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What do you collect?


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I "collect" hallmark christmas ornaments. My mom got us one every year from the time we were born on up. And now I do it for my kids. Whatever ornament we got symbolized something we did that year, like the year we got our kitty, we got a kitty ornament. I guess thats more of a tradition.


I would LOVE to collect wine, but I always drink it to fast too! Maybe I will have to start getting a wine I don't like, that way it will stay around for awhile.


AND I think I want to start collecting fine china. I never was really into it, but now I love cooking, and having people over, and I think it would be cool to serve them on nice china from all over the world.......

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Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
I collect extra pounds. It seems like every day I just get fatter and fatter. Hopefully BL6 will help me eliminate my collection!
Yes, I do too. I heard it was the hottest new thing to collect. People are lining up to collect pounds around here. They are going fast. But somehow, even somewhat mysteriously, I can always seem to keep adding to my already enormous collection.
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Originally Posted by Betsy View Post
Yes, I do too. I heard it was the hottest new thing to collect. People are lining up to collect pounds around here. They are going fast. But somehow, even somewhat mysteriously, I can always seem to keep adding to my already enormous collection.
Everytime someone tells me they have lost weight, I tell them I found it and ask if they would like it back. I get some strange looks.

I collect snowmen. First of all, you can't be upset when looking at snowmen. Second, when you put them up for the holidays, they can stay up through February because they are winter, not Christmas. :)

I had started a collection of americana style stuff in my kitchen before I moved to Texas last year. This is because my Labrador's name is Liberty and she was born on the 4th of july, so people thought it was awesome to give me things that said Liberty or had a black lab and a flag on it... so I painted my kitchen Navy Blue and the cabinets white and ran with it. dog.gif
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  • 10 months later...

Hmmmm, how did I miss this thread for so long!


I'm pretty boring. I want a cool collection too!! The only thing I could say we "collect" is a Christmas ornament for whatever big thing happened that year, with the date on it. My parents had 1/year for each of us growing up and I used to think it was so cool. I hope that one day my mom gathers them all together and passes them along to me.


I guess I could say I collect nail polish. I buy a new one just about everytime I go into the drugstore, I probably have hundreds and I barely even paint my nails anymore!


The other thing I guess I could say I collect is crafts. I am addicted to buying craft stuff. Lately, I've even used the stuff to actually make stuff [gasp]! But I have tons and tons just boxed up.


I'd really love to have something to collect, but I can never think of anything that I want a collection of!


I don''t have a hibiscus collection yet, but I imagine I will soon. I love them.


Betsy - I've been thinking about China lately too b/c we've been having people over so often. Would you collect all different kinds? Just wondering cuz I always think of China in complete sets, but I do like mismatched stuff, I just think I might feel pressure trying to find mismatched stuff that was complimentary. Damn, I didn't even START collecting it and I'm already over-analyzing!


Originally Posted by Betsy View Post
I "collect" hallmark christmas ornaments. My mom got us one every year from the time we were born on up. And now I do it for my kids. Whatever ornament we got symbolized something we did that year, like the year we got our kitty, we got a kitty ornament. I guess thats more of a tradition.


I would LOVE to collect wine, but I always drink it to fast too! Maybe I will have to start getting a wine I don't like, that way it will stay around for awhile.


AND I think I want to start collecting fine china. I never was really into it, but now I love cooking, and having people over, and I think it would be cool to serve them on nice china from all over the world.......

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