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Advice needed - my fiance wont let me pick his attire

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You could tell him that you totally trust him, and that you are so excited to see some of the ones he's looking at. Maybe he could pick out 3 different outfits, and both of yall could hone in on 1. That way he'll feel like he got to pick out his favs, and you can have your input as well. Or do you think he would even be opposed to compromise?

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If he is anything like my fiance...you will end up picking his outfit anyway! I told Josh from day one that his attire is totally up to him. I told him I didn't want to know what he would be wearing and I don't want anything to do with it! Well...after I finally dragged him out to the store to look for suits, I was the one who ended up calling to order them and calling to get them tailored! Goes to show you...some guys just can't live without us!

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I let fi pick his own entire but I gave him my input. He ended up picking something we both liked. Why don't you just explain to your fi that your dress is formal without giving him any details of the dress? I told derek that my dress was formal and full length.


I'm sure he'll ask you your opinion after he picks something, if you really don't like it just tell him it won't go with your dress.

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That's how J was.

I refused to show him my dress until I was up at the altar athe pastor told him to turn to see me. LOL.

I just "suggested" to him that he should wear something light and linen was prob a good choice since it's HOT in the Caribbean.

He was perfect.

He picked out a whit elinen suit and red tie.

You'll just have to go with it or casually 'suggest' things to him subliminally. LOL.


J's argument was always, I didn't pick out your dress, so you shouldn't pick out my suit. Fair enough for me.


I am glad I got to choose my own dress.

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Since he's a good dresser he will probably pick out the right outfit. Have him get involved in the planning if that would help. Once he gets a taste of how much work goes into this whole process he may just leave it up to you. My FI sees how much research I have been doing, and realizes the compromises I've already made on the location (I wanted Turks and Caicos and just the two of us), and let him think it was his idea on the venue for reception and ceremony. He feels involved but realizes his butt is super lucky that he's not doing all of the legwork! I ordered his suit, bought the shirt and shoes and cufflinks and asked "so what do you think?" He was relieved that his part was done!smile36.gif

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Thanks again for the input. Kenny is on board to pick out his outfit based on a my sister's wedding dress which is about the same amount of formal as the ones I've been looking at. I'm sure he'll pick out something good. He mentioned last night that he would like to wear a white suit with a white button down and no tie.

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Hang in there! I was going through the same exact thing with my fiance. He said he didn't get to see my outfit so I shouldn't be allowed to see his, he also wasn't very motivated to start looking before the end of the summer. Then all of a sudden we were at the mall shopping for wedding bands and he said lets go get my outift and that was it :) we are both happy with what he is wearing. I know it is so hard to let go of that control but I think for the most part they usually come around.


Good luck!!

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