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Newbie with NO clue where to start!


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Hi Kelly!


I'm also a frustrated and overwhelmed Newbie so I have no advice for you, I just wanted you to know that you are not alone. My fiance and I have done so much research and I feel like we still can't find a good option for us.


Take a deep breath, and when things get stressful, SHUT DOWN the computer and go do something else. Return to it later with a fresh pair of eyes.


Feel free to vent!

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Kelly Congrats and welcome to the forum. Things will all work out and we have so many ladies here that can help you. Time to start digging into the threads and see what's out there for the locations you are thinking.


I'm a Beaches bride ( 5yr old son) with our HM 3 resorts down to Couples Swept Away for adult only time. Maybe look into the possibility of finding something in the same area just a few doors down? Good luck!

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Welcome Kelly,


Location, location, location.....that is always the biggest hurdle. Once you have that set, it will not necessarily get easier, but at least a major part of the anxiety will be relieved and you will be able to focus your energy on each each step along the way.


Follow pbnj's advice about searching through the boards on locations that interest you.


Maybe you and your FI can sit down and make a list of 10 or 5 places you BOTH have always wanted to go. Do you share any common family heritage? I recommend going where your hearts lead you....and your family and friends will follow.


In general, making lists and crossing off completed tasks usually helps to reduce stress throughout the process as you get a tangible sense that plans are coming together and things are getting done.


Regardless of where weddings are located, either at home or on a destination, guests are sharing a special time that is about the two of you starting your lives together. I think it is always a lot more rewarding for everyone involved when the experience includes the couple sharing things that are important to them with their loved ones. Even if the place is just somewhere that you both really have always wanted to go, without any other connection, this will be a passion that you can share with your family and friends, and that is always great.


Anyway, you came to the right place. You will find tons of helpful info here and you are going to be just fine. Best wishes!

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Hi Kelly,


Congrats and welcome. Pbnj and WeddingCreativo gave some very sound advice. I am exactly in the same position as you, and some days I do find it tremendously stressful and overwhelming - especially when I consider I haven't got a clue what it is I'm doing.


But take it one day at a time. Choose the big things first, like the location, venue and setting. And then work your way down. Others have started with choosing their vendors first and then working their way down. But make lists and stick to them - this keeps order in ever increasing chaos until eventually everything is organized, ordered and planned.


Good luck!

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