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March Weight Watchers


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I usually drink miller lite too because its low cal, low carb, but I'll have to check out becks.


My FI wants to drink & eat fatty foods too and of course he doesn't really gain any weight, all I have to do is look at a cupcake and it attaches itself to my butt

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Well i guess it's better than gaining right Jill?


I don't know whats wrong with me today. I just feel bummed out (don't know the reason) but I was bad today and ate the grossest greasiest burger ever. Ok I ate half of it... but still. I think I feel REALLY guilty. Anyone else experience this feeling?

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Melissa, I've been in that bummed out state for the past few weeks! Part of it is my job, the other part of it the damn weather here, I swear I have seasonal depression!


I also feel guilty sometimes when I eat something horrible, like today when FI wanted a pizza and I ate half of it and wasn't even hungry! Its awful! I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow or sunday because we have NO food in the house right now and I will eat better if I have some healthy options!

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Yes I know. i think I may get depressed too in the winter season. And I've read up on it too, something about not getting vitamin D? Oh well....


I need to do some serious grocery shopping too! I have no healthy munchies in the house and I'm going crazy. If theres nothing in the house I also tend to eat out more. ACk... I hate this.

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Went shopping this weekend for a bikini and had no luck. i did find out though that my boobs are shrinking = ( I went from fitting a B-36 comfortable to a B-34. TMI- sorry but I guess that's an effect of losing weight isn't it?


I really feel like binging(sp) tonite. I went to timmy's and instead of just getting the chilli I got a DONUT. And I'm in the process of eating it and it tastes soooo good!! I know I'm bad; that's about 8 points right there!! Must be the 3 week mark...

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Yeah, I always lose in my boobs too and I don't have much to start with so its frustrating!


I haven't felt good all weekend, today was the worst, so except for a sandwich for dinner all I've eaten all day is popsicles, I haven't even attempted to count points. I wanted to go grocery shopping today, but I just feel so awful. So I'll probably go after work tomorrow and try to get myself back on track.


Melissa I think it must be the 3 week mark or something because I know all of us have or are going through this, I guess you just get kind of sick of eating good all the time! But I really do want to get myself back on track, I haven't been writing things down and not exercising enough. Hopefully my new exercise videos will be here soon! I need those before I can even think about a bathing suit!

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