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Childhood beliefs as an adult


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haha! This post is hilarious!


I have one for you... When I was little my dad didn't want my brother and I to mess in his workshop area with all of his tools,etc. So he told us that if we touched the air compressor we would get air bubbles under our skin and die. And since you had to walk by the air compressor to get into the shop, we were terrified to go in there! Kind of mean of him in hindsight, but it was effective!

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OK I just remembered one. I loved the movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. If you haven't seen it there is this part where these girls start screaming and there is an avalanche. Well, I grew up in the mountains and there was this really windy road we drove on all the time and it said something about beware of rock slides on the way down it. I use to freak out when my sister was really loud because I thought there was going to be a rock slide so I would put my hand over her mouth when we went down it lol...

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Originally Posted by Christi View Post

It would be really funny lol My dad is the only one still alive that can give me info but he's crap lol he lives in Bali now and says don't live in the past lol


Spoke to my cousin who is a good bit older than me and she didn't know half of what I did so that was really interesting lol

- LOL...


Yeah, my mom's sister is the only one alive and she's 80 and not the best resource...


My DH and I plan on going to Scotland one of these days, so I think I'll do a some family research and see what comes up...who knows, Harty, I may come a knockin on your door (although you are in England, right?)! :)

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Originally Posted by Christi View Post
My DH and I plan on going to Scotland one of these days, so I think I'll do a some family research and see what comes up...who knows, Harty, I may come a knockin on your door (although you are in England, right?)! :)
I'm only about 2 hours from the border and 2 1/2 from edinburgh so its really close lol thats why my accent is a bit strange because its not really what you would call english lmao

FI is working in Edinburgh at the moment and so he's kitted me out with the latest scotland tops lmao I love the place its fab you HAVE to go honestly. You can knock on my door anytime we may be related lmao

If you are blond and blue eyed its a proper possibility because we all are lol
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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post
I'm only about 2 hours from the border and 2 1/2 from edinburgh so its really close lol thats why my accent is a bit strange because its not really what you would call english lmao

FI is working in Edinburgh at the moment and so he's kitted me out with the latest scotland tops lmao I love the place its fab you HAVE to go honestly. You can knock on my door anytime we may be related lmao

If you are blond and blue eyed its a proper possibility because we all are lol
We have one of each in my immediate family - blonde, brunette and redhead...most of my cousins on the Hart side are towhead blondes and the majority of us have blue eyes...

I'm seeing my aunt this weekend and I'll ask her what town grams/gramps came from...I think they came to the states in the mid 1920's...

This is so cool and has got me really excited to start the family tree...this may be a long shot, but ask your dad if he remembers a Joseph and Hannah Hart...
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Originally Posted by STACEY View Post
hehehe thats funny

oooohhh I have a lyric "blinded by the light, took off like a douche another runner in the night"

I still dont know what the correct word is.
OMG- I always thought it was "Love Shot" not Love Shack. One time I was singing "love shot, baby love shot" and Steve was like ummm....it's LOVE SHACK!!! Oopsie.
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mine is I could not stop believing in Santa Claus because my mom said that the reason christmas eve goes so slow is because Santa had to deliver all of the toys across the time world. and not to mention my mother was a hell of hider. I never found my christmas stuff. But if you think about it Christmas eve takes forever.

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Originally Posted by Christi View Post
We have one of each in my immediate family - blonde, brunette and redhead...most of my cousins on the Hart side are towhead blondes and the majority of us have blue eyes...

I'm seeing my aunt this weekend and I'll ask her what town grams/gramps came from...I think they came to the states in the mid 1920's...

This is so cool and has got me really excited to start the family tree...this may be a long shot, but ask your dad if he remembers a Joseph and Hannah Hart...
Yeah we have red heads 2 lol mine has got a lot of red in it but dad is pure blonde. My little cousin is bright red lmao

Will do but dad is only 63 so maybe a longshot.

I went online and found my grandad's birth certificate, he was born in south shields which is close to me but close to scotland lol I had a mate that used to play for Gala Rugby team in Scotland his mate was called Harty lmao I was gutted in case he was related he was bloody gorgeous lol

I'm now trying to do family tree lol
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Here is another about misunderstood lyrics.....I don't know if anyone remembers when Eddie Murphy tried being a singer back in the late 80s, but my mother and I were driving in the car and his "hit" song came on......we were just quietly driving along while the song was playing, then my mother blurts out "why is he singing about his girlfriend using the bathroom?!?!?" She thought he was singing "my girl wants to POTTY all the time, POTTY all the time, POTTY all the time." After I explained he was saying "party" we had to pull over the car because we were laughing so hard!



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