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I love MXC. I think I actually like it better than Wipeout, for the simple fact that when they do the voice overs, they do a hilarious job of it. They also have more activities rather than just changing up the same ones. I do get a kick out of Wipeout though. When they had the balls to throw at each other when they had to jump over that spinner thing, and none of them really understood it. I think one woman threw one ball at someone when they were jumping and that was it. Then that other person threw both balls one right after the other and hit that other guy in the head and then the face! LOL

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MXC...man...I haven't seen that in a long time! LOL


I love laughing at others expense...does that make me a bad person?!


Well, its not like I'm incredibly graceful! I've bailed a few times...and laughed at myself! And we're talking lame ass falls...like...on hard wood floors and shit. Nothing NEAR adventurous...




Oh Rachel...the mental images...are just...too much! LMAO

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You know- I have a video on our myspace of me face planting during a wakeboard trip. I will have to figure out how to share our myspace so you guys can laugh at my expense.


BTW- our myspace (Steve & mine) is really stupid. We have like 8 friends and we are never on. So I don't want people to think it's cool or anything. LOL WE just created it because our wedding website got attacked by our friends so we created a myspace so they could put their inappropriate comments there.

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Rachel - I never use my MySpace at all!


I am so glad I don't have any videos of me falling! I don't know if I am really that clumsy or just un-lucky. Everything bad that had ever happened to me hasn't been my fault really.


Probably the funniest was of me in the kitchen. We had this awkward size step, much bigger than a normal step that led to back storage. The wall between the two rooms was probably 2-3 ft. Well, i slipped, but couldn't seem to actually fall down the step! I had my hands full and I just bounced back and forth between the walls like a pin-ball until I finally managed to go down...It was not pretty.


I bruise really easy (of course) so both of my arms we all black and blue and so was my ass.


I tend to get hit in the head a lot. Stuff will fall on me, I'll run into it, be leaning down and raise up and bang my head.


I was painting our bathroom a few years ago and Mike cam in and looked all around but didn't say anything. I asked him what he was doing . His response "Looking to see what can fall on your head" Jackass!

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Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
I love MXC. I think I actually like it better than Wipeout, for the simple fact that when they do the voice overs, they do a hilarious job of it. They also have more activities rather than just changing up the same ones. I do get a kick out of Wipeout though. When they had the balls to throw at each other when they had to jump over that spinner thing, and none of them really understood it. I think one woman threw one ball at someone when they were jumping and that was it. Then that other person threw both balls one right after the other and hit that other guy in the head and then the face! LOL
Have you ever noticed that on every episode of MXC someone is named Babaganoush?

The fake announcers are hysterical, but I feel bad. You know some of those people really do get hurt! At least on WipeOut they give them some kind of protective gear!
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Rachel - I haven't checked my Myspace for ever and I am probably down to like 4 friends now I'm sure. I was going to cancel my page, but couldn't figure out how.


Erin - I love the mental pic I have of you boucing back and forth! LMAO!!!!

As for the contestants on MXC, there is no way that no one gets hurt on that show, yet I would totally do it anyways. I am pretty sure that I would make the painful eliminations of the day and have the marks to prove it for away!!!


A couple years ago we were on holidays in Cali and we went to the San Diego Zoo. My Mom, sister and I decided to race through the last bit that we didn't see while everyone else went to get something to drink and to sit down. We went over by the pigs and stuff and I somehow managed to fall off the curb which was only about an inch high (if that). The curb was on the right side, yet I fell off and landed on my left side. I had my camera on and I landed on it jamming the zoom, and my shin and calf were all scrapped and I had a big gash in my elbow that was pretty close to getting stitches. I was walking behind my Mom and sister and they suddenly heard a thump! When they turned around I was on the ground. No one else around really noticed except the zoo keeper in his golf cart that came flying over yelling at me to see if I was ok! Well then EVERYONE saw me and was staring. I limped off being all tough, and cleaned my elbow up at a fountain. When my mom and sister stopped laughing and asked me what happened, I told them the peacock attacked me! They didn't buy it, but we did have everyone else going for awhile. Still to this day if it is brought up, I blame the peacock!! LOL

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Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
The curb was on the right side, yet I fell off and landed on my left side. I had my camera on and I landed on it jamming the zoom, and my shin and calf were all scrapped and I had a big gash in my elbow that was pretty close to getting stitches.
Ummm I just did this 2 days ago stepping off our curb in front of my house! I was trying to get in the passenger side of the car and for whatever reason my leg just gave out and I twisted my ankle, scrapped my shin on the bottom of the car and bruised the hell out of my elbow when it smashed into the curb. Both DH and my sister witnessed. They started to laugh but realized I was actually really hurting.

Not to mention, how the week before our wedding I was walking the dog and fell of the curb because I was skunk eyeing some dude across the street. I badly twisted my ankle and could barely walk on it. Steve had to carry me home which was only a block away!

Erin- I'm DEATHLY afraid of stairs. Unfortunatley, I had to walk down some for the wedding so that was instaneous fear. I was successful though.

Anyways- here's ONE of my stair stories. When I was a senior in high school, I was recruited by a college in Cali. I went down to meet with the coach and after the meeting, we were walking down some stairs. I tripped and fell down the whole flight of stairs and landed in the lobby area of the athletic office where a TON of football players were gathered waiting for something. They all started to laugh because honestly, it probably was hysterical. I sprawled out face first across the floor. To make matters worse, the coach runs down to help pick me up and my dad loudly says "that wouldn't have happened if she didn't wear her stupid Herman Munster boots." Ugh- needless to say, I didn't go to that school!
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