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We just can't agree on a dog!


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OK, so my FI and I are looking into getting a dog. My dog passed away a couple years ago, and his dog (a boxer named Rocky) lives with his parents because he gets anxiety when you take him anywhere else (the dog, not my FI)


Anyway, I want a Puggle SO BAD!!!!!!smile123.gif


I have always had little dog (my lasy dog was a cockapoo - cocker spaniel and poodle mix) and he has always had big dogs. I thought a Puggle was a comprimise. Well....my FI says they are too hyper. Does anyone have one, is this true? I am so annoyed, because he really seems to be standing his ground on this one - I hate that! He wants another boxer, which I love, but I just want a Puggle!!!!!!


I think I just needed to vent a little..thanx for listening or any advice you have.

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Originally Posted by meagan View Post
OK, so my FI and I are looking into getting a dog. My dog passed away a couple years ago, and his dog (a boxer named Rocky) lives with his parents because he gets anxiety when you take him anywhere else (the dog, not my FI)

Anyway, I want a Puggle SO BAD!!!!!!smile123.gif

I have always had little dog (my lasy dog was a cockapoo - cocker spaniel and poodle mix) and he has always had big dogs. I thought a Puggle was a comprimise. Well....my FI says they are too hyper. Does anyone have one, is this true? I am so annoyed, because he really seems to be standing his ground on this one - I hate that! He wants another boxer, which I love, but I just want a Puggle!!!!!!

I think I just needed to vent a little..thanx for listening or any advice you have.
Wait..So he thinks Puggles are hyper...But he wants a Boxer!! They are Crazy hyper!! And big!
I think that a Puggle is a good compromise...however...All dogs are different and with the proper training and exercise...even the most hyper dog will know the time and place to be that way :-)
My dog (Lab/Cocker spaniel mix) is only 2 and he still has lots of energy...I live in the city and I really don't have a yard..On top of that, my FI and I both work and he's alone alot during the week...So he goes on LOTS of walks before and after work and on Thursdays and Fridays, he goes to Doggie daycare!! :-) It may sound silly to some, but my dog is Happy and well rested on the weekends and we don't have to feel guilty if we have plans on the weekend!!

Anyway, before I started rambling about myself (Sorry) I say...go to your local shelter...I'm positive you'll be able to find a really good compromise there and on top of that, you will save a dogs life!! How awesome is that!
Good luck in whatever you decide!!
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my ex's sister had a puggle and though it was a very sweet dog, it was very hyper, and barked a lot. i dont think that should exclude them though. you just need time and patience so it can be trained properly. im a strong believer in dog training, it will make a world of difference. how old is your fi's boxer? they are gr8 dogs too, my bf growing up had one and she was a DOLL BABY! oh i loved her. they too can get hype and goofy, so if u think about it, all dogs are kinda hyper in a way.


joe and i want to get a puppy. i am thinking after the wed, maybe a year and a half, 2 years. he already has his shiba inu and shes great. i want to get a bull terrier (spud mckenzie) or a doberman SOO bad. i wish i could just get both but that would be nuts. lol we'll cross that bridge when we get to it though. good luck to you guys!

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Get a doberman, doberman, doberman.


Can you tell I have a doberman?blush2.gif


Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
my ex's sister had a puggle and though it was a very sweet dog, it was very hyper, and barked a lot. i dont think that should exclude them though. you just need time and patience so it can be trained properly. im a strong believer in dog training, it will make a world of difference. how old is your fi's boxer? they are gr8 dogs too, my bf growing up had one and she was a DOLL BABY! oh i loved her. they too can get hype and goofy, so if u think about it, all dogs are kinda hyper in a way.


joe and i want to get a puppy. i am thinking after the wed, maybe a year and a half, 2 years. he already has his shiba inu and shes great. i want to get a bull terrier (spud mckenzie) or a doberman SOO bad. i wish i could just get both but that would be nuts. lol we'll cross that bridge when we get to it though. good luck to you guys!

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