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I'm about to flip the freak out!


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Wow, that's a lot of stuff going on!


Every weekend I see this kind of stuff, and then have to distract the people so the wedding photos will look amazing.


This is your day. focus on what is REALLY important - Not somebody's boyfriend, or your how your BM hates her dress.


Do what you need to do for YOU!


And that stiff drink is a good idea, too.

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WOW! You have a lot going on right now!


You one friend.. she's what I'd call a shit show. Why couldn't your wedding have been their family vaction? Ugh, annoying. I have a friend that did the same shit to me. Whatever, their loss! Too bad for them!


Your sister... oh my. What does she see in this loser? Is he coming to the wedding?


Hang in there! You'll make it!

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Kathi - I'm sorry people suck. I wish I had some words of wisdom, but if you've learned anything from BDW is that at least 50% of our families & friends have their heads up their asses!


I agree - focus on the positives. You have a son and a wonderful husband. In 3 weeks you'll be a beautiful bride on a beautiful beach. You get a vacation in paradise.


As for the people who don't go or complain, it's their loss. You just have to move forward and be thankful for those that do come to demonstrate thier love and support.

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Oh man,,, hang in there! I know how you feel, but just focus on what you can do, and the rest will fall in to place. That is just a good way to put your mind at ease. PS. your sisters boyfriend sounds like a untactful flake! So be careful whatever you do! YOU are the smart one for being cautious! And I feel the same way... I asked best man for a picture of himself for our website about a month ago, repeatedly ask him... for a dumb pic!!! Still haven't gotten it.... you feel like saying, c'mon people, not asking for a kidney or anything!!!

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aw hun I'm so sorry! sad.gif honestly don't let people's pettyness get you down. You're getting married soon!!! cheesy.gif and you're going to have a fabulous wedding, an incredible husband and a wonderful new son cheesy.gif

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
Is he coming to the wedding?

Hang in there! You'll make it!
No, Thank Goodness! I invited him but a few months ago I was informed it was hunting season in Colorado and he won't be able to make it. Whatever he is a bleep bleep bleep.

All of you make me feel so much better, I swear. If I didn't have this site I would seriously be locked up in a padded room screaming about passports and STD's LOL
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Eghhh I am so sorry you have to deal with all that! Everyone should be super nice and realize your wedding is soon and you are stressed enough! I agree with JamieLynne think about the positive things!! example: YOUR WEDDING and what an amazing day and night it will be! Good luck!!



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Holy Moley!


First off - Congratulations on your legal marraige day and for being a step-mom! That is definately something to celebrate.


Children are a blessing, and sometimes you just need wine to remember that they are. Hang in there!


Secondly, I'd like to echo other's comments - those who will be there for your big day will be - their presence or not is not related to their love for you. Everyone has their issues, and my best advice is to let them deal with the associated guilt.


Your sister - will always be your sister - and because she is your sister, you have to just accept her decisions. Sometimes it sucks but that is a sister's job.



As for your MOH - I apologize for being a wee bit nasty - but suck it up, buttercup if she didn't speak up at the time, she needs to just suck it up...


With only a few weeks to go, you need to focus on the countdown to your big day! It will be here before you know it.... try not to stress....



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I think you should turn your phone off and see everyone when you get to Mexico. What is wrong with people!


1. your friend really has a lot of balls to call you and tell you she can't go to your wedding because she really needed an extravagant vacation. WTF, your wedding was the perfect opportunity for her vacation.


2. Your sis boyfriend sounds like a real tool. It's ashame your sis doesn't see that. But would you really want to breed your dog with such a jerk anyway? Would you trust him to find good homes for the pups? Your sis will get over it.


3. the bm needs to keep her mouth shut about her dress. You gave her an opportunity to go and try the dress on to make sure it fit her properly. Did she take that opportunity? No. So too bad for her if she doesn't like how her ass looks in the dress. It's too late now and its not your problem.


4. I know the procrastination is killing you but your mom will book her trip. At least she's making steps to get there by getting her passport. Try to look at the positive part.


5. Goodluck with your stepson, I don't have kids so no words of wisdom here but I'm sure when the adjustment period is over it will be great.

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