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Help me convince Papa Dearest!!

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When I was really young we had a poor experience in Mexico, and ever since then my dad really doesn't want to go back. He's got it implanted in his brain that once we step foot in Mexico we'll be bombarded by starving mothers with young children begging for money. When we were there (about 15 years ago) we only stayed during the day, and hi-tailed it back to Cali once he saw what he saw.


So, in about a week we're going to the Riviera Maya (EDR) and when I told my dad that I've arranged for some site visits he says he just wants to stay in his beach chair and not go anywhere!! I really want to convince him that Mexico is worth seeing!


The thing is, my brother will agree with anything my dad says - so since my dad doesn't like the idea of my wedding in Mexico, my brother complains about it too! If I can convince my dad, I'll convince my brother too..


Does anyone have any really great tours, snorkeling sites, markets, or advice in general that can help me convince my dad (and thus my brother too)?

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I think once you are in Mexico and they see first hand that things are different they will be more willing to accept. Cain's Grandpa said we were stupid for wanting to get married in mexico, buy he's very old school (and he's 100% mexican) so he has a different thought on what Mexico is like.

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I can't really help you with specific activities since i've never been to the Riviera Maya - hopefully the girls on this forum can give you some tours and other ideas. I can definitely relate to your problem though - my FMIL is SO hesitant to travel and cannot believe we have chosen Mexico for our wedding! She has the same fears of Cabo being a dangerous border town (ie Tijuana) and she is very negative anytime we talk to her about our plans. She is going, we are just trying to make the process as easy as possible for her (my FI's brother will fly with her and literally hold her hand until she gets to Dreams!)


I think once your dad (& brother) get to Mexico, they will see how amazing it is! Maybe you could get some restaurant suggestions (or tours) from the hotel (where are you staying?). And just plan to take taxis or organized transport at the beginning, so you can make the process as easy as possible. And there may be some things that you have to go look at on your own if he is being ridiculous and wants to just sit at the hotel.


sorry you have to deal with this!!!! i do think you just need to get him down there and then he will change his mind! good luck!!!

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I'm afraid my father is the same way. He went to the DR once and got really sick (he drank milk), ever since then he says that Mexico is this terrible place where we will all die of stomach issues. He is ridiculous! I think the key is to remember you are there for YOUR day and I think he'll remember that too. There are some excursions on websites like Welcome to ShoreTrips® - Your Guide to Shore Excursions or Cancun Discounts - Cheap Cancun Tours, Hotels, Activities, More..

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Maybe I should just quickly say that it's not that he'll refuse to go or anything, I know that no matter what destination I chose, he'll go and have a great time. For the time being, however... he's trying to convince me on other locations! Just last night he was pushing a Disney wedding, which would awesome, but waaaay too expensive for our guests. He's really stubborn (which is where I got it from!), and he's pretty much just made up his mind about Mexico, so when we're there I wanted to drag him out and show him that WHY I am choosing Mexico. We've already made plans to go to Xel-Ha (sp?), but I'd really love some other places too...


But thanks for the support guys! :)

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hi, yes, some of the cities have kids begging, but not the resort areas.


some fun things to do that i recommend:


1. tulum/xel-ha tour...everyone loves this...start the day with site seeing and visiting the ruins and having a historical visit, then go to this ecological water park where the river meets the sea and turns the water brackish. you can srnoket, inner tube, jump off little cliffs, swim with dolphins, or just sit along the river and watch everyone have fun...this is fun for all ages.


2. jet ski through the jungle.


3. visit playa del carmen

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We had a fabulous time visiting the ruins on our honeymoon. Chichen Itza is cool - but crowded. For a better experience - get a group together and hire a driver. Have him take you to Uxmal Mayan Pyramids in Mexico - Teotihuacan


If you have your own driver, you can spend as much or as little time at each site as you want. Also, once you get to, say Uxmal, you can hire a personal guide ($40 maybe) who is a university worker. They are REALLY knowledgeable. You will learn amazing things - it is beautiful and fascinating.

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