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Please help with long-distance bridal shower

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I'm posting this question for my mom, who's trying to plan a bridal shower for me in NY (where she and many of my other friends and family are). The problem is that I live in California. I will be going to NY in December, so, she wants to plan the shower for when I'm there. She is trying to figure out a way to have a shower without all the big gifts, which I would either have to carry on the plane (not going to happen) or I would have to ship to California (expensive).

I've told her that it's really not necessary to have the shower since it might be impractical, but, she really wants to do this because she feels that some people who won't be able to attend the wedding will want to participate in the shower at the very least.

Anyway, does anyone have any ideas on how to handle having a shower without real shower gifts?


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Have you registered for gifts yet? People could choose things off your registry that you could pick up locally.


Or whoever is hosting the party could mention this problem to the guests and make it a "flat-gift" party, where everything is lightweight, non-breakable and flat (so you can put it in your suitcase no problem, or ship it for cheap).


Hope that helps,

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I am having a similar issue as well. This is one I was thinking.....Maybe they can take a picture of the gift that they sent or will send you and put it in the card at the actual shower? Sounds silly but I so do not want to take all gifts back with me on the plane thats crazy!

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Originally Posted by Rhonda View Post
I'm posting this question for my mom, who's trying to plan a bridal shower for me in NY (where she and many of my other friends and family are). The problem is that I live in California. I will be going to NY in December, so, she wants to plan the shower for when I'm there. She is trying to figure out a way to have a shower without all the big gifts, which I would either have to carry on the plane (not going to happen) or I would have to ship to California (expensive).
I've told her that it's really not necessary to have the shower since it might be impractical, but, she really wants to do this because she feels that some people who won't be able to attend the wedding will want to participate in the shower at the very least.
Anyway, does anyone have any ideas on how to handle having a shower without real shower gifts?

I just recently hosted a baby shower for family that are currently living in Germany and came home to visit for a week - they had to lug everything back on the plane.

On the invite, i put something like "While gifts are not expected, if you choose to purchase a gift for the couple, please consider gift cards or gifts shipped to their home directly from their registry in lieu of the distance they ahve to return home. we appreciate your consideration."

something like that would work!
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I just had my shower in WI, and I live in Florida. We registered at bed, bath, beyond. People bought the gifts in WI and I opened them, and then BBB would either ship them down the next day, (for really cheap- gifts up to $700 only costed $30 to ship) OR (what I did-) return everything, and pick up at local store the next day. When you return things you register for, they give you cash back, even with no receipt.

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I just went through this as I had a shower in Calgary and we live in Toronto. FMIL's friends who were hosting the shower put something on the invitation to the effect that "Ben and Melissa are living in Toronto - flight-friendly gifts would be appreciated! They are registered at the Bay and Linens N Things (home stores) so a gift card would go a long .. and "not so heavy" way to helping them start their married life together!"

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Thank you, everyone! I love all of your ideas!

My mom had the idea about taking a picture or printing out the picture from my registry and bringing that to the shower (while to store would ship it to my home). Then, she was thinking to have everyone decorate a box to make it kinda fun and then do a little contest at the shower to see who had the nicest box...I didn't know if that is corny or nothuh.gif


I am so surprised to hear that BB &B would ship the gifts for so cheap...that is great! I'm not registered there, but, I wonder if Macy's or crate & Barrel would do something similar..I will look into it.


Thanks for your help! I will share this with my mom and see what she thinks...

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i went to a long distance shower about a year ago, and in the invite, it said something like "XX is registered at macys and bbb. when selecting a gift, please remember that XX is flying home after the festivities." she came to the shower with only a few things in 2 suitcases and wound up going back w/ lots of stuff, but nowhere near the amount that she would have had if ppl hadn't shipped/given gift cards.

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