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Originally Posted by Chrestena View Post


Hi Girls!!  Ok- as promised I will try to post some photos :) Please keep in mind that my professional photos aren't done for about a month, so most of these are camera phone photos, and some of them have really bad quality...there are a few professional ones that our photographers sent in as sneak peak pics :) I really wish you could see the video because that really gives you a great idea of the rooms and the layout of the resort and wedding site. I will still try to download a link to youtube once I get it placed there :)


Carlotta- the SPA was amazing :) I really hope everyone makes it there at least one day- it is so relaxing and pretty. We really did not have a mosquito problem at all- in fact, I didn't get bit. It was only that on our wedding night, there was a huge flying bug, kind of like a dragonfly, with a really large wingspan, flying around our room! I didn't want him hurt- I just wanted him outside. Other than that (and the little bugs from all the rose petals they placed everywhere for our wedding night) we were fine :)


And, yes, I really suggest looking at both locations in person and deciding. I re-read my review and it sounded a bit confusing, so for clarity- we originally decided on  the beach gazebo. When we got there, we walked both locations and really fell in love with the beach pergola location, and decided to go the barefoot, toes in the sand route. Once I saw the palm trees and the water so clear and so close, I just felt a personal attachment to this ceremony site. And yes, the time alone immediately following the ceremony was great- I wish someone had secretly followed us and snapped a photo! 


Here are some pics!!! I tried to upload them in order, but....no such luck! Sorry :) lol XOXO    Chrestena



Momma and Daddy :)



My new hubby!!  These were taken the next day, around 5 pm for the light. Yes, there were lots of people on the beach watching :)



This is the set-up for our rehearsal dinner at Portofino on the terrace. This was set up for 26. It was so nicely done.



Just finished! whew!



One of our professional photos. Married 3 minutes. Spanish Trio playing our first dance! PS- Thats Vanessa Roldan in the background in blue!! 



Heart on my behind. ha ha.!



Epitome of a beach wedding...a bathing suit clad couple walks by during our kiss! Loved it!! They cheered for us too :)



These are so out of order. This is moments before the photo above this. 



The beach is very lush as you head inland. Lots of great photo opportunities as the sun is setting.



I wanted to show my bouquet to you girls. It was so vibrant and happy!! I only got to wear my shoes for the reception. During the ceremony, we all wore foot jewelry.



Funny pic :) Directly after the wedding, at our ceremony site. The brunette in the left is my new step daughter, and the little blonde and little strawberry blonde on the far right are my daughters. The tall blonde is my sis in law, and her daughter is our flower girl. 



Vanessa had Mike drink a Vodka Tonic while waiting for us girls. This is the ceremony site location. You can see there are people in the water, and some chairs, but they are kept away by rope before the ceremony. Dont worry!! The rope is removed long before any guests come to the site :) It was so pretty here!!!



Spanish Trio in the background. Wonderful minister!!



Sneaking through the trees to the ceremony site. Very romantic. I could see glimpses of him waiting... tried not to look, and he told me he was doing the same thing :)



This was just so beautiful. The sand was pure white and sparkly, the water was shimmery, and it looked magical. You can see I just did the chairs in white so everything else stood out, the flowers, and the girls dresses, and the rose petals, against the sky and the water. Funny story about the lady in the pink bathing suit. She was so sweet- she was from Ecuador, and came over after the ceremony and asked if she could please take a photo with me. She kept saying I looked like a barbie doll, and that she wanted to be a bride again so badly. Her husband was to take the photo (they were married for 22 years). I took the pic with her, and then asked if she wanted to put my veil on, and hold the flowers for me to take a picture of her and her husband. At first she said "Oh no, I couldnt do that..." but I took my veil off and put it on her, let her hold my bouquet, and made her husband stand next to her. She was laughing and said "Dont get my legs in the picture!" and I took a bunch on their camera. It was really a wonderful moment!!! Destination wedding style!!



24 hours married! This is directly outside our villa- the beach is right behind us.



This is the outside of La Adelita. The pillars are beautiful around the resort, so there are many great places to take photos!! 



Professional photo. I just loved the Spanish Trio. It was one of my favorite decisions. They were amazing.



This is the ceremony site 2 days before we left to come home. I went here to walk the exact same path I walked on my wedding day, one more time before going home. This is how it looked when I changed my site locations. It is not decorated with a thing except Mother Nature, and it is still just so breathtaking. I took this to show the "aisle" created by the palm trees. As a bride, you emerge from the lush jungle, to this part of the sand, and walk through these threes. To the left (not showing in the pic) is a thatched roof bar.



We're Married!!!



Professional photo



Ha! Running like dorks on the beach. There was a family right behind us wishing us well. :)



Punta Emilia wedding arch in the background. The waves are pretty good here- as it is pretty windy!



I posted this pic to show the difference in the locations for the ceremony sites. This is directly to the right of the beach gazebo. You can see the water is amazingly beautiful! The difference is this area is rocky, and because the water has rocks in it, there is lots of sea greenery growing on the rocks. Both locations are stunning. I just preferred the beachy area to the rocky area.



My daughter holding my very long veil, walking to meet my groom!



Trash the Dress photo shoot the day after the wedding. Those were the flowers Vanessa gave me for my hair, they lasted til the next day :) By the way, my dress is fine!! I washed it in the outdoor shower twice, then in fresh water in the bathtub, let it dry, and did it again, and it was actually cleaner than it was after the wedding! :) I think chlorine in the pool would have damaged it, but the sea did not. My fabric was embroidered tulle, so I cannot say about another fabric.



My beautiful bridemaids (our daughters and sis in law). The color was so intense against the natural scenery!



I am a very happy bride :) 



One thing I forgot to mention! We have been to this resort a few times now, and it is very windy!! You may notice that I am standing on the right, not the left, as most brides do, (except Jewish brides). I stood out at our site every day before the wedding and noticed that the wind blows to the right. I did not want my hair blowing crazy in my face and my veil blowing in front of me, so I made this request to Vanessa and she agreed! You may want to do the same!! Im so glad i did this because my hair was blowing away from my face pretty hard. If I was standing where Mike is, ALL of my hair would have been in my face. :)



I remember this moment so well! My heart was pounding, but i was calm...very strange!





This is our balcony with the hammock. Popping champagne. Everyone ready but the bride :)



This is a Mayan Suite. We were in room 3306, upstairs. the rooms were beautiful!



These guys were really great!! Loved them!!! Worth every penny :) They played right there on the beach for us!!



My groom as I was walking down the aisle. You can see the roof behind him- that is the area with the sail-boards. They were true to their word, and moved everything away so it was nice and neat. I did love seeing the thatched roof in the shots though :) And he wore the hat because it is HOT!! :)


I hope these help you ladies! I know you will all have just beautiful weddings- I will check back to see how you are all doing!!! Ask me any questions you wish and I will be happy to help :)


Someone asked about El Dorado, and I do not have a photo of it, but it was very good!  I would choose the place you like the menu of, and trust that they will set it up beautifully. We had a dinner 2 nights before our wedding at El Dorado, for 24 people, and a Spanish Quartet came over to play for us knowing that we were a wedding party. Make sure when you book dinners before the wedding, that they know you are a wedding party- they really want you to enjoy everything!! 


Talk to you soon!! XOXO Chrestena


Ahhh love all the pictures! Thank you for sharing these! Congratulations!

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Congratulations Chrestena!!!


You looked beautiful and SOOO HAPPY!! That is so amazing that you had such a perfect wedding!! I absolutely LOVE reading through all of your comments and reviews and it really does make me take a step back and relax a little about all of the little "details" I have been a little worried about.  My fiance sat down for dinner tonight and we looked through your pictures and we are now thinking of getting the spanish trio because of your review! It means so much to us soon to be brides that you and all of the other brides on here have taken the time to come back to this site and give us updates!  I can't wait to give my review!


I have a question regarding the room you had.  You said you were in 3306 and that it was a Mayan suite and that confused me a little.  Were you at Kantenah? that is the only building that is 33 that is by the beach and it is on the kantenah side right?? Your room looked so different from any other room I have seen on here! It was gorgeous!!  We have booked the Royal Suites in the Yucatan section (the adult only section) and we are really hoping that our room is an updated room with a king size bed but I won't know until I get there and that makes me stress a little! I would hate to get there and it not be updated and beautiful like yours was, and for there to be two double beds in the room (just not that romantic for the honeymoon you know!).  Our travel agent said it was the most expensive part of the resort so I would hope that the rooms would be updated in there.  Anyone else wondering or worried about the same thing? haha I know we won't be spending much time in the rooms but since there are rooms updated, pictures for getting ready and the overall atmosphere of the room would feel more luxurious at nights if it were!!

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Wow, congrats again Chrestena and thank you for the pictures! I absolutely love seeing all the pictures and reading your comments for all of them :). You looked beautiful and I loved your dress & flowers! Did you girls get your hair done at the spa?? and what about the make-up or did you do that yourselves??

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Originally Posted by jengullage View Post



I have a question regarding the room you had.  You said you were in 3306 and that it was a Mayan suite and that confused me a little.  Were you at Kantenah? that is the only building that is 33 that is by the beach and it is on the kantenah side right?? Your room looked so different from any other room I have seen on here! It was gorgeous!!  We have booked the Royal Suites in the Yucatan section (the adult only section) and we are really hoping that our room is an updated room with a king size bed but I won't know until I get there and that makes me stress a little! I would hate to get there and it not be updated and beautiful like yours was, and for there to be two double beds in the room (just not that romantic for the honeymoon you know!).  Our travel agent said it was the most expensive part of the resort so I would hope that the rooms would be updated in there.  Anyone else wondering or worried about the same thing? haha I know we won't be spending much time in the rooms but since there are rooms updated, pictures for getting ready and the overall atmosphere of the room would feel more luxurious at nights if it were!!

Hello Jengullage,


What I could tell you is that last year the Kantenah and Royal Suites section were refurbished. They are starting to make the same works at the Colonial side during this year. 

A friend of mine was for honeymoon at the Royal Suites last November where you are going so I was having a coffee with him right now and I asked him. He told me that they had a room with double bed at the highest floor. The terrace had a half of roof and other at open air with a huge jacuzzi. But they did not have a cathedral roof at the room. He told me this is only available at the "huts" of the Royal Section but not at the buildings. I repeat this is the information he has just told me....

Anyway, I would suggest to write to the PR (for the welcome stuff at your room as well as the honeymoon one) and enter at palladium adict website. 

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Hi brides :) Wow! Thank you for all the very kind words and congratulations from you all! I still can't believe we are back home already...:) I have been married for 17 days as of today! I am so glad the review helped, and that the pictures did too...I know that I was on this site all the time- talking to Kathy, Maybride, Carlota, Mytye (Lauren), Claire, Jengullage and Mikeycelle...we were all getting married in a row or so it seemed...and talking to all of you really helped me work through soooo many questions! I loved seeing Kathy's photo and review, and the other past brides as well. This is such a great forum. My biggest thing was that I wanted to see the rooms, see the locations, and I worried about my hair. I still laugh at how much I worried about that! 


Brebuisson, you asked about our hair and makeup. After all the worrying about how to wear my hair (up or down, straightened, or my natural wavy/curly, flowers or veil, ..plus I also bought a diamond headband...) I ended up realizing that I was worrying way to much. I loved how Kathy's hair looked when she posted her photo, and she had it done in the SPA, but no one ever gets my hair right- it's very wavy and unruly. In my profile pic I have it straightened. I decided to let it go natural, and just help my curls along with a curling wand so they would stay a bit. In the end, it was so windy, that my hair looked beachy wavy anyways and my husband loves it that way best, so he thought I looked beautiful. I was too happy to care about my hair! We all just curled our own hair with a curl stick, and sprayed it a bit with some hairspray- not too much because of all the wind. I really secured my veil tightly- about 10 bobby pins in an X to anchor it due to the wind, and I did switch sides from the traditional "bride on the left" so that the wind would blow my hair off my face instead of in it :) No one even noticed that I was on the "wrong" side. We all did our own makeup as well. But I did take cues from former brides on this site (thank you!) about wearing a bit more makeup than usual- and they were right! I felt like I had so much on- vibrant pink lipstick, and much more eyeliner than I usually wear. I also darkened my eyebrows and wore more eyeshadow than normal. I am so glad I did this! I would have looked very washed out otherwise in the bright sun. 


Thank you for the dress comments! I loved it too :) (maggie sottero- very light as a feather as it was all tulle). 


Mikeycelle- hey my fellow New Yorker!!  Thanks for the great message! Yes, Vanessa is adorable and I loved working with her! I cracked up at your comment about "no hair issues" for Mike! i said the same thing :) xo


Jengullage- Thank you for the kind words! I was very happy :) Your review, when it's time, will be super helpful to brides! I am sure you will have an amazing wedding! I can't wait to see your photos as well!! To answer your question about the building- yes, we were in 3306, which is one of the Mayan Suites in building 33 on the beach. You are correct, this is in the Kantenah portion. It is very close to our wedding site location. The Kantenah was recently redone with an updated color scheme. We were here 2 years ago, and it was the older version. The room is really pretty, and modern. Flat screen tv, king size bed, large windows to open, the patio with the hammock (Mike's fave thing) and the outdoor shower (my fave thing!) lots of mirrors and, a great bathroom! The ceiling was a vaulted cathedral so it felt very roomy. I did not see the Royal Suites, but I do know that they are pricey, so I can't imagine they would not be absolutely beautiful! My husband got ready in his brothers room in the Colonial, and they were not updated rooms. I would do as Carlotta suggested and put in a request at the Palladium Addict website (we did as well for the Mayan Suites) and also follow up with Vanessa. Either way I am sure it will be just fine :) I think they really try to cater to brides- especially if you are nice to them! They were so very kind to us!


Claire- and Lauren :) Both of you tearing up made ME tear up again! lol :)  I can't wait to see and hear about your weddings!!  XO


Carlotta- your post made me smile so much :) The photo of the running on the beach was one of my favorites too- it wasn't planned, he just started chasing me for fun, and the photographer caught it- but it really made a cute picture- Thomas seems very involved to look at the site with you- that is wonderful!! I can't wait to see your wedding as well! I am downloading the YOUTUBE video as I write this, and I promise I will put up the link so you can watch it and see the hotel, the ceremony site, etc. You can fast forward through the vows and go to the end, where they show a cute little video of after the ceremony. It is my favorite part! 


Also- I forgot to tell all of you new brides, we DID see a wedding a few days after ours that had the beachbash! These are part of the new Karen Busson packages that weren't available when i booked. It looked really awesome! It was white tents set up close to where the beach pergola ceremony is held. We heard the music from the DJ, and I could see the food set up in silver serving dishes like my reception was, over to one side. It was lit up very brightly as opposed to candlelight that we had at our reception overlooking the pool- and it looked like a ton of fun!!  I wish i had snapped a photo of it!


Thats all for now- I'll get the youtube link up as soon as possible :) 


XOXO Chrestena

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Originally Posted by Chrestena View Post


Hi brides :) Wow! Thank you for all the very kind words and congratulations from you all! I still can't believe we are back home already...:) I have been married for 17 days as of today! I am so glad the review helped, and that the pictures did too...I know that I was on this site all the time- talking to Kathy, Maybride, Carlota, Mytye (Lauren), Claire, Jengullage and Mikeycelle...we were all getting married in a row or so it seemed...and talking to all of you really helped me work through soooo many questions! I loved seeing Kathy's photo and review, and the other past brides as well. This is such a great forum. 


Hi Chrestena!!


I could not agree more!!! I am so happy to have found this website and have the opportunity to talk with you all. It is so emotional to me to see how little by little some all brides here are getting married!!  I do not know what I would have been without this forum!! I would have not enjoyed and have so many emotions I am having. 

I have to say Chrestena that when I read your 1st review, I also have some tears in my eyes... I am a very emotional person, too much in my opinion! And this is worrying me because I do not know how I am going to make to do not drop some tears on my wedding day with so many emotions!! How you all did it? This is sth i am little worried about!! 



Wishing to watch your Youtube video!!



¡Besos desde España!

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Just want to add to all the praise for Chrestena. I've been torn whether to stay at GP for wedding or have it off site. After reading your positive review I'm leaning toward staying the resort! The only think I'm concerned is the 2 pm ceremony I was given instead of the 4 pm I really wanted. Love reading everyone's reviews and can't wait to read more. Chrestena, u looked great...just started trying on dresses and Maggie Dresses have been my favourite!!

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Chrestena!! I just watched your video and I love it!! You looked so calm throughout everything and just soooo happy!! That is so amazing thank you so much for sharing that with us!! I can't wait to show my fiancé now the video because we are always searching for new videos of the resort and weddings and I am sure you will get a lot of views on that video!! You looked so beautiful and I wish you and your family the brightest future together!!

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Chrestena, Just watched your video- it's so lovely. I didn't think I wanted one but that has changed my mind. Who did you use to make the video for you? Did you choose the music- both beautiful songs. You looked like you were all having so much fun. We have chose the same location and I have a maggie dress too- very similar to yours mine is lori. I'm still just over 8 months away and so excited!! Just wondering if anyone went to coco bongo or to xplor whilst they were away both look like lots of fun! Becci

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