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Jon and Kate Plus 8


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First of all, this is my first time reading this thread, and I didn't read the whole thing - so I apologize if this has been said before.


I don't think any of us can pretend like we know this family. It's a tv show - we only see what the network wants us to see, they portray these people how they want us to see them - what will attract viewers. However, I actually was thinking the other day that I would love to hang out with John and Kate, they seem like my kind of people. I really like Kate - she says it like it is, no fluff. That's my kind of person!


Originally Posted by Christine View Post

She is snotty with Jon because sometimes he does not help her out enough I am sure she is stressed out, no matter how much help she gets during the day, she still has to do a ton of work to take care of all those kids and yes many women have that many kids, but not many have that many kids who are all the same age, again if you don't like it don't watch it, because quite honestly until you are a mother you have no idea what its like to spend all day with your child, let alone 8 children (being a nanny is nothing compared to being a mother, I thought I was prepared for having a child because I too nannied and am also a teacher, but nothing prepares you for motherhood)

Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
I think I may have said this before (can't remember and am too lazy to search back through this thread), but I'm so much like Kate in regards to her "attitude." I'm pretty much a self-professed b!tch and I will apologize to Brian afterwards, but it is super stressful to raise a child and be with them allllllll day long. I can barely handle Aiden. I think I would curl up in a corner and cry if I had 8 kids all within the same age range. I also was a teacher and did ABA therapy with children for the past 6 years. The children I worked with are Autistic and highly behavioral so I thought dealing with Aiden would be a breeze. While my experience did help, there's a big difference between an 8 hour day and a 24/7 commitment.


People snap, people get mad, people fight, people aren't calm and collected all the time. Raising a child is the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life. If they filmed my life and put it on tv, I can only imagine how I'd come off.... I know it wouldn't be pretty. Of course they are going to focus on showing the "tougher" side of raising the kids and show all the "bad" moments.

And similar to what Christine and Jess said (or at least my interpretation of what they said!), I would strongly advise you against judging people before you walk a step in their shoes. I, too, nannied, babysat, and spent my life around and caring for kids. It is a whole different world when you have a child of your own and care for them 24/7. Until you have 8 kids ... hell, until you even have 1, I'd keep your parenting judgements to yourself. I challange you to be a stay at home mom, or any mom, and not once snap at your partner. And there are no "right" and "wrong" (to use your word) ways to parent your child in many situations. There's only YOUR way. When you have your own child, then you can figure out what works best for you.
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wow, amen ann!


you are so right...i used to nanny and work for a day care center so i was so i was so adament about what i thought was the right way to parent and the wrong way to parent: not letting jack ever watch tv, or play with toys that i didnt deem pc, never to give him my cell to play with, lay down the law and show jack who was boss....boy i was sooo wrong.


parenting is such a fluid process. there really is no right or wrong. in the beginning it is all about survival. it is about what works for you and your baby. no one is the expert on all babies. each baby is different.


i really ate my words when i judged those moms that took their babies to restaurants only to have the baby cry...it doesnt make her a bad mom...who knows the back story on why the baby was crying....unless you walk a day (or more) in a mom's shoes no one has any right to judge...


regarding kate...helloooo...she has 8 small children!! that woman is super woman in my eyes.

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you said "And just b/c you have 8 children does not mean you deserve extra attention. How many women in America have many children with no help? Quite a few. My mom had 7 and had no help. Just b/c you had that many doesn't entitle you to anything IMO. Plus I think its wierd they only tried what a year? I think (might be wrong) to have children before turning to fertility drugs. WTH?"


I try to ignore many comments on forums because it tends to only get way blown out and too much drama. HOWEVER, I must comment on this. DH and I have been TTC for 15 months, we started seeing a infertility specialist after about 4 months, we or should I say "I" have a medical condition that is stopping me from being a mother, and need the help of a speicalist to have that chance. I don't think you have any right to judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. Maybe women get pregnant very easily and others, like myself, can't. I's VERY sad when everyone around you is getting pregnant and all you want is to experience the same. Yes we are thinking about adoption as well. BUT you have NO RIGHT to judge someone who choose to opt for help. YOU have NO CLUE what I have been through over these past 15 months, the stress, the tears I've shed, the jealous feelings I go through when someone gets pregnant the first time they try or ever without trying. It has put a lot of stress in my life, and I think in this day and age, why not ask for help if you need it. Oh and BTW Most DR's would say that after a year of trying and not getting pregnant then you need to see a specialist, 6 months if your charting.

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Originally Posted by TammyB View Post

you said "And just b/c you have 8 children does not mean you deserve extra attention. How many women in America have many children with no help? Quite a few. My mom had 7 and had no help. Just b/c you had that many doesn't entitle you to anything IMO. Plus I think its wierd they only tried what a year? I think (might be wrong) to have children before turning to fertility drugs. WTH?"

I try to ignore many comments on forums because it tends to only get way blown out and too much drama. HOWEVER, I must comment on this. DH and I have been TTC for 15 months, we started seeing a infertility specialist after about 4 months, we or should I say "I" have a medical condition that is stopping me from being a mother, and need the help of a speicalist to have that chance. I don't think you have any right to judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. Maybe women get pregnant very easily and others, like myself, can't. I's VERY sad when everyone around you is getting pregnant and all you want is to experience the same. Yes we are thinking about adoption as well. BUT you have NO RIGHT to judge someone who choose to opt for help. YOU have NO CLUE what I have been through over these past 15 months, the stress, the tears I've shed, the jealous feelings I go through when someone gets pregnant the first time they try or ever without trying. It has put a lot of stress in my life, and I think in this day and age, why not ask for help if you need it. Oh and BTW Most DR's would say that after a year of trying and not getting pregnant then you need to see a specialist, 6 months if your charting.
I deleted and edited my posts yesterday. And just like you I've been TTC for 14 months. And probably doing the same things you're doing. So yes I have been in your shoes. The part about needing help I meant raising 8 kids alone without sponsors. My doctor told me to try a year alone and if I didn't get pregnant then seek help. However after that I was diagnosed with a certain condition that I needed help sooner. However, I am trying very hard to do it with the help of my husband's expertise and natural rememdies. However it again didn't work this month and have made an appointment to go back in. I do apologize b/c I did not know she had a condition where she needed help, just like me. But I stick by saying she had 6 kids and KNEW she was gonna have 6 and then complained about it. I know exactly how you feel with everyone getting pregnant before you. My sister is trying to get pregnant and I found out through my mother and my sister won't tell me because she doesn't want to hurt me. I just found out and have been crying since. B/c she'll be pregnant soon and I will still be here waiting.
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Here we go...I know all to well what it is like to not be able to concieve. My first husband and I tried for FOUR years to get pregnant (we never went to a specialist). Jay and I tried the entire first 3 years we were together (before we ever got married or engaged, just because we knew we would always be together. What can I say, we are not traditional people).


Anyhow, every time someone got pregnant that I knew, it was a kick in the gut. Every time we went to the store and saw something cute for a baby I would end up in tears. I really, truly thought there was no hope for me.


When I got pregnant in February, we already had an appt. scheduled for April for me to start fertility treatment. I do not have but 1-2 periods a year and do not ovulate. I also only have 1.5 ovaries (I had 1/2 of one removed when I had a tumor removed on it). Which doesn't matter because you can still get pregnant with a hair of an ovary.


Why we finally got pregnant on our own I will never know. I am grateful and thank God everynight for Noah and the chance to be a mother.


Had we not gotten pregnant in February, I would also be taking fertility drugs. If it worked and I got pregnant with twins or triplets, you can bet I would need some extra help around here. I will be staying home with Noah for a year and am scared outta my mind. No doubt I will become a crazy woman and I pray that Jay understands that it's because I am stressed and whatnot and not just because I am a b!tch.



Wow, I have no idea where I was going with this.....I guess I am just so not opposed to fertility. And, yes if I knew I was pregnant with multiples, I am sure I would b1tch sometimes after they were born. Not because I didn't love them and was not grateful for them but because I was stressed.

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Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
Here we go...I know all to well what it is like to not be able to concieve. My first husband and I tried for FOUR years to get pregnant (we never went to a specialist). Jay and I tried the entire first 3 years we were together (before we ever got married or engaged, just because we knew we would always be together. What can I say, we are not traditional people).

Anyhow, every time someone got pregnant that I knew, it was a kick in the gut. Every time we went to the store and saw something cute for a baby I would end up in tears. I really, truly thought there was no hope for me.

When I got pregnant in February, we already had an appt. scheduled for April for me to start fertility treatment. I do not have but 1-2 periods a year and do not ovulate. I also only have 1.5 ovaries (I had 1/2 of one removed when I had a tumor removed on it). Which doesn't matter because you can still get pregnant with a hair of an ovary.

Why we finally got pregnant on our own I will never know. I am grateful and thank God everynight for Noah and the chance to be a mother.

Had we not gotten pregnant in February, I would also be taking fertility drugs. If it worked and I got pregnant with twins or triplets, you can bet I would need some extra help around here. I will be staying home with Noah for a year and am scared outta my mind. No doubt I will become a crazy woman and I pray that Jay understands that it's because I am stressed and whatnot and not just because I am a b!tch.

Wow, I have no idea where I was going with this.....I guess I am just so not opposed to fertility. And, yes if I knew I was pregnant with multiples, I am sure I would b1tch sometimes after they were born. Not because I didn't love them and was not grateful for them but because I was stressed.
I did not know that Martha. Your story made me bawl for the third time today. It gives me hope! 4 years! I'm not even to 2!
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Originally Posted by Just Martha View Post
Here we go...I know all to well what it is like to not be able to concieve. My first husband and I tried for FOUR years to get pregnant (we never went to a specialist). Jay and I tried the entire first 3 years we were together (before we ever got married or engaged, just because we knew we would always be together. What can I say, we are not traditional people).

Anyhow, every time someone got pregnant that I knew, it was a kick in the gut. Every time we went to the store and saw something cute for a baby I would end up in tears. I really, truly thought there was no hope for me.

When I got pregnant in February, we already had an appt. scheduled for April for me to start fertility treatment. I do not have but 1-2 periods a year and do not ovulate. It just so happened that I had a period a few weeks before I gor pregnant and guess I ovulated! I also only have 1.5 ovaries (I had 1/2 of one removed when I had a tumor removed on it). Which doesn't matter because you can still get pregnant with a hair of an ovary.

Why we finally got pregnant on our own I will never know. I am grateful and thank God everynight for Noah and the chance to be a mother.

Had we not gotten pregnant in February, I would also be taking fertility drugs. If it worked and I got pregnant with twins or triplets, you can bet I would need some extra help around here. I will be staying home with Noah for a year and am scared outta my mind. No doubt I will become a crazy woman and I pray that Jay understands that it's because I am stressed and whatnot and not just because I am a b!tch.

Wow, I have no idea where I was going with this.....I guess I am just so not opposed to fertility. And, yes if I knew I was pregnant with multiples, I am sure I would b1tch sometimes after they were born. Not because I didn't love them and was not grateful for them but because I was stressed.

Sorry for the rambling. Anyhow, I still watch the show....I must say that when one of the gilrs (Hannah?) had to use the restroom when they showed the 4th of July show and Kate wouldn't let her go unitl they all gathered together to take a group picture. She had to wait quite a while to go potty and that made me sad. She should have just let her run up and pee. I am glad she didn't have an accident.
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Calia, I don't know that Kate ever bitched about having that many kids, I think her and Jon both have said they feel these babies are a huge blessing and in fact once they even said they felt that God gave each of the kids to them and they were all meant to be. Any mother complains about being tired, busy, etc, but I don't think she bitches about having them exactly.

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Originally Posted by Christine View Post
Calia, I don't know that Kate ever bitched about having that many kids, I think her and Jon both have said they feel these babies are a huge blessing and in fact once they even said they felt that God gave each of the kids to them and they were all meant to be. Any mother complains about being tired, busy, etc, but I don't think she bitches about having them exactly.
The comment I refer to is she said in court "It's me and 8 kids and it's not fair." I would kill to have 1 kid and she has 8.
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