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Childhood beliefs as an adult


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When my dad was a bartender he would make me a half and half drink. Ginger ale and coca cola. So when I got older and still didnt drink I asked for a half and half and they gave me bacardi and coke.



Amir is still a kid but he refuses to believe that mommy's do not eat the baby before it is born.

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OMG this is really funny!


OK - you are all going to think I am dumb as rocks BUT when i was younger I thought that "Islands floated" ... yes, i really thought that islands floated and if you swam deep enough you could go under HAHAHAsmile105.gif



ANOTHER - my hair was super long as a child (like down to my waist) and is pretty thick. my mom says i used to give her a really hard time when she washed it b/c she would brush out the knots so she came up with the "knot lady" and told me that if i didn't let her brush out the knots, The Knot Lady would come and cut my hair off LOL - not the nicest story but my mom said i was F'in impossible and she tried everything else to no avail until she came up with The Knot Lady - i always let her comb out my hair.

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Originally Posted by Pug3636 View Post
My mom used to tell me that the little coin operated rides in the malls only worked if every seat on the ride was filled! I was an only child so no mall rides for me :)
That's just so sad! sad.gif

Well, I have one from my FI:

FFIL is German and has a fairly strong accent. FI's family teases him about it. Apparently he used to call Jello "Woggle Pudding" and FI used to laugh at him for it, because he said his dad was always making up fake words.

Well, about 6 years ago some of FI's German cousins came to visit (twin girls) and they were all out at lunch with FI and some others and they pointed at another table and said "Ooooh can we have some woggle pudding?"

FI just about died. Apparently the German words for Jello sound like woggle pudding. LOL...

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Oh I've got loads lol Dad is a right git and can bare faced lie to you and you never know if he's lying or not lol


My surname is Hart and there used to be a guy on TV called Tony Hart and he was an artist and had this stupid plastic thing called morph lol anyway dad told me he was my uncle lol it was years before I found out he was lying - my proper uncle even kept it going lol


My fav one was when I was a kid he had this chicken pox mark on his head and he told me he was hit with a poison dart in the jungle in borneo lol I got to about 17 and said yeah right you liar lol anyway I was about 26 and we went to Borneo lol he picked up this blow pipe and kept nailing the smallest targets - he turned to me, pointed to his head and said you see i wasn't lying lol I was 30 and got chicken pox before I realised he was bloody lying lol


There are so many I could go on for hours lol


My all time fav is that he told me elvis died on the toilet eating a hamburger lol I only realised a couple of years ago that wasn't quiet true lol

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Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
OMG this is really funny!

OK - you are all going to think I am dumb as rocks BUT when i was younger I thought that "Islands floated" ... yes, i really thought that islands floated and if you swam deep enough you could go under HAHAHAsmile105.gif
Islands don't float? I'm crushed! Seriously, I used to think that too Alyssa. I thought it was weird how they could put them on maps since they were always moving. DRRR smile120.gif
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hmm these are so great!


i can't think of any beliefs, but i can think of a bazillion misunderstood lyrics


ie: I crossed the lawn, and the lawn one. Down in the boombox.


i could go on and on. i'll have to think of some beliefs.

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
ie: I crossed the lawn, and the lawn one. Down in the boombox. .
hehehe thats funny

oooohhh I have a lyric "blinded by the light, took off like a douche another runner in the night"

I still dont know what the correct word is.
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I remember one my Dad used to tell me about how his mom used to tie him on to the crib. He's got really big ears, and he used to say that my nan was afraid he would try to fly away, so she would tie him to the crib by his ankle, and he would even haul down his sock and let me see the mark that she left. I was probably 16 or 17 before I realized the "scar" was because the band of his socks was a little too tight! lol

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You know the pies they have on display at Denny's and places like that? They sit in a display box on the wall with a slanted mirror so you can see them? My friend didn't know until we were like 20 that there was a mirror - one day she asked how they got them to stick on the wall without the filling falling out?



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