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Oh gosh... I'm sorry to hear about these invites! Like you need more stress, right? If I were you I wouldn't worry though.... I'm not sure if it's different where I'm from, but around here, everyone knows that the bride isn't responsible for the shower. The bride should have nothing to do with the shower as a matter of fact - no planning of games, food, etc - you just need to show up and supply a guest list. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised you're the one left with mailing the invites. We don't do that around here :) At any rate, if everyone knows that you're not involved with planning your own shower, I don't think the ugly invites would be a reflection on you! Especially since all your other material is so cute! And, like someone mentioned above, since it's a shower, the guest list is probably smaller. I wouldn't worry. It won't reflect on you - just the people that are throwing the shower. Maybe it's just me... does anyone else agree? Best of luck either way!

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I agree with Morgan, I don't think a shower invite is that important. My friends are even starting to send e-vites, rather than printed invites, to cut costs. It's just the shower, I wouldn't stress about them. And, like I said before, it's not like you plan your own shower, so everyone will know that you didn't do them.

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  • 1 month later...

I realize that this is late and you prob. already made up your mind... but I just wanted to say that since there is such a big quality difference no one will think it is a reflection of you, your wedding, or style.

Shower invites never go with wedding stationary unless you have a really good MOH that takes charge.

I'd just laugh it off!


I am not as creative as my artsy sis and mom... we made X-mas cards one year and I ended up creating a grey-bearded Santa... that card made us laugh so hystarically, and the card is still making rounds to eachother at Christmas time every other year or so!

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Ok I feel our pain those are pretty bad I was originally with the girls who sad suck it up but those are BAD. Yes it does not reflect on you but technically everything reflects on you, you are the bride after all. Is there anyway you can say your bridesmaid made you invites and you had no idea so you sent out a few of hers and a few of theirs and only send theirs. How much do you wish you didn't see them before hand at it was a surprise. Can your mom say anything? Does the woman know you saw them? There may be a way out of it you just have to keep thinking

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  • 2 months later...
Originally Posted by Sonia81 View Post
As promised, here are the pics of the shower invites. I've inlcuded the link at the bottom.

I've also included pics of the STD i sent out and the actual wedding invitations that Sarah designed for me.

The only reason i saw them was because my mom was supposed to be mailing them out but she's been at the hospital with my Grandfather the last few days and i happened to stumble upon them.

Thank god i did.

Picasa Web Albums - Sonia - Jack'sFilipe'...

Please give me your honest opinion....are the shower invites not terrible, am i crazy?
Well, i'm definitely not a fan of the shower invites, especially since the STDs look so fantastic. How much did she have to make them? They look like they were done very quickly with not much thought put into them. I do think the lounge chair is drawn nicely but the fake pearl beads kind of scared me.

I love your STDs and the boarding passes. Which font did you use for the "Now Boarding" words? That's an awesome font!
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Maybe they'll look better the more she makes...that could have been the experimental one smile36.gif


There are some people who might think they are really great, and the shower is very much about someone else doing something for you and her time and effort may be her way of showing how much she loves and cares about you.


What are you really worried about? Not everything will go according to plan and sometimes, it's the things that don't go as planned that have the best unintended consequences...

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I agree with KellyMN. The shower invites aren't from you. I saw mine when I got it in the mail for my showers. And while I also don't love those, I don't think they are horrible. I think that the fact that they are handmade is kind of endearing, because its like she did her craft for you.


I realize that we all want everything to be perfect, but the shower isnt the wedding, and the invite isnt even the shower. The experience will be lovely, and the invite is just a finite piece of that overall experience. But thats just me...I am kind of an anti bride, in that I just like anything being done that I dont have to worry about!

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  • 1 month later...

I must admit I was expecting them to be BAD but they arent horrible - not great but could be worse :) I wouldnt necessarily want them but I think for a shower, its out of your control and you kinda have to go with it. Curious in hearing how things turned out and what you did! Your post made me chuckle - not at your expense , just with the craziness of the situation :)

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