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My maid of honor is a man? LoL….

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So I need some honest opinions…


My best and closest friends are my 3 sisters and my friend Jon. Iâ€ve known Jon since we were kids and he is gay. I cannot choose one of my sisters over another to be a maid of honor and it seems most natural to me having Jon be my maid of honor. I have been tossing around the idea of having him as my maid of honor since my fiancé purposed 2 years ago. Iâ€ve even convinced my fiancé into going with it if thatâ€s what I decide to choose. My fiancé is totally supportive in whatever I choose. Itâ€s pretty much come down to the decision of him being my maid of honor or not having one.


Wedding wise we talked about what he would wear. My fiancé and I decided that if we do have him as maid of honor that he will wear the same outfit as the guys (itâ€s a beach wedding so they are wearing pants or shorts with probably a white button down polo or something. The only difference is that we will have Jonâ€s guy shirt be the same color as my bridesmaids dresses. So he will be wearing the guyâ€s outfit, but the girls colors.


Do you guys think that this all sounds too weird? Iâ€m not the conservative type by any means and it doesnâ€t feel weird to me. I just wanted some outside opinions before I make a final decision.


Also, I would still call him my “maid of honor†right? LoL, I donâ€t think there is a any other special title I can give him, is there?


Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!

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My DH had his sister as his "best woman!" It was a lot of fun and very fitting because she watched out for him when they were growing up. The groomsmen wore seersucker pants, so she found a blue seersucker dress. It was so cute! I think you should definitely ask him! Go for it! remember...it's your wedding!


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Im doing the EXACT same thing! My best friend of 12 years is a man and is also gay. I have some close girlfriends but none can even compare to the friendship that we have shared so I really even think about it. He will be dressed exactly like the rest of the groomsmen but he will be on my side during the ceremony. I was actually surprised but I got no flack from any of my family or my FI's. apparently this is becoming much more common my mom even said that she was just at a wedding where the best man was the grooms female best friend. heck there was even a movie made about it lol

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