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A vent~ and I guess a little funny


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So, my FI is not a details person. Wedding planning is so not his thing and basically with this (and most other things) I have to do the research, narrow it down to 2 or 3 choices, and then he will give his input and we can make a final decision together. That's fine since there are a lot of details involved, but last night he was over and couldn't even answer basic questions for me. It went something like this...


Me~ What's the name of the resort we're getting married at?

Him~ Ummmm, (giggles) I can't remember.

Me~ Where in Mexico are we getting married?

Him~ Somewhere near Cancun.

Me~ Yes, but what's the name of that place?

Him~ Ummmmmmmmm, SantaAcapulcana?

Me~ No. What's our wedding date?

Him~ December 10

Me~ WHAT? It's January 10. censored.gif

Him~ Oh, I knew that. I swear. I just made a mistake. (giggling some more cuz he knows he's in trouble)

Me~ (getting pissed) What day are we getting to Mexico?

Him~ Wednesday, Tuesday,... Monday?

Me~ *sighs and gives up*

Him~ Don't worry I'll be there tho

Me~ Great, glad to know that on December 10 you'll be in SantaAcapulcana waiting to marry someone at some resort you don't know the name of.


He's lucky he's so damn cute or I'dve whacked him! And whenever he knows I'm getting mad he smiles with his little dimples and is like come here Kel, I just want to hug. How can you stay mad at someone like that! fryingpan.gifsmile124.gif

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Men are just too much. I swear they forget everything. That sounds like some thing my FI would do. I know this year a week before my birthday he asked me now when is your birthday again. I was shocked. I don't know if he was serious or playing with me. Now I know to write things on a caledar so he won't forget.

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That conversation was priceless!


I get the question at least once a week of "what is the name of the resort again?" and "what day do we leave?"


I have planned almost everything and if its a big decision (the resort, photography etc) I give him 3 options and we agree on one (but to be honest, I've usually already decided and secretly sway him in the direction I want him to go)...


I think its pretty funny that he didn't know what month you're getting married...they can be a bit special at times!

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Hahaha... that's hilarious! My FI isn't detail oriented either, and I can totally see us having this conversation. Do they just block us out whenever we start talking about wedding stuff? But when they smile and hug you, its like you don't even care anymore... they're just too damn cute!

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