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Are OOTs a must? What are alternatives?

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Those are such cute luggage tags!


Originally Posted by jwilson View Post

Our version of the OOT bag would be more of a primer that's sent out before the trip to get rid of the hassle of having to lug all that stuff as I would have loads of other things to bring with me.


I was thinking of including:

- a mini travel guide (including the itinerary and schedule, contact numbers and maps)

- discount coupons to tourist attraction or to local stores

- t-shirts printed with our wedding logo

- some postcards - one for us for our guest book  and two stamped postcards

- a pair of flip flops

- and these cute luggage tags:



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I think that guests will appreciate whatever you do for them.  I don't think that they will EXPECT something, but a little gesture to show that you appreciate them coming all that way is nice.  Maybe just a note and a coozie or something along those lines.  I also think that the girls who sent their OOT bags have a good idea too!  Whatever you decide will be fine.

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  • 7 months later...

I really want to give out OOT bags, but it's too early to start buying the items since I don't know how many guests will be attending.  I definitely want to include a beach tote and bubba keg.  I also wanted to do party flops but was thinking it might be a better idea to hand out the flip flops at the reception, so people keep dancing all night long (esp. the ladies that will wear heels that may get tired and will be very grateful for flip flops).  What does everyone think?

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I think that handing out the flip flops at the reception is a very good idea. I bet your guests will love that you thought of their comfort!


My FMIL is making my OOT bags and has so far ignored EVERY suggestion I've made. I'm breaking through it, but she showed me the fabric that she's using (bc she wants to make them by hand and refuses to just buy canvas bags even though it will be cheaper) and it's pretty bad. I've decided to not be bridezilla and let her do what she wants. An OOT bag can't really disrupt the tone of an entire wedding....right? lol

Originally Posted by JenG05 View Post

I really want to give out OOT bags, but it's too early to start buying the items since I don't know how many guests will be attending.  I definitely want to include a beach tote and bubba keg.  I also wanted to do party flops but was thinking it might be a better idea to hand out the flip flops at the reception, so people keep dancing all night long (esp. the ladies that will wear heels that may get tired and will be very grateful for flip flops).  What does everyone think?


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Wow this was a great find, I have been slowly getting items for my OOT bags. I have been trying to stay practical and not too expensive but as many of you have said these items add up quickly even with a small group coming. My recent worry has been how to get these items down without bringing an extra suitcase, so I am really liking the idea of sending the OOT bag before hand.

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I wasnt planning on doing OOT bags until I found this forum!  I have since changed my mind and I have had a blast putting mine together.  I will be having a Pre-Wedding Fiesta at which time the guests will be receiving their bags (instead of carting them to Mexico).  Now....if I could only access templates!!!!  sad.gif

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Oh I love the underwater camera idea! Very cool!

Originally Posted by beachbride0519 View Post

Wow! This thread has so many great ideas! I'm still undecided on OOT bags also...I may just do the underwater cameras and another small gift with a welcome note. Thanks ladies!!


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