created this box.  It is not finished yet, I still need to get some sand paper and make it look distressed, and also in the window at the top I would like to actually get someone with nice writing to paint our wedding date and make a heart.  I was just trying some things. I think it will be easy for our ring bearer who is only 4 years old, to bring this box which latches shut up to Uncle Tye.   








It's crazy how things are finally starting to come together!  I'm getting soooo very excited!  I have some new questions for Vanessa that maybe you ladies can help me with.  Do you know (those of you who are having or have had a reception in La Laguna) if there are bathrooms right in La Laguna that will be available for the guests and if they are private too for the reception or if they are used by other guests at the resort at the same time as the reception if they're outside?  I ask because I'd like to bring a small box with me to put in some hairspray, bobby pins and hair ties (dancing gets hot!) gum, etc.  Also I am wondering if they will have maybe an easel or poster board or something that I can borrow to stick our escort cards onto rather than having to bring something with me.  I am thinking they must have something because they usually have a big sign listing the day's activities on it.


Thanks for your help! 



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Carlota - wow, your dress is beautiful! It is very floaty and I can just picture you in the gorgeous sun and sand - you will look amazing!  Your sandals are very nice too and I agree with Lauren, your glass beads will be dazzling in the sunshine.


Lauren your Bout's are gorgeous, very fitting for the destination wedding and it means you can keep them as a memento as well because they won't wilt and die like the traditional flowers. I also really like your ring bearer box, it's so cute!


Becci, we are also having boutineers made up here so we could have the flowers we wanted. They look great and we are happy that the guys can all wear them again at our big party when we get home. I'm also taking my dress, bridesmaids and ushers dresses and shoes as hand luggage, hopefully it will help if there's a wee upgrade available :)  We are having 3 hours as Las Rocas and it was an extra $5 per hour after the first 2 hours, so $10 per person for 3 hours.  Hope that helps.


Not long for me to go now ladies, we leave for Mexico two weeks on Wednesday, although I have barely bought one holiday item, I think we have all the wedding details under control.  I'm going to spend a day or two next week getting all my holiday clothes and toiletries etc. 


I am going to collect my dress and my bridesmaids dresses this weekend, oh and my flowergirl, I got a plain white dress and had my dress maker customise it to fit in with the bridesmaids dresses -it is so cute!  I had sequins added on the skirt so it is all puffy and sparkly, and a massive sparkly bow at the back.  I will post photos as soon as I can :)


I've been busy tonight working on the OOT bags, placecards for the tables and menus.  I also bought sparklers for all the guests for the evening and have made little card holders that say 'let love shine', I'm sure you will have seen them on here, they are so cute.  I've been working on our fingerprint guestbook too, peter is a great drawer so he is going to draw the actual tree, but I have ordered the ink pads in our wedding colours (grey and yellow) and made a little sign to put beside it that says 'Leaf your print and sign your name'  again, I'm sure you will have seen similar ideas on here.  I'm looking forward to bringing that home to our party and having all our guests here 'sign' it as well.  I think it will be a lovely item to frame and hang on the wall. 


Well ladies, I am exhausted and have a busy day at work tomorrow (printing more wedding things!) so will log off and try and get a decent nights sleep :)

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Thank you so much Claire and Lauren!


Now I have to get tan!! It seems the summer is never going to come!! It does not stop raining!! Such a nightmare... Although I have a very white skin I get tanned really fast and quite brown but with this weather I am thinking in doing some tanning sessions because I would not like to arrive to Mexico so white!!


And talking about the weather, I have just begun to be a little bit worried about the weather for the wedding day. When I was in Mexico at the start of July, we had the best of the lucks because we did not see a drop of rain!! But I remembered the bus driver that brang us from Cancun airport to the resort told us that the previous week they had had rain every single day!!


Guys, do you have heard about a bride that had to cancel her wedding outside? I know they have an indoor site but I  really do reject to get married there!! I am not travelling more than 7000 km for going to an indoor site! Vanessa told me that the last check of the weather she makes is at 1pm. If the weather report says that is going to rain then we will have to get married inside... The only fact of thinking in this possibility gets me upset!! What do you think about this girls?



Lauren, I am also on a diet but it is difficult with an Italian fiancè (you know Italians eat pasta a lot) and I love pasta so it is being very difficult, haha. But I am trying to do a low- carbohydrate diet specially with low-glycemic carbohydrates that helps to loose weight faster. I just want to loose some kilogrames because as you have written, I do not want to be fat in front of the other guests. Except but old sister, every girls is sooooo thin!!  So believe, I completely understand you!! And arriving there with one week notice even more difficult!! hahaha


I love your ring box, it is so cute! One thing that I have learned with this great website is the huge amount of DIY projects I have learning and we can make. Your ring box is so nice! 


About what happen with your gown... I cannot belive it!! I was shocked when I did read it! Did you phone the store to ask for explanations? In this kind of situations I would have thought that the fault is from the store but maybe are the ones from the post service. Two months ago, it happened to me the same when I ordered a dress and some sandals from Accessorize. They sent me to home but not certified so I emailed the store. They did assure me that they always send their stuff with signature required. So i finally discovered it was a fault of Spanish post....

Luckily nothing happened to your dress!!! And look the positive thing of all of this, at least is big enough you can fit it to your body, and not small! 


About what you ask about the toilets... Very good question!! I had not tought about that!! I have no idea... And anybody does know if are there any bathrooms at Las Rocas Bar? I cannot remember this.

What I think is if this two events (dinner at La Laguna and cocktails at Las Rocas) are private, the normal would be that nobody from the hotel could reach the bathrooms while we are there... but no idea about this.


Yesterday I emailed Vanessa to ask about the ironing of the dress. I was worried about the clothing of my wedding dress. I know they iron them almost once a day with so many weddings they have,  but my gown is very delicate. It is real authentic crape (also called "crepè) of silk. I asked to the saleswoman at the store and she told me they cannot iron directly, only with steam iron but the iron cannot touch the dress. I thought that maybe you all could be interested in the next information. 


Vanessa told me to not be worried because they iron all the dresses in the same way:  the iron never touches the dresses. They just iron them with a powerful steam. She also sent me a picture about the iron they usually work with.


This is the way they iron the dresses:






And this is the proffesional iron they use:


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 75




This weekend I have also payed the final balance of the flowershop. I have ordered some centerpieces for the Sports Bar as well as the ones for La Laguna. I was shocked when I received the costs for only just the ones for the Sports Bar. I have decided to use some tropical flowers in all the tables and pomander balls as well.

They just asked me 350 usd only for 6 small centerpieces and 4 small pomander balls. 


So the DIY projects at this website are great. I have cancelled this two things and I am going to create it by myself after reading so ideas of other brides. After so many money spent at the flowershop I dont really want to spend 350 usd more for just 90 minutes of appetizers... 


So I am going to put one of this on each table. I have bought a faked fucsia orchids in a flowershop. They seemed so real when I saw them, that I had to touch them to see if they were real or fake. This has cost me 8 usd all of them.  Vanessa is going to lend me the recipients at no cost which is great so I have not to bring them at the baggage or going to buy it to Playa del Carmen.





And about the pomander balls I have found this great video at Youtube about how to make them. I only have to find the fake flowers which is not simple to find a big quantity of them... But the video is great. This is the link: 





Claire, oh my good! I cannot believe that you are leaving in only 2 weeks! Write us before flying to Mexico to tell us how exciting you are! Hope all this two weeks you are not going to be stressed with all the last things and moments!! I am starting to be a little bit stress now that I have 5 weeks to leave and 6 for the wedding! 


 You are great too! So many DIY projects as well!! My dad has also made my fingerprint guestbook as well!! I have seen it last Friday and I love it as he is also very good painting! I asked my dad to do it some weeks ago because I like a lot the idea of having this not only as a remember of my wedding but also as a remember of my dad! I took the idea of one from Etsy and next week I would like to buy the inks (two different colours of green) for this. 



Claire, just in case you are not going to be able to write here again, I wish you the best of the days!! 

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Hi again girls!!


Vanessa is so fast answering doubts! I have just emailed here with some doubts that I had and I added the one for the bathrooms. I have just received her answer about this.


"En todos lados habra baños cerca, pero estos no son privados, se compartiran. Sobre la Laguna, normalmente nunca hay gente cerca, el sport bar esta a un lado del lobby como es de dia la mayoria de la gente estara en la piscina asi que no tendras mucha gente ahí tampoco, y las rocas el bar solo se abrira para ustedes, a esa hora normalmente no hay nadie, al menos uno que otro despistado que este perdido o explorando el hotel. Pero normalmente van de paso no pasan al baño".



She says that in every location there are bathrooms near but these are not private during our wedding, so we have to share them. About La Laguna she says that normally there is no people around and about Sports Bar being in a side of a lobby, the most of the people would be at the swimming pool so there not will be a lot of people around neither. 

Las Rocas Bar it will be open only for the wedding so at that time there are normally nobody, unless someone that has lost his/her way or is exploring the hotel. But normally they do not go to the bathroom. 




Once again the great Vanessa answering promptly and in a very detailed way!

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Originally Posted by caseylynndavis View Post



Your centerpieces with the orchids are so pretty! So Vanessa is letting you use the vases so you dont have to bring them? i am not sure if i understood correctly :)


Hi Casey,


Yes, I took the idea of a DIY project at this site but I have seen it as well at Pinterest. There are a lot of options with different kind of flowers. I would have liked to use the tropical ones that will be at my centerpieces that here is imposible to find the fake ones so for this reason I decided to buy the fake orchideas that will be as my bouquet (white and fucsia orchids).

So I had the idea to ask to Vanessa (if not, there are also at the Walmart at Playa del Carmen) so she sent me some pics. They lend the vases without any cost. 


This are the 3 types of vases they had at the resort:




The first one of the right is 38cm high but they only have 3 of these.


The one on the middle... they only have 3 too and it is high 30 cm and wide 13cm


I had choosen the ones on the left because they have exactly 6, the quantity that I need (there are 6 small tables at Sports Bar for the appetizers) so I decided I prefered all equal. This are 25cm high and 13cm wide. 


I alredy have the fucsia fake orchids and this week I have the intention to buy 6 floating fucsia candles. Although it will be still clear at the Sports Bar (in August gets dark around 7.30pm) I only want to use them for a decorative purpose as the photo you saw, because to switch on the candles when it is not still dark has no sense for me. 


Hope to be helpful ; )

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