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Bridezilla Moment!!! Need to change the date!

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Oh my God!!! What a bad day I had yesterday! I'm with the designer checking the final draft of the wedding invitations, when Brian (aka the fiancé) calls me to let me know that our wedding date, April 10th 2009, was the same day than Good Friday. doh.gif


Neither Brian or I are much of catholic people, but our parents, grandparents, family, guests, etc, are so I don't want be rude considering that all my family is Mexican and his from Puerto Rico.


So I'm right know contacting all my vendors and checking if they're available pms.gif, and so far only the "Club de Playa" answered my email saying no problem.


I don't have my dress yet (I'm still on a diet!), I haven't sent the invitations (although I called or emailed everybody and told them the new date), I don't have my menu yet, etc, etc, etc.


Ahhh I feel stressed!

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I know its easier said than done, but try to stay positive. Hopefully all of your other vendors will be available for your new date.

Also, I know you said that they are religous, but have you considered asking your families if they mind you keeping your date, even though it is on Good Friday? Maybe they wouldn't mind too much and you wouldn't have to change it.

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I'm surprised nobody mentioned your date to you sooner. Its been my experience most people can't wait to say something about your date- good or bad. I hope it all works out for you. On the bright side you don't need to recall all the invites since they weren't sent yet!?

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Originally Posted by Yari View Post
I am Catholic, I didn't know that getting married on Good Friday was a bad thing.
I didn't know that either. But i'm not real religious.

I would ask your family first just to see what they say.

And you have plenty of time to get everything done, try not to stress. on the brightside at least the invites didn't get sent out yet.
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Sorry to hear about your date change problem. If it makes you feel better, I changed mine 3 times. Maybe you could talk to your family and play it off like you planned it on Good Friday because of the religious importance. Definitely get their reactions first before making any harsh decisions. They might be way more understanding than you think.

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