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Jason is the new bachelor!! YAY!


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I think some of it may have been staged out - or at least we weren't given all the information. I don't think Melissa knew anything about it - but then again, she did seem cold to Jason when she first walked out on stage. But Molly was totally playing the role! I am just so friggin pissed - it drives me crazy. Almost makes me want to never watch another bachelor/bachelorette...but I know that will never happen!! LOL

Bring on next season 'cause I'm so over this one!!! woot2.gif

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Amanda that's what my hubby said, because I always tell him I am not watching anymore but I still do.

I think Melissa had to have known something was up, he must have been being really cold to her or something.

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I think Melissa knew it was coming but was still totally hurt by him. I also don't think this was all planned and plotted. Jason wouldn't have put his kid/family/self through this. Who the heck would want to deal with the fallout and negative public attention? But it does bug the heck out of me when he tells Molly he is just asking to take it slow, see where it goes, and then ends it with something about loving her forever and ever. I think he was majorily confused and in love with two women.


Here's an article from People.com today:


Jason: ‘Iâ€m Not Proud of What I Had to Do†- PEOPLE TV Watch

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ARGHH!! I just don't get how Jason can break off his engagement to Melissa and then 5 minutes later be making out with another Woman (Molly). I mean how tacky and pathetic!! I would be so pissed and I think Melissa handled it as best she could. I mean it sounds like things started getting hard and Jason just gave up. OF COURSE THINGS GET HARD!!!! So is this the kind of man he is? When he starts fighting w/ one girlfriend his thoughts drift to his ex and what might have been? How immature and pathetic! I was so pissed that I wasted 6 weeks of my life watching this show!


PS I realize I sound really hateful....it's true I need my own life LOL

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Just read that People TV article...The contract thing kinda makes sense I guess as to why he did it publicly...but I think if he really wanted to save Melissa's feelings from being dumped on national TV he would have pretended things were going good with Melissa and then ended things after the show...Yes it could have risked his chances with Molly, but if he really is the genuine good guy that he protrayed himself to be that's what he would have done...

I heard a theory that this was planned from day one, that they were going to make it look as if it was one girl 100% through the whole show and then change it last minute for ratings...if that's true this show is evil!! LOL

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The show totally disgusted me last night. To do that on TV was pathetic. That guy has no regards at all for anyone's feeling but his own. He chose money over dignity. He's a cowardly bastard. And how could Molly take him back? It almost made me throw up in my mouth I was so grossed out how he kissed her the same night he broke off his engagement with Melissa. So selfish. That show really pissed me off. I hope tonight's After The final rose, Molly dumps him. If she doesn't she's stupid... he just did that to someone he supposedly "loved" on national TV who's to say he wont do the same to her?!


Stupid Boy - stupid girl.

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seriously, Molly is a fucking loser, who would take someone back so easily who publically humiliated her? - and what is up with her ALWAYS wearing heavy eye makeup?


jeans=heavy brown eye makeup

dress=heavy brown eye makeup

sweatpants=heavy brown eye makeup

pajamas=heavy brown eye makeup


ok - and as for Jason - he is a major D-bag. come on - how many other Bachelor couples broke up? ALL but 3 and NONE of them did it on camera so don't give me the 'contact' excuse. he is a real asshole shitfan.gif

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I agree!!!! He is a total douche!!!! Throughout this entire season he really had me fooled into thinking that he was a good person. Nobody with a heart could ever do what he did to Melissa, let alone on TV in front of the cameras. He must have serious issues (I mean, what normal guy cries that much anyways?!!). I feel so bad for Melissa, she was such a sweet girl who really loved him. Molly seems like a player to me so hopefully Jason will get whats coming to him. Now that Molly "won" I am sure she will lose interest b/c it seemed that to her this was all about victory and winning, not about loving Jason. I think that is why she forgave him so quickly. Also, she is so competitive, I would not put it past her trying to contact him to try and get him back throughout the 6 week break. UGH It makes me sick. I don't even want to watch tonight, but I have to.

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I am with all of you, I was disgusted last night. I was not surprised since Reality Steve called it, but I hoped deep down that his story was wrong.


So Chris Harrison was on Ryan Seacrest this morning and apparently US Weekly ran the Reality Steve story and Chris said he was disgusted with the "rumors". How this was not planned out, blah, blah, blah. He sort of through Jason under the bus, by saying we (audience) derserve to be upset with Jason.


I just don't know. Jason is so weak and lame. It grossed me out that he kissed Molly so quickly and she accepted it. Yuck!


I am totally gonna watch tonight's episode since Melissa will be on, but I think I am done with the show.

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