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Our wedding is in May. We both plan on getting just a base or glow before we go. I am going to start in mid March and go twice a week...just for some color. In April I'll go get some new make up so it all matches. I have to be careful b/c I am fair, but I don't want to get burned and be red on my wedding day. My fiance has great olive skin, it takes 5 minutes for him to look great... so jealous. Anyway, I read on here that other said don't get too tan. I have heard that before, just get a base so your pictures turn out well.

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I started my tanning March 1, and after only 2 sessions I'm already tanned! My wedding is mid May. It's crazy, I have a feeling that I am going to end up wasting a lot of money since I paid for a month unlimited. Their beds are crazy powerful compared to what I've used before.

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Originally Posted by KPEG View Post
I started my tanning March 1, and after only 2 sessions I'm already tanned! My wedding is mid May. It's crazy, I have a feeling that I am going to end up wasting a lot of money since I paid for a month unlimited. Their beds are crazy powerful compared to what I've used before.
Hi fellow Winnipeg-ger- wow that's crazy, do you tan easily?? I don't usually...I'm thinking of starting in April (leaving at the end of May), where do you go? I am thinking of TanFx cause there is one right by me...
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Originally Posted by sjmacphe View Post
Hi fellow Winnipeg-ger- wow that's crazy, do you tan easily?? I don't usually...I'm thinking of starting in April (leaving at the end of May), where do you go? I am thinking of TanFx cause there is one right by me...
Hi. I do tan pretty easily but I didn't think it would be that quick! I bought a month unlimited at Lava Suntan Studio. The beds are great. I use the stand up there and seriously, it was awesome. I've used other stand ups before but nothing compared to this one. I also considered TanFX b/c the prices were more competitive and it's also not to far from home but Lava had a little more of a relaxed environment. I have to tell you though, the type of lotion you use makes a HUGE difference. And this time I used a bronzer which really sped things up! I have a makeup appointment in a month, so hopefully I will be as tanned as will be on our trip. Good luck.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have very white and freckled skin so im considering tanning options other than the tanning beds. I tried the tanning spray booth once but after a couple of days the color started fading uneven : (

My wedding is in December so i'm gonna start trying different self tanning lotions, Christa, thank you for the Neutragena recommendation :)

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We're going tanning too. We always go to get a base tan so that an afternoon spent in the water with not enough sunscreen applications doesn't end up in pain for days. I'm less concerned with getting the tan "glow" so much, more I just want to have some flexibility to not have to constantly be slathering sunscreen on every hour. :)

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