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Cystic Acne - Advice?


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I have cystic acne - the kind that grows underneath your skin and HURTS. I read that it can be caused by hormonal imbalances or dirt on the skin. I have a skin care routine that I follow religiously (although I've only been on this particular one for about 3 weeks now)-



-Boscia Oil Free Cleanser

-Witch Hazel Toner

-Boscia Willow Bark Breakout Treatment

-Kinerase Clear Skin Moisture Light (If I'm staying indoors) OR Boscia Oil Free Moisturizer w/SPF if going outdoors


- Makeup: Bare Minerals



-Boscia Oil Free Cleanser

-Witch Hazel Toner

-Boscia Willow Bark Breakout Treatment

-SkinMedica Retinol Complex (Every other night or so)

-Kinerase Clear Skin Moisture Light


-And Kinerase Clear Skin Regulating Mask 1x/week or so.


I've tried sooo many different brands over the years (I never really had acne until I went off of birth control pills for 6 months - then it hit with a vengeance). I had to use ProActiv for a year or two which really helped but then I was able to get off of that. Recently I've really been into "Natural" or "Organic" products - trying to use those as much as possible. I tried Dr. Alkaitis products but they completely broke me out (which the rep said was unusual). I tried the Clairisonic Skin Care brush but then was told that it wasn't right for me since I have acne and it can spread the infection. I would really love to go on SoPhyto (a completely organic skin care line) but we're on a fairly tight budget saving for the wedding so I don't wanna go there yet.


I'm happy with the routine I have now because it's a compromise to me - not organic, but mostly natural ingredients (except for the retinol complex) and at a decent price.


I have been on Armour Thyroid for about a month now and I get hot flashes and things like that so I wonder if that could be aggravating the condition? It's pretty bad - like just as the first round starts to clear up 2 or 3 new ones have already started to appear. I also take Vit. C w/zinc & magnesium, Vit. D, Fish oil, B12, Drenamin (a natural Adrenal Compound) as prescribed by the holistic doctor I am seeing for various conditions.


I know I probably need to clean my makeup brushes more often an stay away from touching them (as tempting as that is!! fryingpan.gif)...


I drink a lot of water every day. I guess I'm wondering if there's anything else that I should be doing or that I could do health/nutrition wise to help.


Any estheticians out there? I recently had a facial and the lady told me to use all oil-free products, which I do. So what is up?? Do you think it's hormonal?? Anything I can add into the mix (like 1 product max) without having to completely redo my line-up (like a good exfoliator maybe since I had to give up the Clairisonic)?


These things hurt and I'm tired of them frown.gif


I'll also contact my doc and see if he thinks hormones could be playing a role and see if there's any natural product that he would recommend...



~ Jaime

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Hey Jaime. I totally feel your pain. I've had cystic acne since I was like 13. Boy does it suck and hurt! The first thing I was going to ask was if you were on bc pills or would consider taking them. I guess if you're trying for a baby or something you can't, but they really really helped solve my problem. I also think I've outgrown it a little (I'm hoping). I see a derm. regularly and currently wash morning and night with Wash-Off Cleansing Lotion by Dermatologic Cosmetic Laboratories. Then I use differin cream followed by Neutrogena Oil Free Moisturizer for sensitive skin. I'm actually off the pill right now and haven't had any major problems with this regimen. If you're looking for more natural products I'm not sure I have any advice, but this is what's working for me. Good luck. Having acne sucks. smile27.gif I'm 31 and am like WTF isn't this supposed to stop at some point? lol

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Hey Jaime,


Well.. I don't have anything organic to offer you. I would say if it's painful to see a dermatologist and see if they can offer you something more natural. (But it sounds like you did that since you are seeing a holistic dr.) I used to use the Arbonne skincare line- which I loved- but waiting for shipping and stuff just wasn't working for me anymore. It is all natural though. :: Arbonne International ::


Now I use Kiehl's but I still have several samples of Arbonne products if you want me to drop them in the mail just PM me and I will. They have an awesome exfoliator that I still use every now and then. I'm sorry it's so painful and annoying.

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I use to get these all the time. I went to a derm for "zit shots". It's basically an injection they do directly into the zit. I'm not sure what it was though...something to shrink it - cortizone maybe. They were like $20 per shot and totally worth it. The zit was usually completely gone within a day. His name is Dr. Cook and he's at Medical Center Dallas.

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I started having acne a few years ago, and so get the cystic pimples every now and then and they are horrible!I tried proactive last year and it worked for awhile, but I wasn't using the regiman as I was supposed to. I recently stopped using it since I was tired of spending the money on the products that I wasn't using. I am now using Aveeno. They have a foaming cleaner and an exfoliating cream and I use the scrubbing pads every now and then. I also went back on bc and that has seemed to help a lot. I no longer get breakouts on my back and my face stays pretty clear. Only until recently, but it has been really hot and humid here so I've been sweating more which I think is clogging my pores and giving me some breakout trouble. It is not that bad though. I do think that it takes a month or two to really see if your regiman is working so maybe you just need to give it some more time. Microdermabrasion facials also work well for acne, but they are very pricey. I had one done and have been wanting to go back hopefully before the wedding, but not sure if our budget will allow.

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Hey Jame. Sorry you're having to deal with this, it is def a bummer :o( Have you ever tried the Clean and Clear Advantage Kit? Joe started using it less than 2 months ago (he breaks out sometimes) and it def shows! I use it too and I do love it, it gives you a fresh feeling tingly when done. My face is also clearer and soft. It comes with on the spot treatment that is great however I noticed if you use it everyday on a pimple, it will dry the skin out, so use that every other or something.


You mentioned your brushes... DEF clean them at least once/twice a month. My friend's uncle is a makeup artists and told her to use Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo. Good luck and I hope you find something that helps.

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Oh Jamie, I am so sorry that this is going on! I am such a freak about my face because I have sensitive skin and honestly, I dont even like people touching my face, or even kissing my cheek because it grosses me out.


I would say if Proactiv worked in the past, maybe you should try again. I use it and my pre-teen daughter uses it too because her face was breaking out really bad. I have seen a complete turn around in her skin in just two weeks. I know it's not organic, but if it worked before?....


Sometimes you can find unopened packages for sale on Craigslist for pretty cheap.


Sorry if I wasn't any help.

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Ok, I'm going to try to answer you all - so bare with me, lol


Originally Posted by KLC77 View Post
The first thing I was going to ask was if you were on bc pills or would consider taking them. I guess if you're trying for a baby or something you can't, but they really really helped solve my problem.l
I am actually on BC pills but only the lowest dosage ones called Aviane/Alesse. Those work for me (not necessarily for zits) but they don't make me crazy or anything so I'm definitely sticking to those for awhile (until we want to have a baby).


Originally Posted by Island Princess View Post
I hate pimples... drive me up the wall... i get bad acne on my chest and back makes me very self conscious... and nothing clears it up..

Does proactiv work on these areas?

I think ProActiv makes a body wash... not 100% sure tho...


Originally Posted by yamille View Post
Hey Jaime,


Well.. I don't have anything organic to offer you. I would say if it's painful to see a dermatologist and see if they can offer you something more natural. (But it sounds like you did that since you are seeing a holistic dr.) I used to use the Arbonne skincare line- which I loved- but waiting for shipping and stuff just wasn't working for me anymore. It is all natural though. :: Arbonne International ::


Now I use Kiehl's but I still have several samples of Arbonne products if you want me to drop them in the mail just PM me and I will. They have an awesome exfoliator that I still use every now and then. I'm sorry it's so painful and annoying.

Hey Yamille, someone else recommended the Arbonne skincare line before but I'm not sure it's that much different from Boscia. I will check it out tho. Do you know if it's specific for oily/acne prone skin? I'll PM you for the samples - I love samples wink.gif


Originally Posted by LisaG View Post
I use to get these all the time. I went to a derm for "zit shots". It's basically an injection they do directly into the zit. I'm not sure what it was though...something to shrink it - cortizone maybe. They were like $20 per shot and totally worth it. The zit was usually completely gone within a day. His name is Dr. Cook and he's at Medical Center Dallas.
I read about that Lisa! It is cortizone - problem is that I have bad reaction to cortizone injections. Like, they make me go ballistic - as if I were on speed or something. Last time I had an injection (because I was so sick) I didn't realize that's what he was giving me (had only taken it in a pill form before) and FLIPPED THE F' out on the way home - trying to pull out my hair!! wtf.gif So I'm not sure if it works the same way but if it does I've gotta stay away from that!! smile41.gif


Originally Posted by beachbride08 View Post
I do think that it takes a month or two to really see if your regiman is working so maybe you just need to give it some more time. Microdermabrasion facials also work well for acne, but they are very pricey. I had one done and have been wanting to go back hopefully before the wedding, but not sure if our budget will allow.
Yeah, good advice on sticking with the regimen for awhile longer. I will try that. I've been switching things up so much lately my skin is probably like what.gif


Microdermabrasion is a good idea too. I recently had a facial and it was the worst experience EVER! It was at a super nice spa (@ Northpark) but the lady is older eastern european and she said "I'm going to give you a real facial. I probably should have ran then.... anyways, she proceeded to squeeze every SINGLE ONE of my blackheads/whiteheads and then pop cystic zits with a needle! OMG I was in AGONY - it was like medieval torture, seriously. I've had a facial before and it was *not* like that... and to top it off the whole time she was talking down to me like it was my fault that I had oily skin and clogged pores... huh.gif


Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
Hey Jame. Sorry you're having to deal with this, it is def a bummer :o( Have you ever tried the Clean and Clear Advantage Kit? Joe started using it less than 2 months ago (he breaks out sometimes) and it def shows! I use it too and I do love it, it gives you a fresh feeling tingly when done. My face is also clearer and soft. It comes with on the spot treatment that is great however I noticed if you use it everyday on a pimple, it will dry the skin out, so use that every other or something.


You mentioned your brushes... DEF clean them at least once/twice a month. My friend's uncle is a makeup artists and told her to use Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo. Good luck and I hope you find something that helps.

Hey Jacq - just cleaned my brushes this morning! wink.gif I do usually get it in at least once a month but should probably do it more often since I'm sensitive to breakouts.


As for the Clean & Clear Advantage Kit - I'll check into it but I'm really trying to eliminate Sodium Laurel (and Laureth) Sulfates from my soaps, face wash, etc. You'd be amazed how many things it's in! I'll be it has that, unfortunately...


Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Oh Jamie, I am so sorry that this is going on! I am such a freak about my face because I have sensitive skin and honestly, I dont even like people touching my face, or even kissing my cheek because it grosses me out.


I would say if Proactiv worked in the past, maybe you should try again. I use it and my pre-teen daughter uses it too because her face was breaking out really bad. I have seen a complete turn around in her skin in just two weeks. I know it's not organic, but if it worked before?....


Sometimes you can find unopened packages for sale on Craigslist for pretty cheap.


Sorry if I wasn't any help.

I guess I just am really over the harsh chemical thing, ya know? I agree, it worked. However my skin is not as bad as it was when I first went on it. Plus I have a feeling that a lot of it is hormonal - it's mostly on my chin and cheeks of all places which I think signals hormonal issues. Since I've been on a new supplement/medicine regimen I'm sure that's exacerbating it. Not to mention I'm about to start my period cheesy.gif And I have been under a LOT of stress lately... probably not the best combination for clear skin wink.gif


~ I guess one good thing about the cystic zits are that if you leave them alone they aren't too noticeable. I had 3 pop up last night and while they hurt like a biatch, you really can't see them on the surface. I just know they're there. But then they usually pus up eventually - that's when I have to stay strong and not pop 'em! (I'm kind of a freak about this - LOL, weird I know.)

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