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Jason is the new bachelor!! YAY!


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Originally Posted by Roxyk05 View Post
Just read that People TV article...The contract thing kinda makes sense I guess as to why he did it publicly...but I think if he really wanted to save Melissa's feelings from being dumped on national TV he would have pretended things were going good with Melissa and then ended things after the show...Yes it could have risked his chances with Molly, but if he really is the genuine good guy that he protrayed himself to be that's what he would have done...
I heard a theory that this was planned from day one, that they were going to make it look as if it was one girl 100% through the whole show and then change it last minute for ratings...if that's true this show is evil!! LOL
yup that's all on previous pages of this thread
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so whats the deal with the contract part anyways? what is the worst that can happen to him if he would have just been a stand up guy and told her ahead of time?


maybe they could sue him? who cares! he doesnt have millions of dollars so whatever! they wouldnt put him in jail, its not like a "real" crime.


personally, if i were him i would have a hard time living inside my own head if i knew i went with "the contract" instead of my heart and done the right thing. its only a television contract thing, not like he was gonna lose a movie deal if he broke the stupid contract.


what a loser scumbag. if i run into him in seattle im gonna tell him that! what a complete dirtbag. all he had to do was tell her, im so sorry but i have to do the right thing and tell you this and not wait to do it on national tv. she would still be hurt but at least she would know he was a good guy who meant well.


and the molly chick! how could she even feel good about being with him knowing that he would pick a television contract over her if he had to! i would want my hubby to put me first :)

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i have so many thoughts!! i started out typing it all & i think you could read my anger throughout, but my computer froze, so this is the exec summary.. lol

1) if so conflicted, why propose to melisssa?? why jason whyhuh.gif you didnt know you would think about molly?? we saw you crying hysterically over the banister!! there were other bachelors that didnt propose.. one didnt event pick either woman (brad).. i mean come on!!

2) melissa's right.. he took away her once in a lifetime enagement.. for the rest of her life she will have been engaged once.. i mean, granted, it's one thing if it didnt work out, but its like he really didnt know he had major doubts?? again.. why propose thenhuh.gif

3) his family was so annoying with the whole, 'jason's been so hurt in the past.. blah, blah', yes, family, that's all part of the show!!! deanna was also hurt beforehand.. & she hurt jason.. now look who's the jackasshuh.gif your precious son, brother.. whatever!!


i understand that you can have doubts.. i understand that you can make a mistake.. i understand all of that.. but there is an appropriate way to go about it.. not on television & also not choosing the other girl right after dumping the one you proposed to.. have some dignity, man!


& all i can think of is that oh wow, melissa is sitting at home watching this like the rest of us.. how heartwrenching!! i'm glad her family didnt come out on tv!!


my FH was like, 'laura, it's a show!' & i'm all like, 'i dont care.. your job is to entertain our post show conversation!' lolol


i cant say i'm done with the show.. i'd be completely lying.. pathetic, i know! but i cant wait til the next season!! lol.. i hope melissa can be the next bachelorette!! she deserves dozens of hot men swooning over just HER after her heatbreak & humiliation!!

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I'm so proud of how Melissa handled it though. Telling him to never call or text...just leave her alone!! YOU GO GIRL!!! I hope she finds a truly nice guy to fall in love with!! Maybe she will be the next Trista!! (although, I'm still rooting for my Canadian girl Jillian!)


So...is the After the Final Rose show tonight in real time? When does it take place after last nights show?? I would like to know how much time has passed between the two. I hope Melissa chews into him - gives him a HUGE piece of her mind & tells him how over him she is!!!

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According to Reality Steve Jillian is going to be the next bachelorette. Melissa wants nothing to do with the show and apparently she does not show up tonight.


I just checked out his site and he posted a new blog. It's quite interesting.

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did anyone else totally cheer for Melissa like I did when she called him a bastard kind of under her breath! smile120.gif


that was the best part of the whole show!


Seriously though Molly gets on my last nerve...what kind of woman would take a man back (who dumped her and proposed to another girl) so quickly!? I mean really...I think they are a perfect match for eachother...both scummy!


and poor Ty! talk about confusion!

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Did anyone watch jimmy kimmel w/ Jason last night? Melissa already knew. they hadnt seen each other for a while so she wore her ring and gave it to himon set and fo the drama of the show. But he said the had really already broke up, which is why she acted the way she did when she came out. she was instantly on the defense

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I don't like this Reality Steve guy! I like being surprised when things happen!!

When did she give him the ring?? Did I miss something?? Maybe I should have been paying better attention instead of msging here on BDW!! LOL

I actually missed the kiss between Jason & Molly too. Maybe I'll have to go back & watch it again tonight!

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