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Shipping things out before hand??

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I don't think I've read this on another thread and I wanted to ask.

I am hoping to have my DW at Dreams Cancun next July....I also was hoping to make my own Center pieces and Bridal Bouquets and I'm not sure what else.

My Question is...Would I be able to ship any of this stuff out, say a month or so before the wedding to my WC at the resort? Has anyone ever done this?

I really don't want to have to drag all of that stuff on the plan with us! It's bad enough I am gonna be a nervous wreck about my dress!!


Any thoughts or Advice is appreciated!! :-) Thanks!!!

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It has been mentioned before. Most people do not recommend it. Once your stuff enters Mexico, it is handed off to another delivery company so you don't know what is going to happen to it. It is also pretty expensive! Most resorts do not accept the packages anyways because they do not want to be responsible.

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As Bianca mentioned, from what I have heard the shipping methods to Mexico are very expensive and often unreliable. Yes it will be a pain to drag our crap through the airport but my feeling is at least I will know where my crap is. I dont know if DC would store it for you. Maybe Jill knows that one or someone else.

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I agree with the others and would NOT recommend shipping anything to Mexico. My friend lives in Mexico and works at a school where she has had 2 things shipped to--one showed up, one did not. Her old roommate was also supposed to receive a birthday package but it never got there. She even says for us not to bother mailing her cards and things like that b/c it'll never get there.


I know it's a pain to have to pack an extra suitcase or 2 (or 3), but at least you have the peace of mind knowing it'll get there. Plus, it will end up being less money to pack it than the ship it.

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I agree with the girls...I wouldn't rely on my packages to get delivered beforehand...I would rather bring them on the plane. I am bringing my own centerpieces down as well...I plan to but my BM's to good use and have them help me! cheesy.gif I recommend carrying them on if you can...Lord knows how the airlines actually handle baggage marked "Fragile!"

Good Luck!

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Ok, this is slightly off subject, but I was wondering about disposable cameras. I just bought a ton of them to take down to Mexico but will they be ok going through the Xray? I have taken these types of cameras through in a carry-on and they were fine, but if I put them in a checked bag will they be ok? I only ask because my fiance took 3 disposables on a flight and all 3 got messed up somehow. (Maybe they were all bad to begin with?) I just don't want that to happen with these. I bought them fairly cheap from the knot wedding shop so I hope they will be ok.

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