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Beach Palace in Cancun???

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Hi Jackie,


Out of curiosity, did you go with the complimentary package?


I wanted to know if the gazebo thingy came with that sashy fabric around it or was it just the posts? Thanks :)


Originally Posted by jackie_c View Post

I'm fortunate and my big brother who has been a hobby photographer for the last 3 years came to my wedding and was able to do some shots of the ceremony.  I'm not one to pine over pictures so I didn't want getting ready shots, and the other traditional stuff! Actually, I didn't get my dress on until 5 mins to the ceremony, haha. My back-up would have been to get a small photo package from the hotel, but only b/c I wanted to keep my budget really small.  From what I've seen, there the classic posed shots, you're bound to get a few you love b/c the setting is stunning but if I had the choice and/or the money I'd get an outside photographer to be safe.


Some people have gotten away with getting them a day pass ($86) while others had to buy 1 or 2 nights stay, depending on their wedding circumstances.  At least that's what the Moon Palace brides say!


I bought my chair bows from: http://www.weddinglinensdirect.com/

If you do a quick search for chair bows on BDW though, you'll find a couple more well recommended sites from other brides.


Feel free to ask me any specific questions, I'm not sure how much generic info to share!

Here are a couple of our wedding pics and some of the sky terrace set-up for our wedding.  If you want more pics of something specific, please ask and I'll see what I can come up with!







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Hi Saundra,


I couldn't see your pics. It's asking for a password. I'd love to see them please. And which package did you get?

Originally Posted by saundramichelle View Post

Okay, finally, here is my review!  I am also posting it as it's own wedding review, but thought I'd put it here since I know you ladies are probably the ones most interested in it.  I'm sorry it's so long, but it's got everything I wish I would have heard before the wedding.  Not sure why the font size changes through the review but...I couldn't fix it so I guess oh well!  Also, instead of trying to put pictures in this review, here is the link to all of our pro pics: http://www.pictage.com/1075113.

Enjoy, and let me know if you have other questions!!


Travel Agent-Lia Vincent, Journey House Travel: A+

Lia was a phenomenal help from the beginning.  She was referred to me by a friend, and I was incredibly thankful that we used her.  When we started planning, we became overwhelmed with all of the information that is available.  We met with her for about 45 minutes one afternoon, took her pictures of spaces we had seen online and liked, and gave her a list of our “must-haves,†a list of things that would be nice but didnâ€t matter too much, and a list of things we absolutely did NOT want.  She kind of thought about things for a minute, and then listed 3 resorts that fit every single one of our needs.  She then ran sample pricing from EVERY location our guests would be traveling from so we could figure out what best fit our and our guests†travel budgets.  After about a million more questions from me, we finally settled on her initial recommendation, the Beach Palace in Cancun.  As we went through the process, any time I had a question, problem, or was just worried about something not being right, she was my go-to person. Iâ€m not kidding, she would answer me in like, less than an hour 99% of the time.  She even took my file home one weekend to give me more time to figure something out before she ran credit cards and got it booked.  She was a Godsend!


Travel-Continental Vacations: B

By and large, everything went very well with Continental, and I would use them again.  I wasnâ€t terribly thrilled with the timing of every flight (making it from Terminal E all the way to Terminal A in Houston in 55 minutes while carrying a wedding dress…yikes!), but there was only one actual problem with everything.  (And I have to figure that only one problem out of 40 travelers is pretty stinking good!)  I had one friend who was traveling alone (31 year old female) because her parents had to cancel their trip at the last minute due to a death in the family.  Everything was fine on her flight down…she met up with part of my family during their plane change in Houston, and she stuck with them through customs and getting to the resort.  On the way home, however, she was the only person from our group leaving at that particular time.  She got to the airport and was told that her flight was cancelled (my best understanding is that it was due to the crash in the Continental/United computer system that left about 25K people stranded).  They put her in the airport Marriott for the night, which was a fairly sketchy hotel.  She managed to get online long enough to email my mom, who was still at the Beach Palace, and my mom contacted Lia, our travel agent. Lia got her booked on a flight for the next day, problem solved.  The next day she was informed that they couldnâ€t get her out that day either, and they would no longer be paying for her room.  She was so upset, she called Continental directly from her cell phone, and since she was sobbing on the phone, some kind soul took pity on her, re-booked her on ANY flight just to get to the US, and put her in first class for the remainder of her trip.  So it was a crappy situation, and of course had to happen to the one poor girl traveling solo…but I felt like in the end Continental came through for her.


Ground Transportation in Mexico-Traffic Tours (part of Continental travel package): B-

Everything was good with them until it was time to leave, and one funny little mix-up.  The only actual problem was that our rep at the resort told us 3 different pick up times for leaving the resort to get to the airport, and none of them were right.  We ended up sitting out front for an hour waiting for our van.  Annoying, but not the worst.  The funny thing is that we switched resorts after the wedding, and when my husband went to meet with the rep at Beach Palace and tell him we would check with the rep at the next resort, the rep misunderstood and cancelled return transportation for EVERYONE with the same last name as my hubby.  Whoops! J


Resort- Beach Palace, Cancun: A

The Beach Palace is part of the Palace Resorts group, but also part of the Wyndham chain, and Iâ€m giving it a good, solid A.  The ONLY reason it doesnâ€t get an A+ is because of the NOISE between rooms.  Honestly, I donâ€t think it would have been much of an issue except that we had the loudest, most obnoxious, drunkest neighbors possible.  Everyone on the whole floor (several from our group scattered through the same floor) could hear them at night.  And it wasnâ€t like it was just noise, it was loud, drunken fighting…nasty yelling, cursing and screaming.  Truly awful.  It was bad enough to actually wake us up, but thankfully/unfortunately never lasted long enough to call hotel security about it.  Oh well, I suppose.  Otherwise, the resort was absolutely fantastic!  The rooms were beautiful (we booked Concierge Level, but those in the “regular†rooms had just as nice of a room!), and the resort was the perfect size.  Seriously, we never had to go “searching†for anyone in our group.  If you would just walk around for about 2 minutes, you could find anyone you needed.  Also, children are allowed at the resort (one of the main reasons we picked it), but it never seemed like there were a lot of kids around or anything…no screaming children, no cannon balls in the pool, etc.  The staff members all get an A+ in my book.  My husband and I had, apparently, special wristbands on to indicate that we were a bride and groom, and each member of the staff we encountered asked about our wedding.  Our pool waitress on the first full day we were there, Carmen, was extra sweet, and actually came and found me before the end of her shift on Friday to give me a hug and wish us a happy wedding because she was off on Saturdays.  How sweet is that?!?!  The spa was awesome.  Hubby and I both got massages…had a complimentary 25 minute with our room category, and then bought a 50 minute massage each.  So, 75 minutes of massage…heaven.  I told him if we ever win the lottery, we are going back, finding my masseuse, and bringing her to the US with us as a full time masseuse on our payroll.  LOL!  Also, Palace Resorts had a promotion going on which gave everyone a certain amount of “vacation dollars†(amount depends on number of nights you stayed) to spend on various things around the resort.  We had $1500 to spend, and it was honestly tough to do.  We ended up spending $300 at the spa, $400 on tequila packages to take home (we had $400 left to spend on our last day, so got 4 of those), $700 on two lobster/champagne dinners on the beach (paid for another coupleâ€s, cause they had fewer points) and about a hundred on an “upgraded†bottle of wine at dinner one night.  Also worth noting, if you choose to book a wedding “packageâ€, you can actually spend your points on that to take $$ off the package price.  However, if you want to do that, you must spend ALL of your points on it.  Anyway, everyone in our group was very happy, and the resort was GREAT.


Wedding Coordinator-Suzette Alvar Caballero: A

In a nutshell, Suzette rocks.  I was really, really nervous in April (2 months prior to wedding) when we had still not heard from our on-site wedding coordinator.  Right at the 5 week mark, I finally asked our travel agent, Lia, to check in and make sure they hadnâ€t cancelled us on accident or something (we changed the time of our wedding midway through, so I was worried that they cancelled the original time and forgot to book the other!), and as soon as she emailed the Miami office for us, I got an email from Suzette.  She was very kind, even over email, and I liked her a lot just from emailing back and forth. I will say, BE PATIENT with the on-site WC.  I know every review on here has pretty much said that, but I feel like itâ€s worth saying again.  They are busy, and they understandably focus on the next upcoming wedding the most…but they WILL answer you. It might take a few days, but you WILL get your answers and everything WILL work out. Also, BE NICE and say “thank you†a lot! I think the onsite coordinators deal with some bridezilla-ish women from time to time, and just appreciate when someone is nice and appreciates all they do.  I will absolutely admit that planning via email was tough.  Though we had set most everything before we left, we literally changed EVERYTHING except the ceremony time/location when we met with her in person.  She really came through for us on a couple of things I didnâ€t think were quite fair.  For example, we were supposed to have to buy a whole dinner/reception because we exceeded 35 people…we had 40, 3 were little kids, so really we were only over by 2.  I (very calmly) said that I understood that it was her job to make sure the resort makes money, but that it was my job to make sure we were being treated fairly and that I didnâ€t think it was right to pay $2,000 for, essentially, two people to eat.  She picked up the phone, called to check capacity of the resort for the day of the wedding, and then said, “Okay, we will do the dinner.† So we got our free reception after all.  She also didnâ€t charge us extra for a larger cake (got two tiers to feed 40, instead of one tier to feed 35), and definitely upgraded my bouquet beyond what was supposed to be in the “free†package.  That said, we DID purchase various “extras†so it wasnâ€t like we were just trying to cheap out and get everything we could for free…and we tipped her well when we left because I did feel like she went above and beyond.


Hair and Makeup-B

Our moms, sisters, and bridal party all had some combination of hair and/or makeup.  I thought everyone looked stunning.  Except me.  All I had done was makeup (did my own hair because I have NEVER liked the way a hairstyle has looked on me for prom, formals in college, hair trial at home, etc.), and I liked everything she did except my eye shadow.  I will take about 30% of the blame because when she presented me with eye shadow color options, I said, “Youâ€re the professional, surprise me.† I was quite surprised when I opened my eyes and had a red and purple combo.  Honestly you guys, I almost cried right there.  I looked like I could have been in the Thriller video.  I knew I had my eye makeup with me in the room, so I figured I would just fix it up, and let her proceed.  The rest of my makeup was lovely, so I just fixed the shadow color when we were done, and all was well.  My mom swore it looked great, but I asked my MOH (cousin), who I knew was the ONE person that would be brutally honest with me, what she thought of it and she looked at me and said, “Well…do you like it?† I knew then that it had to be fixed!  Haha!  I would say use them, but go in with some sort of plan if youâ€re super picky. J


Wedding Location-Sky Terrace: A+

If youâ€re debating between the terrace and the beach, just do yourself a favor and pick the terrace.  The beach is gorgeous, yes.  But we did see a beach wedding while we were there and they had no privacy whatsoever.  I felt like, for us, the sky terrace was the best choice because we got the beautiful views of the ocean, beach, lagoon, sunset, etc., but it was also a completely private area.


Wedding Day-A++

Seriously, our wedding went 10X better than I ever would have thought.  Iâ€m sure it wasnâ€t the ideal wedding for every person on the planet, but it couldnâ€t have been more perfect for us!  Hubby went deep sea fishing very early that morning with our dads and some of the other guys, and I ordered myself room service, sat on our balcony, and watched the sunrise over the ocean.  What a lovely way to start my wedding day!  I fell back asleep for a while, then went down to the pool with some of the girls.  It started POURING around 11 am.  I was slightly panicked at that point!  The guys got back from fishing around noon, and the resort actually cooked up their catch (black fin tuna and mahi-mahi…yum!) for our group for lunch.  It was phenomenal!  After lunch, the resort provided Sean with a separate room to get ready in…he headed up there, and I went off to our room.  I chatted with the WC…she told me they were setting up the indoor ceremony in case the rain didnâ€t let up.  I told her that we didnâ€t come all the way to Mexico to get married indoors, and that unless it was lightning and/or there was a hurricane, we would be married outside on the sky terrace.  She laughed at me and said, “Okay!† Thankfully, the sun did come back out.  Not only did we not have to squint into the sun thanks to a few remaining clouds, but we got some beautiful wedding pictures with a rainbow and with the sunset.  Perfect!  Our judge, Pedro Solis, performed a beautiful ceremony.  We were obviously caught up in everything and didnâ€t realize until it was over that the only words we actually spoke during the ceremony were, “I do.† Haha!  But we did whisper a lot to each other and have some great pictures of us laughing together during the ceremony…it was very “us.â€


Other “Stuffâ€

Part of the wedding packages at Beach Palace is a morning-after breakfast in bed.  We got to choose from 7 or 8 different menus, and chose the time it would be delivered.  It was nice to not have to get up and head downstairs for breakfast that morning…we were still pretty exhausted!

The cake we had for the wedding was beautiful, but in my opinion didnâ€t taste too great.  I think we both only ate a few bites.  We had one tier of vanilla and one lemon.  Some of our guests said they loved it, and some didnâ€t.  My dad said it was the worse cake heâ€s ever had.  HA!  It was way more than our group needed, so we asked our WC to make sure it was shared with all of the staff who had worked so hard to make our day special.

The BEST piece of advice I got before the wedding was to give someone else our camera on the wedding day.   I was so, so thankful we had done that!  We gave it to my MIL and FIL, and between them and SIL, many pictures were taken on our camera.  It was so nice to get in bed that night and already have pics to look through!

Also, we brought a local photographer with us instead of using the resort photogs.  Photography was the only thing I wasnâ€t willing to “chance it†on, and we totally lucked into a fantastic financial deal with someone we met here at home.  If youâ€re ever in Oklahoma and need a photographer, I suggest checking out Travis Caperton at capertonphotography.com.  Amazing…he gave us 919 photos (with a full copyright release) and was the ONE aspect of the wedding that every single guest complimented us on.  He and his wife, Melissa, just fit right in with our group, and they managed to get shots that we didnâ€t even realize they were present for.  We were very happy with our decision.  However, if finances are an issue, you CAN use resort dollars on the photography packages so Iâ€d say itâ€s worth considering.



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conplimetary package comes with the white fabric...you get colored with the other wedding packages

Originally Posted by mizpriya View Post

Hi Jackie,


Out of curiosity, did you go with the complimentary package?


I wanted to know if the gazebo thingy came with that sashy fabric around it or was it just the posts? Thanks :)




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Just curious to know how everything went and if you have a review to share with us future Beach Palace brides please :o)

Originally Posted by cancun911 View Post



I am also getting married at the Beach Palace and my wedding is 75 days away. I have not heard from my wedding coordinator and have emailed Lauren; no response either!


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Aww! Congratulations! You looked beautiful btw :o)


Did you post up your review as of yet? I would love to hear all about it-- how your experience was? Anything good or bad.


Originally Posted by alysam4785 View Post

Yes I got married there November 5th, and it was amazing!



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