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Childhood beliefs as an adult


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When I was little I used to spend a lot of time at my Grandma's and she would buy Ruffles cookies. When I was little I could never remember what they were called and since they looked like little turds, I used to ask if I could have a poop cookie. To this day people comment on the 'poop cookies', and whenever I eat them, I think of it.


Speaking of turds, my Dad called my sister turd since she was a baby and a few years ago I asked her if she knew what a turd was. When I told her it was a little piece of poop, she freaked out and said she wasn't a piece of poop. LOL. We still call her a turd and she is fine with it now (she will be 17 tomorrow) but now my kids get the nickname too! Actually, I called one of our Dr's a turd at work the other day and we had a good laugh over it!

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when i was 10 my parents got rid of my dog, patches, and said they "sent her to live on a farm where she had plenty of room to run around and play ..." which i totally bought.


flash-forward to COLLEGE ... a friend had to put her dog to sleep and said, "yep, we gotta send him to the farm" and it was like a LIGHTBULB WENT OFF over my head! i was so upset and called my mom that night to yell at her for "killing patches and lying to me about it" ... she was like, "you JUST NOW figured that out?" hahaha


ok and this one wasn't me but my mom's best friend and her son: he had found his mother's maxi pads in the closet one day and inquired as to what they were. his mom quickly said, "put those back ... they are for when mommy has a headache!" a few months later she sees him lying in bed with one stuck to his forehead ... "but you said they were for headaches!" LMAO

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Originally Posted by Anna83 View Post
When I was a kid my mom always washed and reused her aluminum foil, so it was always wrinkled. I didn't know aluminum foil came out of the package smooth until I was living on my own for the first time.
Hahaha that must have been quite a surprise!
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I thought until last year that my family was German. my grandma bought out "family crest" out of some catalog & it came with the tale of the Three Brothers B____. They came from germany, got in a fight, moved to the US & changed their names to see who was the most properous.

I learned recently we are british & those catalogs sell fake crests & stories. At my wedding I was telling my dad how I learned it was fake & my friend's husband said, "wait, I have the crest of the Three Brothers L___!" We learned that we all got the "three brother special."
LMAO - now I'll have to check my mom's to see if it's fake...I do know it wasn't the three b's, so that's a plus...
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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post

I thought about doing our tree too...how crazy and cool would that be if we were related...

It would be really funny lol My dad is the only one still alive that can give me info but he's crap lol he lives in Bali now and says don't live in the past lol


Spoke to my cousin who is a good bit older than me and she didn't know half of what I did so that was really interesting lol

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Originally Posted by Christi View Post

It would be really funny lol My dad is the only one still alive that can give me info but he's crap lol he lives in Bali now and says don't live in the past lol


Spoke to my cousin who is a good bit older than me and she didn't know half of what I did so that was really interesting lol

Ok I have known your Dad lives in Bali but I just want to comment on it.. How awesome is that? Your Dad is the coolest? Who just up and moves to Bali? I think we need to take a girls trip to go visit your Dad lol
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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post

Ok I have known your Dad lives in Bali but I just want to comment on it.. How awesome is that? Your Dad is the coolest? Who just up and moves to Bali? I think we need to take a girls trip to go visit your Dad lol

He's a git lol He is on about coming back but not sure he will lol Trust me you don't want to meet him i'm a calmer version of him lmao
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