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When the shoe is on the other foot...


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Thanks for all your thoughts! I know it's a long way off, but I tend to stress way ahead of when I need to!! I know we are going for sure, hopefully the timing will allow us to save as much as we can before we go.


The advantage of paying off all our debts now is we will have so much extra money every month now that we don't have all those debt payments hanging over our head. This is hopefully going to be a really fresh start for us so we can start and stay on budget. we've been kind of winging it and that strategy is SO not working!! LOL!!!

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I think you both should go to the wedding if at all possible.


You can set up a savings account that will automatically deduct a small amount of money from your paychech each time you get paid. If you never have it in your possession to begin with, you'll never miss it. This is an easy way to save. ING Direct is an on-line back that is FDIC insured and they offer a great interest rate. If you both put in $100 per month ($50 or $25 per checK), you'll have $2,400 in a year which is more than enough for both of you to go to Cancun for a 3 or 4 day weekend to attend your friend's wedding.

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Don't stress out... be happy for them and you will figure out a way to make it all happen. This might sound dumb, but start a little bank or side savings where you throw dollar bills and change... after a few months of doing so, you will save a bunch that you didn't even realize... This is how we managed to go on a vacation... don't worry!!!

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