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Hi Girls


Im getting stressed about choosing menus/packages, options for everything!!


My finance really wants a private dinner so 7-11. But our ceremony is at 2pm. Still mad about that. LOL

Has anyone has a ceremony at 2 then dinner not till 7? I don't want to pay for a cocktail hour in between either. Do you think this is too much time for guests. I know its a resort so they won't be bored but feel bad with so much time in between. Any thoughts on this?


Also it seems most people on here have had reception at La Laguana....is it better than Gran Azul? They seem pretty similar.


Everyone keeps saying Destination wedddings should be stress free so why am i stressed? haha

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Hey Heatherlynn83,


I've chosen 2pm for my ceremony,course my plan is to have the catholic ceremony so it'll be a little longer than just a civil ceremony, but I moved my ceremony to the 2pm slot to have more time with my photographer. Most sites I've visit say the biggest regret brides have it not having enough time, and after reading several post I might also fit in a little alone time with my groom to just enjoy the moment.

But when I was talking to Grace I think she mentioned the possibility of moving supper to 6pm which is my plan if its possible rather than the 7pm start time.... I'm not having a cocktail hour as I just plan to let the guest do whatever they want in the meantime, it looks like there are lots of bars and lounges to relax at anyways.

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Welcome to the forum Newmrskassner!!! You will see how helpful is this!! I am addicted!! lol


Jengullage, you are welcome. I told to my friend to send some pics of his room at Royal Suites so I will post them here when he sends me. You can write to the mail of Antonio Parrado (he is not only Spanish but also he is from my city), that you can find at Palladium Addict I think. He is the manager of White Sand, Riviera and Royal Suites. Explain him you are returning to the GP and you are getting married there. Maybe this could help. I did not meet him personally when I was there (I met Banessa Burque, the manager of the 2 other sections, and I discovered as well she is from a town 20 km from mine) but my elder sister did (she was there last year) and she told me he is adorable.

Good luck! And ask me whatever you need!!


I cant belive how near is now your wedding! You are the next!!! msnwink.gif



Norma, thanks for the pics. I am getting at beach gazebo and I love to see thousands of photos there!! For another hand I am not able to see if photos are at La Laguna or Gran Azul. It is too dark for me, I can see the difference just because there is the swimming pool/ trees behind. Maybe other brides could able to say sth.


Heather, at the beggining we booked El Gran Azul because it was nearer from the gazebo beach and the Sports Bar (where the appetizers and cocktails will be served). But I finally changed my mind for two reasons. One because Vanessa told me that inside are all equal but in her opinion La Laguna is more beautiful.


The second reason was because I did read some opinions of other brides that got married there and they finally chose La Laguna as well because they saw it is more apart from the "possible noise" of the hotel guests. 

We have finally changed place and we will do the dinner at La Laguna. I have also seen more photos from outside when it is dark and it seemed more beautiful having the swimming pool with lights. 



About your ceremony at 2pm I see your worries about this as you have mentioned it in some ocassion. Some ideas:


1) Have you considered the option to change the day? Maybe one/two days before or later it is available the ceremony at 4pm.


2) Or have you considered to change location for your ceremony? Just for giving you ideas about this.

As you are asking us our opinion I will give you mine, maybe 4 hours (you are getting married at 2pm between the ceremony and pics with your guests imagine you use one hour) it is too much. Your guests are flying to Riviera Maya for your wedding so if you leave them alone so many time... I do not know...


3)if you prefer not to pay for a private cocktail or cocktail+appetizers, why do not just do it "public"? After your photos you could go to take some cocktails to an open bar and then at 7pm the supper.


You could make pics with all the guests, etc at the beach and other locations, then your guests go to a bar and you continue making photos with your alredy husband and then later you could reach them at that bar. In this way, they are not going to be "alone" so many hours. I think is great you take time to be alone with your husband or you stay with your guests all the time, I think you just have to find the middle point between one thing and the other. msnwink.gif

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Carlota1981-- You are too funny but I think I am becoming addicted as well cheesy.gif I agree, I can't tell either...but I think it may be Gran Azul since its the one near the pool.


Heatherlynn83- I did a site visit this past April and i am leaning toward the Gran Azul. As Carlota said they are both similar in size. The difference is the layout--- Gran Azul has two sides that you can set up which is divided by a bar. Whatever section you choose will be blocked off by the public. The bar, I believe (don't quote me though) may be open to public but Grace told me that guests usually stay away when they see it's a wedding reception. The Gran Azul faces the pool. The Gran Azul can be used till 2 am while the La Laguna can be used only till 12 pm only. 


The Laguna, again is similar size but it faces the Lagoon. There is a bridge right in front the view of the Lagoon which made me think there would be more foot traffic. However, Grace assured that this is not really a problem. My first impression was that Gran Azul was more private. However, it could go both ways...plus it's been a month since I've been back msnwink.gif


I do have pictures of both sites... I can email to you if you would like.



Originally Posted by Carlota1981 View Post

Welcome to the forum Newmrskassner!!! You will see how helpful is this!! I am addicted!! lol


Jengullage, you are welcome. I told to my friend to send some pics of his room at Royal Suites so I will post them here when he sends me. You can write to the mail of Antonio Parrado (he is not only Spanish but also he is from my city), that you can find at Palladium Addict I think. He is the manager of White Sand, Riviera and Royal Suites. Explain him you are returning to the GP and you are getting married there. Maybe this could help. I did not meet him personally when I was there (I met Banessa Burque, the manager of the 2 other sections, and I discovered as well she is from a town 20 km from mine) but my elder sister did (she was there last year) and she told me he is adorable.

Good luck! And ask me whatever you need!!


I cant belive how near is now your wedding! You are the next!!! msnwink.gif



Norma, thanks for the pics. I am getting at beach gazebo and I love to see thousands of photos there!! For another hand I am not able to see if photos are at La Laguna or Gran Azul. It is too dark for me, I can see the difference just because there is the swimming pool/ trees behind. Maybe other brides could able to say sth.


Heather, at the beggining we booked El Gran Azul because it was nearer from the gazebo beach and the Sports Bar (where the appetizers and cocktails will be served). But I finally changed my mind for two reasons. One because Vanessa told me that inside are all equal but in her opinion La Laguna is more beautiful.


The second reason was because I did read some opinions of other brides that got married there and they finally chose La Laguna as well because they saw it is more apart from the "possible noise" of the hotel guests. 

We have finally changed place and we will do the dinner at La Laguna. I have also seen more photos from outside when it is dark and it seemed more beautiful having the swimming pool with lights. 



About your ceremony at 2pm I see your worries about this as you have mentioned it in some ocassion. Some ideas:


1) Have you considered the option to change the day? Maybe one/two days before or later it is available the ceremony at 4pm.


2) Or have you considered to change location for your ceremony? Just for giving you ideas about this.

As you are asking us our opinion I will give you mine, maybe 4 hours (you are getting married at 2pm between the ceremony and pics with your guests imagine you use one hour) it is too much. Your guests are flying to Riviera Maya for your wedding so if you leave them alone so many time... I do not know...


3)if you prefer not to pay for a private cocktail or cocktail+appetizers, why do not just do it "public"? After your photos you could go to take some cocktails to an open bar and then at 7pm the supper.


You could make pics with all the guests, etc at the beach and other locations, then your guests go to a bar and you continue making photos with your alredy husband and then later you could reach them at that bar. In this way, they are not going to be "alone" so many hours. I think is great you take time to be alone with your husband or you stay with your guests all the time, I think you just have to find the middle point between one thing and the other. msnwink.gif

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Originally Posted by normas09 View Post


 The Gran Azul can be used till 2 am while the La Laguna can be used only till 12 pm only. 


The Laguna, again is similar size but it faces the Lagoon. There is a bridge right in front the view of the Lagoon which made me think there would be more foot traffic. However, Grace assured that this is not really a problem. My first impression was that Gran Azul was more private. However, it could go both ways...plus it's been a month since I've been back msnwink.gif





Thanks Norma !! msnwink.gif

Are you sure Gran Azul is available until 2am? I am anyway be until 9pm at La Laguna and then move to Las Rocas Bar for the party there. But Vanessa explained me that whatever location I choose, it is only available until 12pm because it is a general norm of the resort to respect the hotel guests that could want to sleep. 

This is what she told me but maybe things have changed.... When I booked Las Rocas Bar for the end of the evening, Vanessa wrote me "and remember, you all could only stay there until 12pm as the resort norm says".


¡Un saludo!

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Hola Carlota! 


I have written down that it can be used till 2am-- I think it's because it's not that close to the room (?) but not really sure why that is. The only thing is that we will be charged for the extra hours. I like that option because I really want to do what it called a "torna boda" since I am Mexican, and it's a Mexican tradition. Generally, a "torna boda" is a party that follows the wedding usually the next day but I would like to do it as a "late-night" snack/food then head to the disco.


Las Rocas is gorgeous! My FI fell in love and all he keeps reminding me is that we have to do cocktail hour there. haha. It's so cute when the man gets all bridal!



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I forgot to add, YES!! This is stressful. Don't worry you are not alone. It is normal to get stress but I think it will be less stressful once you pick the packages :)





Originally Posted by HeatherLynn83 View Post

Hi Girls


Im getting stressed about choosing menus/packages, options for everything!!


My finance really wants a private dinner so 7-11. But our ceremony is at 2pm. Still mad about that. LOL

Has anyone has a ceremony at 2 then dinner not till 7? I don't want to pay for a cocktail hour in between either. Do you think this is too much time for guests. I know its a resort so they won't be bored but feel bad with so much time in between. Any thoughts on this?


Also it seems most people on here have had reception at La Laguana....is it better than Gran Azul? They seem pretty similar.


Everyone keeps saying Destination wedddings should be stress free so why am i stressed? haha

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Hello Ladies


Carlota- I am going to look up Antonio on the Palladium website tonight and see if I can get in contact with him!  It would put my mind at ease to find out if I could ensure we get a beautiful room! I emailed someone at grand palladium that vanessa had sent me an email for but I never heard anything back from them unfortunately.  You must be also getting so excited! Your wedding is a month after mine! After talking with all of the ladies it seems I keep adding things to our budget haha.  Now we want the mexican trio possibly, and we are considering the videographer...no regrets right!! Hee hee


Normas09- I am a little bit confused with the Grand Azul/La Laguna thing.  Vanessa told me that La Laguna was the one overlooking the pool and that Grand Azul was the one that had the trees and nature behind it but you are saying that it is the opposite.  Now I am worried she made a mistake and mixed them up because we booked La Laguna because she said it was the one overlooking the pool.  This resort is so big haha I maybe will email to clarify this because I definitely want the one over looking the white sands pool!


Heatherlynn- You aren't alone !! I go through stages where I am very relaxed about everything and feel like everything is under control....and then all of a sudden I'll have a week where I think there is just so much to do- how will we ever get it done, and that our budget grows by the minute!! Hee hee!  I am convinced it's hormonal! I feel bad for my poor fiance, he has to put up with me haha!!

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Hahhaha Jengullage!! I have just read your last sentence and I was laughing a lot, lol, yes my FI the same, poor one!! Somedays I am super estress others not, lol. For example now we are having some problems with the Italian burocracy for the documents required for the legal wedding. It toke me a world to understand the differences between the burocracy of Spain (where we live), Italy (where my fiance is from) and Mexico.

I alredy got my papers but Italy takes a lot for giving original copies. Everything is most difficult because all this things are being done them Thomas' dad. We cannot fly to Italy each time!! lol

Vanessa was trying to relax me... Hopefully we will have Thomas papers here in two weeks. I am crossing fingers!!



And yes! We are still booking things so more money to spend!! But yes girls take a cameraman, i think it worths the money!! 


Good night!

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Originally Posted by normas09 View Post


Hola Carlota! 


I have written down that it can be used till 2am-- I think it's because it's not that close to the room (?) but not really sure why that is. The only thing is that we will be charged for the extra hours. I like that option because I really want to do what it called a "torna boda" since I am Mexican, and it's a Mexican tradition. Generally, a "torna boda" is a party that follows the wedding usually the next day but I would like to do it as a "late-night" snack/food then head to the disco.


Las Rocas is gorgeous! My FI fell in love and all he keeps reminding me is that we have to do cocktail hour there. haha. It's so cute when the man gets all bridal!



Hi Norma! I understand you perfectly about the hours.

To give you an idea, here in Spain everything is later: hours for lunch (from 2 to 4pm), dinner (at 10pm), and of course the parties and weddings!


For example a wedding ceremony here usually starts at 7pm, then appetizers at 8pm and the supper starts at 10pm. Not before. The dances usually start at 12.30 am and until 4 am as minimum. If you pay extra hours also until 5, 6 or 7 am. 


So imagine "how difficult" for me was at the start changing my mind to adapt the wedding to the American hours... hahahhaha


Here it is a sentence that says: Allá donde fueres, haz lo que vieres (that means for the rest of brides here, sth like "whatever place you go, do what you see")

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