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Buck and Does

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So glad someone asked because I was also clueless! I wish that was a tradition around here! That would've been an awesome way to include everyone and make a little dough :) Are they open bar where you have to pay for everyone, or do people just pay a cover to go to your party?

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Yikes, I am definitely not the expert on this, just killing time on the forum today. Here in Manitoba the we have a cash bar or people buy drink tickets. You can make a bunch of cash off of the drinks too!


In the past I've heard people who are offended by this kind of "cash grabbing" but here its super popular and people know exactly what to expect. Socials are also held for various groups and causes. Sometimes everyone needs a little financial help, I say why not have a huge party doing it!!

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Originally Posted by teacherbride View Post
Yikes, I am definitely not the expert on this, just killing time on the forum today. Here in Manitoba the we have a cash bar or people buy drink tickets. You can make a bunch of cash off of the drinks too!

In the past I've heard people who are offended by this kind of "cash grabbing" but here its super popular and people know exactly what to expect. Socials are also held for various groups and causes. Sometimes everyone needs a little financial help, I say why not have a huge party doing it!!
Meh! Don't let that stop you. A lot of events are steeped in culture and heritage and were traditionally designed to help the new couple plan a wedding, celebrate with the town, fund their way into newlywed-dom.etc '

Its all good fun! It's like a money tree, getting shower gifts etc. It also allows people to celebrate with you even of they can't make it to your destination.

Have fun!
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We made about $2500 on our Buck and Doe and had over 150 people (over capacity at the hall no less! Tee hee!)


People were asking about 3 months in advance when our B&D was going to be, so there was no way we were getting around having one. It was great fun!


Definately do it. You are getting married right? What matter is it WHERE you are getting married? People who can't make it down south for sure want to give you their best wishes. :)

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HAHAHA.. in Mass we call this a Jack n Jill. But we have a HUGE amount acadians in the area so I know exactly what you are talking about. It's very common in my area to have one for local wedding and they are sooo fun!! I agree half the time you don't even know the people but they come out for a good night with cheap drinks and the hopes of picking up something from the raffles.


We are planning one, well I think? Jay and I said we really wanted to have one and my MOH is sneeky so I think ours will be a surprise. Funny thing is I had to google a bunch of stuff for Jay since he had no idea about them. He grew up about 70 miles away from me and was just like huh? I don't get it? But once I told him that half the town comes out or buys tickets .. he was totally up for it.

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Originally Posted by chicklet View Post
This is crazy. I live in ingersoll and I went to school with your fiancee I think. Craig Watmoughhuh.gif??
I am getting married in Jamaica as well but in Jan.
Small world eh?
That is kinda crazy! Small world indeed. Yep, that be him. Jamaica in April, wish we were going in January! Our Buck n' Doe is at Thamesford Arena... should be a bit of a gongshow. Looking forward to it! Congrats to you to! Happy Buck n' Doe planning!
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