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Diet Advice Needed


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I am in dire need to get in shape and lose weight. I have gained 30 pounds in the last year, and have gone from a size 6 to a size 12. Is there anything over the counter that anyone can recommend to assist me with my work outs?


I don't want something that will make me feel geeked out, but I need to get my fat ass back in shape before I start trying on wedding dresses. Any advice will help.

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I can't help you with a specific med that will help get you motivated, but there are a few that can help with starting your WL. Before I got pregnant with my son I was using SlimQuick, it is designed for women and it was helping.


I did hear that there is a drug coming that is supposed to give you energy to get off the couch and exercise and lose weight. That will be awesome, but I'm not sure how long before it hits the shelves.

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I have the exact same problem. I've gone from a size 6 to a size 10 & am trying to slim down for the big day. I've tried Ali in the past, but it was "interesting". You really need to stick with the low-fat diet when you take it, or else...there are interesting side effects. I've just been trying to limit my intake & increase my exercise routine. I would enjoy suggestions from everyone too!

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I wouldn't reccommend a pill, as they often cause horrible side effects! I started goign to a nutritionist and she gave me a diet plan that seems to be helping quite a bit. I have lost 12-14 pounds in the last two months. I know that is not super fast, but it has really helped me to make lifestyle changes and I know I will keep the weight off this way. I can share my diet plan with you if you want, it is very easy to use!

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Thanks ladies. I've never struggled with weight before, but ever since I hit 33 my weight has been out of control. I agree with the effects of pills...I've also read up on the new Wu Yi Tea....and that taking in more green tea extract will assist with weight loss. I'm at my wits end - guess I'm going to have to hit this hard and stay focused on working my ass off in the gym. I eat very healthy, I think my mian problem is lack of working out....and could be the occassional rum & coke ;-)

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Lots and lots of cardio. Cardio is the only thing that works.


Pounds = calories. Since 1 pound = 3,500 calories, in order to loose 1 pound you must deficit your body 3,500 calories than what your body needs to operate (bmr).


Calculate your bmr: Weight Loss - BMR - How Many Calories Should I Eat - How to Calculate Caloric Needs - Basal Metabolic Rate Forumla


Multiply bmr by 7 for one week's worth of calories then subtract 3,500 calories from that to figure out how many calories you can eat and lose 1 pound per week (or 7,000 to lose 2 pounds per week).


It's a pain at first to write down all the calories you eat at first but you get used to it after a couple weeks - especially when you see it works! Also, make sure you save up enough calories for 1 day per week for a cheat day (mine is always Sunday) so you can pig out once in a while and not feel guilty and like all your hard work is ruined.


If you can do it .... run, run, run. The pounds will literally fall off. Running is the best cardio ever!

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Originally Posted by Jennifer Davis View Post
Lots and lots of cardio. Cardio is the only thing that works.

Pounds = calories. Since 1 pound = 3,500 calories, in order to loose 1 pound you must deficit your body 3,500 calories than what your body needs to operate (bmr).

Calculate your bmr: Weight Loss - BMR - How Many Calories Should I Eat - How to Calculate Caloric Needs - Basal Metabolic Rate Forumla

Multiply bmr by 7 for one week's worth of calories then subtract 3,500 calories from that to figure out how many calories you can eat and lose 1 pound per week (or 7,000 to lose 2 pounds per week).

It's a pain at first to write down all the calories you eat at first but you get used to it after a couple weeks - especially when you see it works! Also, make sure you save up enough calories for 1 day per week for a cheat day (mine is always Sunday) so you can pig out once in a while and not feel guilty and like all your hard work is ruined.

If you can do it .... run, run, run. The pounds will literally fall off. Running is the best cardio ever!
Thank you so much - you are the shizzle.
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My pleasure.


One thing that really helped me is to bring weight watchers smart ones meals to work every day and drink a ton of water. They are on average about 350 - 450 calories and are just enough food, with the water to help fill you up, to keep you from eating your pen caps by the end of the day =0)


Remember - the first 3 days of any diet suck, after that your body gets used to it.

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