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Jason is the new bachelor!! YAY!


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I loved the bastard comment too!


I don't know if I believe that Melissa knew...I think she had a feeling, but I don't think he "broke" up with her until the televised show. Jason keeps on contradicting himself. He is a lying bastard!

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I still can't believe what happened last night!

I mean, I know I had reality steve summary in the back of my head but I was still wishing that it was not true.

This show has been a total joke!!!!!

Jason must have gone to a really good acting school because if I had not known about Reality Steve I would have been in SHOCK!

He & Melissa looked sooo happy at the FRC!

Melissa was my favorite from the beginning. She seems like such a nice & genuine person. And her interaction with Ty was amazing!

For Jason to break up with her on nat'l tv was a disgrace!

I wonder what his family is thinking now??

And Molly! UGH! I can't believe she would take him back after what he did to her & Mel!

Jason & Molly belong together!

I'm just baffled on what in the world they will be showing us tonighthuh.gif??

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Jason: ‘I’m Not Proud of What I Had to Do’ - PEOPLE TV Watch


I think Jason is a jerk for breaking up with Melissa on national TV. He says in this article it was part of his contract that he had to do that, but I doubt it. Past bachelor couples have broken up even before the season finale and didn't even have a reunion show, I remember the season with Travis (the doctor) him and his pick broke up almost right away, he didn't have to wait and do it on live TV.

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Alright, I'm sure I'm going to get slammed for having a conflicting opinion, but here goes.


I refuse to feel sorry for someone who goes on a tv show that has proven over & over again that the "winners" rarely make it past the 3 month mark. I also refuse to feel sorry for Melissa getting dumped on TV....all the other ladies were dismissed on TV & we're ok with it every week. Melissa obviously knew when she walked on stage, she wasn't wearing that ring & looked mighty pissed off. What didn't really get elaborated on was how much detail did Jason & Melissa have with their "discussions" that they had once the show stopped taping. I know several women who have had those conversations & don't get it until a guy finally says (for lack of better words) "I'm just not that into you". We don't know what their discussions were.


I don't dislike Molly at all. I think the producers creatively edited it all so we'd like Melissa & want her to win his heart. We weren't supposed to want Molly to be the F1.


Now, before you go off on me, do I like what Jason did? No. But it's a television show. Do I like that the previous couples waited until their contracts were up before calling it quits? No. If it's not going to work, why should you have to play along for the allotted 4-6 months that ABC requires? I think it was all scripted last night, but even if it wasn't why should he string her along?


Either way, I'm sure I (like so many of you) will most likely be watching the next season, because I love the drama.

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Originally Posted by azhuskergirl View Post
I also refuse to feel sorry for Melissa getting dumped on TV....all the other ladies were dismissed on TV & we're ok with it every week.
I agree with pretty much everything you said except for this. Yes, the other ladies were dismissed on national TV, but none of them were proposed to. I do think it's different!
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agree to disagree. :)


i just think when you're signing away your life to ABC ANYTHING is possible. If you're up for the good stuff (the trips, the ring, etc.) you have to be prepared for the bad. It's a shitty way for me to think, but ratings are king in show business. And make no mistake, it is a business.

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All I can say is WOW...I knew this was coming, because of Reality Steve of course..However..Part of me wanted to believe there was some other twist.

I was cheering for Melissa so much last night. I think she handled that so great and the fact that she didn't sit there and bawl her eyes out and just ask him "why" or whatever, makes me respect her even more.

She called him out on everything and did you hear when he mentioned Molly and Melissa was like, "Have you talked to her" and when (after a guilty pause) he said no, she was like, "ok", but you can tell she knew.

He even had that guilty look on his face the whole night!!

And then one commercial break later, he's all smiles again, running his Bachelor Schpeil (sp?) to Molly.

And Molly...That girl needs some acting classes!! that was the most scripted reaction ever and if by some small chance it wasnt and she really had no idea...My God girl, get some self respect!! Even if you do love him, He dumped you...at least make him work for it!! But that doesn't matter because we all know that she knew.

Jason could have been one of the best bachelors ever...He had the fan base, he had the "single daddy" thing going, and he seemed genuine....but by letting ABC treat him as a puppet...He has become the slimy-est reality show player ever, and that is pretty bad, because Steve-o is still out there and he is pretty damn slimey!! lol

what the hell could they possibly wanna show us tonight? Do we really wanna see Molly and Jason live happily ever after? uh..no!!


Ok..I had to vent...All done!!

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